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black orca.1583

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  1. Edit: Anyone that wants to know how this convo started, my original post reacting to the balance changes is on page 11, please read that one for my upfront criticisms to the balance update. Okay, I am assuming you are not joking and actually want me to take you serious. So, I will try again to convey my point in a way you understand. I have exclusively played cfb in fractals for the last year and a half because of how insanely easy the rotation is. Doing a rotation for 6s does not constitute a rotation. I said cap at 28k-30k sustain. That is not a joke. I dont care what the burst is for any build. Make cfb burst 100k dps for all I care, but if you are only auto attacking after, you should never be able to do 30k+ sustain for 30s+. I never exclusively said cfb is the only build that has this problem. There are plenty of builds I disagree with. But when I go into cms and 4 out of the 5 classes are firebrand I want to puke because no one ever does a rotation past 6s. Again, you clearly dont understand or have never try harded firebrand before. Here is the log: https://dps.report/yhOJ-20220804-225847_skor this is even one of the worse examples, im pretty sure I did not prestack aotj in that log. Click on phase 1, click on player summary, then click on graph. look at my rotation. after 6s it is only auto attacks. I would have done 39k if I didnt use torch 4 or axe 2-3. "which benches 36k atm which of course gets boosted to 40k with fractal modifiers) but only when you do your rotation, NOT with only auto attacking as you are clearly stating!" THAT IS THE PROBLEM, what rotation? after 6s there is no rotation. rotations do not exist on condi firebrand after 6s. You auto attack that is it. "Using sustain in the context of 6 second long phases where you are still "cooling off" from your burst makes zero sense." - Yes, it does. literally the definition of sustain is anything after your burst. After you stop pressing all of your burst buttons, what do you do to do sustain dps? on cfb you press your 1 until the boss phases. I do not mind that, what I do mind is that it sustains 40k. Please for the love of god compare that log to this log: https://dps.report/Sspx-20220610-115148_skor Again, click on phase 1, click on player summary, then click on graph. Do you or do you not see the problem here? Do you want warrior only pressing 1 after 6s and at the end hitting 35k? if the answer is yes, THANK GOD you are not on the balance team. If your answer is yes then there is literally nothing more for us to talk about but at least you will be consistent. Hopefully I have proven how insane your thinking that this is okay, is wrong. Again, im trying to not be insulting, but when I am literally a tier or 2 under dT level, please do not say things so insulting. Why would I talk about anything if I do not have substantial experience in it. UNLIKE YOU, I actually use real situations to explain why I believe in something. You are the only person here saying random outrageous stuff. You clearly never played warrior but tried to explain to me, someone with 4.6k hours on warrior, why warrior is bad and good? lmfao. You clearly have never played soulbeast but put your two cents in it. I had to educate you on both of those classes, and you are saying that I am using arbitrary outrageous random stuff? lmao...... again, okay mate. I clearly have to school you on CFB as well. "I think you haven't played firebrand that much if you make such statements." yikes. again, YOU LITERALLY JUST SAID RANDOM OUTRAGEOUS STUFF about warrior and soulbeast. And after I educate you on them you still dont believe im a real player and im just randomly calling cfb bad? dude, you have to give credit where credit is due. No one with 4.6k hours on one class is going to just arbitrarily say things. If I then make a comparison judgement between warrior and cfb, why for a second would you think I havent put 1k hours into cfb before stating an opinion? you think I hopped onto cfb played for 1 hour and just pulled this info out of thin air? really? You are one dense person mate. And again, for whatever dumb reason I have to explain myself to someone that insists on arguing a horrible position and does not understand the core mechanics of class you claim to main... Yes, no one is debating that, so this point is moot. I am well aware you do far more damage inside of fractals than outside of fractals...... I have fractal god and have been doing cms for 3 years. Again I do not know why you think I do not know this info.... When I said it isnt like that now, again you clearly do not understand what I mean. 2 years ago, 100cm was shattered, guess what? Condi did not exist in fractals. Pug cm groups did power and on average could phase skorvald in 10s. 10-12s IS burst big boom dps lets go for pugs. The problem is that with condi the way it is now, pug groups will spend 20s on skorvald p1, but because they pressed 1 for 14 of 20 seconds they did 30k+ dps at the end and think they are good. ONTOP of that, they