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  1. Yeah..this relink is exactly like the last one. There is no point even in posting here on this forum anymore..glad I did hold up on buying any expansion or more
  2. WvW is on its way to become the next PvP. Those who benefit by surfing the system are the same ones who celebrated the removal of proper matchmaking and the introduction of 50?% win/loss ratio BS....the same ones who then cried when people left pvp and now cry even more because the gamemode they "loved" so much has been depopulated...same thing will happen to WvW when those celebrating will cry :" we capped everything..no fights...there is no content". Let them laugh now and gloat....they won't do it for long
  3. Loads of people will quit at 100% if the next relink tomorrow is like the first. It's already impossible to have more than 20 players across all maps at prime time...2-3 players the rest of the time.
  4. You can get that gift in a single day doing absolutely nothing almost...How is that comparable to legendary earrings?
  5. Stacked "servers" like this? https://imgur.com/a/682IV1Y Ha wait...this is the "new system" there shouldn't be stacked server..hold on
  6. How this WR is any better? You still have stacked worlds vs the ppters who can't fight for kitten....players still leave hopeless matches and never come back. I bet "organized" worlds are enjoying farming ppters who have the skill level of a badly programmed bot but there is a limit even to their "don't care" attitude and they will keep leaving till you on "organized" worlds will have nothing to do but capping empty towers or chase with 20+ people, that poor fella who just wanted to cap a camp for the daily. I look forward to the imminent day where all the apologetic BS will come heavily crushing down so....celebrate now farming that bunch of ppters...eventually they will quit, their number is steadily decreasing every week, ANET and the lot must have noticed already....
  7. That's the point I am making. The good ideas are there and this is where we want to be, forget about the dmg numbers and golem benchmark people are so fixated on, those can be increased at any time. The spear needs work but it's far from being as worthless as pvers want you to think.....heck pvers complaining when the dmg of spear in wvw was cut by 50-60%
  8. Permanent superspeed: Scrapper Excessive quickness access: Holosmith, Reaper, Scrapper Excessive amount of low CD CC skills: Scrappers/Holosmith/Reaper/Harbinger Excessive upfront condi burst: Scrapper, Harbinger Unsavoury mechanics: Engineer with permanent superspeed running throwing grenades behind me/Harbingers with broken elite, so broken it makes even the most obtuse individuals look good and decent - the most broken elite skill in the long 15 history of GW2 franchise, the most asinine design ever: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_of_Ambition , no sane person can even try to defend something like this and imagine playing a necro...and complain about balance...utterly insane Excessive access to Chill: Reaper/Harbinger Unnerfed Main mechanic: Reaper shroud still sitting at -50% dmg reduction despite Feb 2020 sustain nerfs overall, shroud should have been nerfed to 25% dmg reduction Basically, the OP is complaining about every single thing he cannot permanent superspeed runaway/grenade spam and CC lock/condi spamm from 900/1200 range...
  9. Everyone is like that...average gw2 player wants the cake..with the cherry on top...eat the whole cake and leave you with nothing..not even the crumbles
  10. I do believe that everybody must be like that these days. Maybe it's time we stop blaming the player and look at the balance overall. High sustain+dmg builds were introduced by Anet to cover up for their negligence. As a vet player since 2012, I do get extremely irritated getting insta downed by something that teleports through walls doing a 1/2s cast animation on you while CC at the same time or by something that stealthed a mile away and you can't possibly see coming, then CC/burst you down in 1/2s cast macro guided animation and people have the bloody ability to call this "skilled" gameplay......I can't imagine a new player getting downed instantly and all he sees is a shadow zipping around. These days you can't leave respawn unless you have a build that can withstand a tactical nuke....the balance in this game is an absolute kittening joke, I find better balance in a P2W game where the devs give the tools to people to go toe to toe against paying whales
  11. All this back and forth nonsensical thread...at the end of the day every single one of you will play the least effort=biggest reward build possible...while talking about "leet skill" with a grinning face.
  12. WTH do you even win with the pointless ppt?
  13. my story with spear so far in pve/wvw: hyped after first trailer intrigued very much after preview stream can't put down my beta character and I am sad that release is 2 months away I am just amazed and how people reacted to spear
  14. There is the pull, float, daze x 2 plus and forgot couple more ...Add Lightning rod to maximise the utility. You can maximize Etching with AA and no extra cost and....pulsing stab field, available on every spec not just tempest or catalyst. Oh and this is 1200 range, so no more standing at sniping range of enemy in wvw..scepter is 900 range, while mesmer/necro pewpew from 1200 range...spear will be a huge difference
  15. Because: Warhorn is a pure pve weapon Sword is for tanky duellist and one of my favourite Hammer was pointless as we already had dagger/dagger for melee combat, it should have been a moving melee range aoe fortress...instead is a..we dunno what Pistol, I can make it works thx to offhand, weapon....on its own the weapon is not that good outside golem benchmark So yeah as a wvw player with occasional pvp, spear offers what I needed
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