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Kishijooten.5817's Achievements

  1. I'm in EU tier 6, blue team. We got steamrolled all week, all day long. MOL outnumber us, by far. This was my worst experience in WvW ever. Frustrating as we could do nothing vs perma boonblob. MOL was everywhere, all the time. This was so horrible that I'm just wondering if I keep on playing this game (playing since beta). So, some players probably had fun this week. Not us, blue team from last tier. But who cares ? ^^ Surely not Anet... Btw, we got 48 points right now, and red got 264. Such a balanced game. 😑
  2. Indeed, this is unplayable and definitevely unfair. Red MOL complaining about no content when they mainly attack the weakest tier's group... Massive boonblob vs 10 players. All day long. 😔
  3. I'm not a top player but i 'm a bit experienced(rank 3306). I really like roaming but since thursday, I just can't. I really love WvW but I feel discouraged. Being killed by a full red MOL red zerg while I'm alone, and they still flame me when I'm dead. Is this fair competitive game ? What about new players trying WvW ? Yes, we'll see who will be left...
  4. I'm on blue team. We got a perma red blob vs a few disorganized blue players. What are we supposed to do ? I'm sorry you feel disapointed but we cannot fight you. I wish we could but we can't. Less than 48 hours and I really miss my Jade Sea mates... 😥
  5. I had the same problem. I've just changed my password : all is OK now ^^
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