never have to care about cc because it breaks at 6s+. They never press their cc buttons. They never have to care about dodging, cc, or conditions on them because HFB handles it all. Cfbs will just take signet of wrath instead of sanc because they dont even know that its a dps increase. Again, we are allowing people to turn their brains off, not care about mechanics, literally dont even have to look at the screen to play "hardcore end game content". I am not just talking about cfb, ANY BUILD that lets you press 1 and average more than 30k+ dps for 30s should never exist. I literally do not know how to convey this to you in words you will understand. If we are talking about raids, any raid where you can do consistent constant dps, cfb actually excels in. And again, it is insane to compare fractals to raids but because you are so insistent, lets talk about it. Have you ever played cfb on Soulless Horror or Dhuum, or MO? There is a reason some classes are really really good at certain fights, and why they are bad at others. In a pug setting, If we do not have GODLY Snow crows players, I will consistently be top or 2nd best dps on all of those fights with cfb. Why? Because the sustain is so good because you only auto attack. Fights like Trio, or Sabetha, Slothasor, or Twin Largos, are particularly bad for CFB because they move around a lot and cleanse condis every phase, you have multiple targets, etc etc. That is why CFB is not taken that much in raids. In the couple of encounters where you do take it, you are TOP DPS (in a pug setting) AUTO ATTACKING FOR MOST OF THE FIGHT. Obviously when your tome 1 comes off cool down you have to do that rotation.... again for 6s..... then you invuln with elite... then do that rotation again... then weapon swap and axe 2-3, then auto for 15-20 seconds till tome 1 is off cd again. How come auto attacking for 15-20 seconds in raids, sustains 30k+? I would be just as pissed if I was a raider playing any class that actually has a rotation and then see any build that autos for 15-20s average the same or more dps than me. Okay, now finally again, I can get back to explaining fractal mechanics to you. Did I say to kill cfb? no. I said nerf the sustain. make the burst from tome 1 so insanely op. I do not care. I do not care what classes have burst. Burst is not the problem. if you are actually pressing your buttons you should be rewarded. Make tome 1 burst alone 70k for all I care, your average dps at the end will still be 30k+ but at least, when you start pressing 1 exclusively you get punished for it same as power. However, I think this is a particularly bad idea because it makes dT players even better, hence why I said, force people to actually press their buttons. Make cfb actually press everything in a proper order and still hit 40k dps that is not just auto attack, then I dont care and it actually is fair and balanced compared to power. When did I ever bring up any fractal other than cms? But since you did, again lets address it. You want to balance classes around ALL of fractals? Any encounter that does not rely on burst dps, only makes burst dps better not worse. Literally, take any fractal and analyze cfb under a critical microscope. Siren's Reef, Uncategorized, Volcanic, Swampland, Molten Boss, Twilight Oasis, Deepstone, AQUATIC RUINS for gods sake, all of those fractals in their entirety, before the boss fight and during the boss fight, I would take CFB over anything else. Name me one fractal where you would take Axe/axe, swap x/mace, berserker warrior over cfb because warrior objectively does more cleave or single target average dps over cfb in the same scenario. NAME ONE. Next, did I say to balance only around skorvald? No. Again, you are not listening. I said to take a solid look at multiple pug groups and see how they fair on all of cms and identify where people are playing only pressing 1 and are being rewarded with top dps. It literally does not matter that skorvald is a few steps away from singularity. I could have chosen Artsariiv. Artsariiv, in a pug setting, I am cleanly top dps over the second person by 10k, AND I AM ONLY AUTO ATTACKING after the first 6 seconds. Again, conveniently you did not understand what I said. In any game in the history of games if there is any particular class or build rewards you for far less effort and gives a clear advantage over any and all other classes that actually make you try, then unanimously everyone has always agreed that should not exist. Yes it is. CMs are the best benchmark to balance classes around. Again, you are the only person saying arbitrary random stuff that does not make sense. The reason why CMs are the best benchmark are because they are consistent. For you to do "balancing" you need TONS of CONSISTENT data. You do not balance cfb around the 30 fractals that have a billion adds that allow me to burst 120k dps (before you say some outlandish nonsense, if I have 5 veterans around, or 15 or more small adds, yes I can and do accomplish 120k dps without even trying.) You should balance classes around the 7 fractal CM fights that are all different with varying mechanics