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Sigil Baram.8561

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Everything posted by Sigil Baram.8561

  1. I couldn't even figure out why my glider was sometimes deploying and sometimes not despite me only pushing space once until I found this thread. The thought that holding space bar was doing it didn't even cross my mind. No other game that uses space to jump uses holding space for anything beside jumping farther/higher. I seriously thought the glider was bugged and deploying by itself.... All these people in here saying variations of "just don't hold space, retrain your muscle memory". I counter you with the fact that mounts require you to hold space to jump farther/higher. Holding space to jump farther is part of the game. It might not work for the character's jump, but it's there and very widely used on mounts, so telling people to retrain their muscle memory is a very bad argument. They can't train away from muscle memory that the same game is training them into... Holding space to jump farther is also an instinctual thing to some degree and/or a hold over from other games. Also, even if I know that holding jump doesn't make me go farther in a given game and I usually do just tap the button, if a given jump is really dicey (ie jump puzzle jumps) I instinctual hold the button. It's like... part of clenching? xD Overall having holding space bar deploy the glider is VERY unintuitive and counter to habits that gw2 itself enforces via mounts, which means forcing it on players is bad game design. I wouldn't mind if they left an option for it since others might be used to it and taking it from them would then affect their muscle memory, but it should definitely be an option that those who don't like it can disable. EDIT: Just realized this particular thread is a year old not a weak old... oops...
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