and look at the 100 pug groups that run every day and see how many fail, what were the reasons, if they succeeded what were the reasons? are there any specific classes that are clearly going above and beyond making sure that the group does not wipe? Are the people actually caring about the game? Or are they just standing there pressing 1 key doing 30k dps getting hit by everything screaming for the Hb to give stability? You look at 5,000 case studies and look at the average of everything. Then make the balance patch. You will see that something like 70% of all classes played in cm pugs are guardian. Of those classes, 80% of them are firebrand, either healer, cfb, or cqb. You can not look at that data and say "there is no problem here, warrior, SLB, engineer, necromancer, thief, all have proper representation in cms and all have one reason or another to take over Firebrand (OR ANY OTHER CLASS THAT ALLOWS YOU TO STOP CARING ABOUT THE GAME AND CLOSE YOUR EYES DURING THE FIGHT). Why the hell would you call it endgame content if I can literally close my eyes and succeed? It is supposed to be among the hardest content in the game. It is supposed to mean you are among the best players in the game. Make it actually hard. Do not ever create a build in the first place that can just press 1 button close your eyes and not even care what the boss throws at you because you can literally close your eyes for 10 seconds and the boss will phase. I was agreeing with your first post.... you do not have to repeat yourself. You said in your first post that we should just prioritize playing certain classes to fulfill certain roles. CFB will never be top dps on sloth. Is that a problem?.... that is just how the fight is. And again, when did I say to make cfb obsolete? I dont care how much damage it does. If it is going to do insane dps, at least force it to have a real rotation. Look at condi weaver. that rotation is insane. Too insane. Dont do that. But also it does insane dps even in cms (in pug groups) and is viable. Obviously in 6s phases it isnt viable. But a condi weaver doesnt only press 1 for 10s after the burst. in pug groups where any boss doesnt phase for 30s+, condi weaver is more than viable, it has the potential to be top dps. I have no problem with that. It should be rewarded for the opener being 15-20s long, then sustain rotation being 10-15s long on repeat. That is crazy. Make cfb best dps class. I dont care if it is top dps IF it has a real rotation where you press more than your 1 skill. Nerfing something into the ground does not mean make it obsolete. It means take it off of god tier status. It being at god tier status for a 1/5 effort, and able to beat the power renegade in cc, and provide stability with tome 3, for no loss of dps because you already spammed 1 ten times means there is 0 reason to ever play anything else. It literally should not exist. It should not be able to single handedly do everything. BALANCE means that one thing is superior at x, but fails at y, and another class fails at x but is superior at y. That is balance. Alac renegade has the best CC in the game and has easiest access to permanently upkeep alacrity. Great, but it also has mediocre dps. Balance. Imagine power alac renegade also bursting 50k, sustaining 30k. Actually alac renegade is a perfect example. Have you ever seen a video of power ren on cms? No? Well I learned it. Precast darkrazer-icerazor, swap legends, staff 5 the second the bar is up, weapon swap, AP f3, 5,4,2,111111111111111111. If the boss phases after your 2 skill, your burst dps (and average) is 30k. If the boss takes 20 seconds to phase and you auto attack for 15s, your average dps falls to 6k-7k roughly. That is balanced. It is not sustaining 30k dps like cfb does after the burst. That is balanced. FIREBRAND is not ONLY good at dps (for no skill whatsoever by pressing 1 for 14 seconds). It also can beat renegade cc if they precast sanctuary and the ren staff 5 late....which in pug is always the case. And it does not stop there. It also can nullify all mechanics with tome 3. After the burst it can also full heal the entire group with tome 2, It also provides protection with the heal skill, on skorvald you dont even take renewed focus because the phases on boss are too short, what do you take? Stability mantra. So that all the other players can also just press 1 with you till the boss phases. AND THAT IS CFB. THAT IS NOT EVEN HB. AGAIN, in a pug setting, why the hell would I ever take warrior, holo, slb, reaper, or any other dps class over cfb? Cfb, single handedly does EVERYTHING those classes do, does them better, and supports for a short duration just as good as a full on Hb. THAT IS NOT BALANCED. I am not cherry picking CFB either, there are many builds that are able to do godly dps auto attacking, they need to not exist. They auto attack and do better than all other dps classes that actually force you to play the game in a pug setting. Again, I am going to try my best not to insult you. You are clearly not hitting the "theoretical maximum" because I had to spell this out to you. When did I ever say I am unhappy with how high some classes burst? Why do I have to intentionally play worse and put on yellow gear to cater to how you want to just auto attack and close your eyes? I do not care if any class has any amount of burst. LISTEN TO THESE WORDS: THE UNACCEPTABLE PART IS AUTO ATTACKING 30k+ DPS. YES IT DOES AFFECT ME HOW FAST YOU KILL YOUR BOSSES. Anet believe that 98% of the player base should auto attack and clear the hardest content in the game. I DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT. Most high end cm fractal players do. I do not. IF YOU WANT TO AUTO ATTACK ONLY THAT IS FINE, IT SHOULD BE LESS THAN 20K. It should not AUTO ATTACK sustain 30K+ dps, literally doing BETTER DPS THAN ME - A TIER BELOW DT LEVEL WARRIOR that try hards and actually dodges and cares about mechanics and changes my build to be optimal for every individual fight. There was a few people. Guess what? THEY ALL QUIT THE GAME. "Why?" you may ask. Because why the hell should they try hard, not take a healer to make the game harder, optimize their rotation better than snowcrows to be specific for fractals, optimize their builds SPECIFICALLY FOR FRACTALS, optimize cc and do 35k dps? Why would they go through all that effort of hundreds of hours of gameplay optimization only for 98% of the player base to convince anet that their game is too hard and needs build like power mech, where they only have to press 1 LITERALLY CLOSE THEIR EYES CAUSE HB HANDLES EVERYTHING THAT THEY SHOULD KNOW, AND DO THE SAME DPS THAT THE BEST PLAYERS IN THE GAME DO? YES IT IS HARD TO GET A GROUP GOING BECAUSE NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE GAME ANYMORE. Doing 30k dps means nothing because mech can do it only pressing 1. There is no reason to try, there is no reason to care about the fight, there is no reason to care about raids or fractals, it is all meaningless because the hardest content in the game can be cleared by 4 or 5 insanely broken classes that leaves 0 reason to take anything else in a pug setting. I will never lower my dps because you dont care to learn a rotation. I will hit whatever anet puts as the maximum numbers. I dont care what the numbers are. And why the hell do you think I should lower my dps? lol. How in all of the things I said did you some how get into your brain that me doing big damage was a problem? I said pressing 1 key doing MORE DAMAGE than actual pro players that care and actively learn the mechanics and optimize rotations and builds to be less effective than the person just pressing 1 is unacceptable. You have never hit the theoretical maximum obviously because you have never played classes that make you try. Please, if you actually dont understand anything someone says do not criticize it. So instead of you saying random nonsense, please be productive and actual learn first. Go watch some videos, watch build composition, watch synergy, then look at the 98% of pug cms. Notice how its just a bunch of people thinking they are good by pressing 1? Notice how none of them do mechanics because hb handles it all? Notice how dT people jump the shock wave on islands of skorvald? No, you dont notice that?... you just want every class to do 45k dps auto attacking and kill the game? Lastly, let me give one last thing for you to think about among everything else you never considered before. You know how insulting it is to the creators of the fractals for you to suggest that pressing 1 is okay? Think about the hundreds, if not, thousands of hours all the creators spent designing every fight to be unique and compelling. Think about every mechanic every boss has. Think about all the art and animations, and words across your screen when you get a 1 shot mechanic on you. You are saying they should have just not wasted those thousands of hours designing every fight because they are just golems anyway. They should not put time and effort into creating their own game because all of it can be cleared with an hb that stops all the mechanics, and classes that just press their 1 key to make the dps checks............................... YIKES. I am done debating this. all of the 98% people that want the "hardcore end game content" easily accessible by just pressing 1 that literally can close their eyes on every single fight will kill this game. It already is killing it when hundreds, if not several thousand of the best players in the game quit to go play other mmos. and the 98% all scream for joy as they dont have to care about a single artists, coder, designer, encounter, gold, meta, raid, or anything else because they have their trusty 1 skill and say "theres a dodge button?" "what does sak mean?" special action key, that you must press on cairn cm or you go flying. No, you want to make anet take that out of cairn cm too cause its too hard? oh okay..... nothing can shock me anymore when trying to "balance" around the 98% that dont want to learn anything about the game. I am not mad at you guys, just disappointed. I just pray anet chooses a path that will actually make the game and endgame content worth caring about and actually mean something when I say I do 30k dps on warrior.
  2. I completely and whole heartily agree. that is exactly what I was saying. lets actually play the game not be afk and literally just press 1 doing the same "dps quality" whatever as an active player that memorizes all the mechanics and takes different utilities for every fight. it isnt fair, and that auto attack afk mode in "end game hardcore content" is what anet has been pushing this last year intentional or not.
  3. Your entire post is exactly what I said: 1. it is cherry picked to fractals because they made this update for pve........... fractals and specifically made reference to fractals. yes it also affects minimally open world, but who cares what build you play when you do stuff in dwc? Also, it is a "cherry picked" perspective because they literally put (pve only) in everything. I did not say they should change anything for wvw or pvp. 2. Nerf stuff into the ground to make it fair and balanced. I did not ignore that a lot of classes do what I described what?... I literally said nerf all classes that allow you to auto attack 30k+dps. You are right it is not worth it to take cfb into raids...whats your point?..... thats the point of "Balance patch". I do not know how you would balance cfb in specific to also be good at raids, but why not just play another class like you said that is better at one thing over other classes? Also, without Aotj prestacking I could still auto 40k dps lol... the burst at 6s goes down from like 80k to like 50k.... sustain is still auto attack after for 40k average dps for the next 10s. 3. Yeah it WAS like that. it is not now. that is the point of my post. The breakbars were literally nerfed over the last 2 years, the offensive infinite potion gives VITALITY instead of precision now. What?...... it was fun to just blast things, but unless you have a group of 4 other insanely god tier players literally discretized level, that does not exist. And I do not want them to balance around dT level players it should be balanced around the 98%. My argument is simply if 98% of players want to only auto attack, they should do less dps in fractals than people that actual learn how to play the game properly and play classes well and do optimizations. And the fact of the matter is that there are many builds right now that do higher dps auto attacking than actually try harding and optimizing builds like warrior. 4.Yes... I am aware you have never really played warrior... I wasnt going to get into it on my original post. I have played 4,600 hours of warrior. I am a warrior main. 4,200 of those hours was on 1 character. The other 400 hours is on my warrior I only use in WvW. I literally optimized my build and rotation specific for fractals with the help of someone in dT. It is not a random statement. In pug groups on any given fight it is really really hard to hit higher than 25k average dps or even in phase 1 for warrior if it goes longer than 25 seconds (but cfb can do 45k sustain for 30s+ auto attacking). In my high end fractal static that was probably 2 tiers below dT level but 50x better than pug level, it is nearly impossible to hit higher than 35-40k. Our average skorvald p1 was about 6.5s on good days and 8s on bad days. On good days 6.5s OLD BS when it was good, I was hitting about 50-55k. On bad days that is 8s+ id be lucky to do more than 45k. Current berserker does about 25% less damage now than before, maybe more. 35k is the high end now for a no healer static that isnt dT level. 5. I generalized warrior because I did not want to have to get into the nitty gritty of why. Also, you are proving my point on why we need nerfs. People say insane things like "Bladesworn currently pulls 40k+ sustain with INSANE burst, which would only get heavily upscaled in fractals." That statement clearly shows how you do not understand my point. Yes bladesworn currently pulls lots of damage. NO IT IS NOT BURST. Bladesworn? The class that you stand still for 4 seconds and press 1 button then wait 4s then press another button? doing 40k dps?.... again, not only should that not exist, it is not even considered burst. Burst is damage that you do considerably higher for a short duration then sustain lower. Next, no it does not get upscaled in fractals whatsoever. Go and look up a dT video. The only class ever used in dT videos for war is power berserker. The reason bladesworn is not used is because of the lack of damage. Yes, it sustains decently, put it in comparison to berserker in a fight for 30s, and bladesworn objectively does more dps.......................(pressing 1 button every 4 seconds kitten....) but if you compare it to berserker in a boss fight that phases in 3.5s for the BEST case scenario in a dT group. That is where bladesworn should win. But it doesnt. Berserker beats bladesworn in 3.5s phases, and in a more likely scenario you are in a static and phase 6-7s, it is even worse cause bladesworn still doesnt even get off 2 swings lol. In 6-7s phases bladesworn gets destroyed. If the phase is 8s-12s they are about even, after 15-20s berserker falls off and bladesworn is better. Hence why trying to claim any comparison between raids and fractals is complete and utter nonsense to begin with. 6. I literally was saying to do this. My problem is not that somethings have higher burst than others. The skill level for playing bladesworn is a 1/5, and you do 40k sustain. The skill level for play power mech is a 1/5, and you do 30k literally only pressing auto attack. That is not fair or balanced when a berserker has to be literally a god tier player and average dps is less than 30k. Yes, burst is higher, but you can not say to me with a straight face, someone that has never care about learning a class or reading what the traits do, or never utilities for more cc or dps, should only have to press "1" and match a pro berserker's dps in fractals. 7. Yes slb burst is insanely high. that is why it is taken when the phase is 3.5s. However, as we already established, Anet should not balance around dT level players, they should balance around the 98%. Lets take dT level player and put that person in a pug and see what happens. They do the burst for the 3.5s they trained for. realized half of their burst wasnt in exposed because pugs dont cc till 6s into the fight. Are you aware after the slb burst is over, they auto attack on sword till the boss phases? look at their dps when that happens, they go from 90k dps (which only happens if they axe 5 into exposed) to about 15-20k dps auto attacking. Then it doesnt even phase at 8s, a pug skorvald p1 can take up to 15s sometimes 20s in really bad groups. That slb then has to swap to short bow, do another lb5 and lb2, their average dps at the end is less than 30k I can guarantee it. OR that same person can auto attack on cfb and do the 6s burst where it doesnt matter if the bar breaks or not then auto attack for the last 14s and at the end of a 20s phase I - ME Personally, NOT a CFB main, hit 48k at the end of 20s p1 skorvald. 8.Nerfing stab on HFB will at least make it viable to take druid or ele. the only reason druids and eles get kicked out of 98% of pug groups is because they dont have stability. Again, HB is the biggest hard carry in the game. you do not even need an hb to clear the content. but we dont balance around the good players, we balance around the 98% that want to auto attack, and not dodge. Stability shouldnt be on firebrand period. 98% of pugs dont even play the game, they dont watch for mechanics because they dont have to. They dont have to dodge because hb gives permanent stability. They dont have to special action on arkk because hb will tome 3-3 or use wall of reflect+ give stability on top of that so they dont even need to worry about the shock wave after. The devs made the content to be difficult. There should never be anyone that screams stability and rage quits. We are catering every build in the game to people that dont even know they are supposed to jump the shockwave on the islands of skorvald. 9. huh?............what?............ I dont know what to say to that. Okay firstly, in any game in the history of games, anything that is so insanely broken that clearly requires no skill+puts you at a clear obscene advantage over others in multiple ways unanimously everyone has always agreed to nerf it. I literally gave the other option if you dont do that. if you want to "level the battlefield" you can either raise all the other builds to auto attack 75k burst, 45k sustain (which hopefully we all agree is insane) or you nerf that builds that are broken. You are not putting the crown on someone elses head. I did not say the balancing would be done when we do this. I said in my post that there were many more problems but these specific ones are the actual reasons why people are quitting the game. That is not egotistical. I literally said to balance more. If you have to nerf everything and start all over, that is literally better than the insane amount of players that say "oh cms are easy I auto attack on mech and do 30k, hahahahaha I beat the DH" Again, bragging when they dont even know how bad at the game they are because they never had to do a single mechanic because of HB, they dont know what a rotation is, they don't even know the names of the freaking titles when no one in your group dies. They just say dwd. literally tons and tons of players dont even know that Leaves no Hero Behind is a title for 99cm. Again, I have nothing against people wanting to auto attack and turn their brain off. if you want to play that build, fine. make it 18k dps. Better than a support renegade, worse than any pdps that actually cares. Nerf cfb to cap out 28k-30k SUSTAIN. The burst is literally 70k, and sustains 40k auto attacking. OR the alternative which will never happen because thats the whole point of playing CFB, make it actually have a real rotation. make all skills do slightly less damage, put the skills on a slightly faster Cd, and then for you to sustain 40k you need to do a real proper rotation by pressing your skills in a specific order. Where condi damage people actually have to cc the break bar and care about mechanics. And these are only the problems with 1 specific build CFB, not including any of the variants or any other class. There are many classes that have this problem.
  4. Anet, I know this is a long post, but please read this. As a whole, this balance patch is good. I agree with almost all of these changes. I am a very high end fractal player. I understand the point of this update is to give a dps increase to power classes. However, there is a much bigger problem: The real issue actually has nothing to do with "does warrior do dps and cc?" or "does healbrand provide too much support?". Yes, I agree with nerfing heal brand. It needs a serious nerf. Stability is one of the problems. I agree with making more classes, like druid and tempest more viable as support builds in fractals. However, again, that actually is not the problem. The real problem is that in high end gameplay, when you use warrior in fractals for example. The skill cap is so beyond intense for you to actually be good. I like that though, and it is needed for a healthy game. The player should be rewarded for actually learning every encounter and taking different utility skills for optimization. You have to know when to press certain skills, the order, etc, all of it matters. But what is the reward? the reward for all of our hard work and optimization for warrior (or any other meta, off-meta power build) is sub-par dps. Warrior: in pug groups have 25k average, in high end groups cant hit more than 35k, and if the boss does not phase within 8 seconds, it drops off to 30-25k. IF that was the STANDARD for all builds power, condi, or otherwise, then there is no problem. The REAL problem is that you then have builds like power mech that only presses 1 and does 30k dps forever. These types of builds should never have existed in the first place. Condi firebrand does their burst for 6 seconds, after 6 seconds they auto attack on axe for 12 seconds, and average dps is 48k. I literally have a log of 99cm, skorvald (first fight) I did my condi firebrand burst for 6s, auto attack for 12seconds and I average 48k. These builds exist in a pug setting with no optimization. With optimization it only gets more insane. Can you imagine buffing Dragon Hunter to the point that if they only auto attack with greatsword they do 75k burst and average 45k? if the answer is no, then nerf all the builds that can do that; condi, power, or otherwise, into the ground. Power mech is one of them. There are quite a few builds that have the ability to just press 1 and equal dps unrivaled in the history of the game. Dragon Hunter does not need weapon buffs. does it help? yes. The highest end of fractal players that actually know how mechanics work and play the game right already use DH because it is the best. There is no composition better than 2 Dragon Hunters, 2 soulbeasts, and 1 alac renegade. If they know what they are doing nothing is better. The problem is there is nothing else that is viable. Warrior doesn't exist in those groups because you took away banners (that increases group dps). Why would anyone take warrior over a DH when DH can do 5x more burst damage? Again, that actually is not the big problem. I do not mind DH doing more burst than warrior because to hit those insane numbers you have to actually play the game insanely well. You guys have made it clear that you are not balancing for the highest end of fractal players. I actually agree with that unlike my fellow high end fractal players. So, I have highlighted in this post what is wrong with the 98% of pug group builds that are beyond unreasonable. Questions you have to consider: Why would anyone take warrior or soulbeast or holo (in a pug setting) over condi firebrand when condi firebrand only has to press the 1 key and average 48k dps? Does adding cc to condi warrior bow builds actually make warrior more viable? Warrior viability was only because of banners being able to increase group dps (which doesnt exist anymore). Adding more cc to a condi or power build has no relevance in the slightest when most of the cc from war comes from mace and head butt anyway. But again, why would we even consider taking warrior in the first place when Condi firebrand takes sanctuary for no dps loss and does 5x more cc damage? Does adding stability to spirits actually make power soulbeast take spirits in a pug setting when spirits do not add any buffs to the group that are not already provided by someone else? No, therefore then they just take signet and sic em to increase personal dps. Does removing 1 charge of stability from healbrand actually increase the use of other classes when heal brand still has 4 or 5 other sources of stability? Healbrand players need to be good to provide 25might. A good firebrand will never drop might, but you do not look at good players anyway as a source for builds, so you can not look at good healbrands either. You have to look at the average of the 98% of players. 98% of players with a heal brand in the group do not average more than 18 might. That is a fact. So is that really an issue? If the issue is that players are bad, that has nothing to do with how good the game is. They should get better at the game. They should learn how to never drop 25might. You do not need to make builds that auto attack average 48k dps to compensate for bad players. If you are perfectly accepting of allowing players that only press their 1 key to do more damage than actual pro players that cared to learn mechanics and play the game properly, then BUFF Dragon hunter, warrior, soulbeast, holomancer, power alac renegade, reaper, to auto attack 75k burst, and 45k sustain. IF you do that, YOU WILL LOSE all the people that actually care about your game. You will lose all the people that actually care about learning mechanics, or wanting harder content, or people that want to engage in the next fight you create, all the players that are actually telling people to play gw2 over other mmos. All of those players will quit, but at least from a moral stand point you did what was right by the player base. YOU HAVE 2 OPTIONS: 1. Nerf the builds that can literally press 1 and do better dps than people that actually care to learn how to play the game. 2. you make the game so insanely easy with any build that just pressing 1 does 45k dps. If I were you, I would choose to nerf ALL of Condi firebrand into the ground (press more than 1 key and do average 28k is fair), Nerf all of condi scourge into the ground (press more than 1 key and do average 28k is fair), Nerf most of healbrand so it is not the dominant source of might or stability. Make half of the might generated come from the Alacrity player so it forces them to actually press their buttons and the group will have 25 might. Power and condi quick brand are balanced as far as boons are concerned, but again condi quick brand can do 35k average dps auto attacking. For the change of a couple traits and 1 utility skill Condi Firebrand becoming Condi quickbrand (half of might gen and all of the quick source) only loses 10k dps. That is insane for only having to press the 1 key. SUMMARY ANALYSIS: Again, this patch is a good step in the right direction, but nowhere near enough. To me it seems that you are only addressing the surface layer nonsense like "warrior should do cc". And you are not addressing what is actually wrong, and has been wrong with fractals for over a year now and has progressively gotten worse with every patch and new build update. It is a fault on the community for allowing you guys to make it this bad in the first place. You guys threw the fractal community a lifeline with this balance patch. You are telling us you do care and want to know our feedback. Well here I speak for all of us, you wanted an honest opinion of this balance patch, and here it is. I have put so many years, thousands of hours into this game making many many amazing memories with friends that have all quit. If you actually care about proper balance, I have laid out most of the problems in this post. Obviously I do not expect immediate change. It takes time to get this stuff right. And there are many many more problems. But if you can fix any of the problems at all in this post, you guys will prove to me you actually care about your audience and the people that play this game loyally through thick and thin.
  5. Hello, everyone. This is my first time posting on the forums. I have never needed to use the forums until now. I usually call myself a casual, however more and more things have left me with only this option. I am now going to refer to myself as elitist. There. I said it. I want to join any guild with dedicated CM and t4 fractal groups. Ive mained bannerslave for about 2 years now. However, im going to start playing other classes in fractals (namely dps). I have the gear for other classes and do well on the golem for them but I have yet to play most in fractals. Now, I realize this is going to sound like a rant. However, I want you to know im already calling myself elitist. I am getting really tired of pugs. My static runs at off hours for me so I usually cant join them. But the pugs are the worst... now usually most people agree with that... but im talking about people with even 200ess. I have 45ess currently and lnhb. now most people might look at that and say well I am just a noob. I would normally agree. However, how can people with 200ess not have common sense? Yes, you are good at the game. No one is going to discredit that. But if you decide as the healer to force a full pug group to go and face tank all the mechanics, why then would you blame the Bannerslave whos doing more dps than a weaver and a DH (that died in the first half of the fight) for the near wipe? I am not saying that the healer was bad. The healer was one of the best healers ive ever seen. But a full pug group is not your static. Do the normal strat that everyone knows instead of just running in there because you yourself are a good player. If it was a static that is used to that I would understand. But then why blame the bannerslave for being bad when im top dps the whole fight WHILE TYPING. I am tired of people without any common sense. Again, I used to think myself as a casual player... I really dont want to be elitist. But this is my last resort at an attempt to play fractals and enjoy them. When I was a noob I enjoyed fractals because I learned something new every day. Now what I think I need is like minded people that dont tolerate garbage. That being said, I dont want to come off as not understanding. I really dont care if people dont know the mechanics or cant dps as long as they try to learn and do better. And of course I want to joke around and have fun while doing fractals. its not meant to be hardcore. I love memeing around while doing fractals. Some of the best times ive ever had playing the game was with people who didnt have any clue what to do. Like once, in an old guild of mine, we took a level 60 through t4s because we could. Took 2 hours but we did it lol. Anyway, if you are in a guild that does CMs and T4s daily I would greatly appreciate an invite. Can respond here or whisp/mail me in game at: black orca.1583
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