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Posts posted by Arimir.5864

  1. @"Lokkia.9326" said:Hi, I'm looking for an oceanic/Au based guild.. I'm in Melbourne and my play times are the same as yours. I'm new to GW2 and still trying to figure out most of the stuff, but having a blast anyway. I've come from a long background of EQ1, Rift, TESO a bit of WoW and used to anything from just exploring, crafting, pve to high end raiding. Would love to see more of the group content with a friendly guild.

    Hi there :) apologies on the delay, and thank you for your message :) I"ll throw you a in-game mail and a ginvite when I get in game next :)

  2. @Perthro.6719 said:Hi there! I'd be interested in joining you guys. I'm actually in the GMT/BST timezone right now, but I'm generally available at around 9:30GMT onwards - Are you guys on the NA Servers, just to check? I haven't played in a very, VERY long time but I'm looking at coming back to the game!

    Thank you for your request. Yes, we are on NA servers. I'll throw you a in-game mail and a ginvite when I get in game next :)

  3. Edit 30 May 2022:
    After taking a long hiatus due to IRL stuff and coming back, thinking about re-establishing the (now a defunct) guild provided there is enough interest to help make a home for us in our timezone .
    If anyone is interested, drop me a message either here or in game and I'll get back to you to see what we can do. I'd prolly need willing leader types that can help take charge and not leave everything all up to one person (me)... but everyone is welcome to come :)


    From 16 April 2019:
    Welcome and thank you for taking the time to read our post


    Currently on the lookout for...

    Even if PvP or Raiding is not your thing, please continue reading... If this fits you, then comment below :)

    2nd Guild Exclusive Static Raiding Group

    We already have one guild exclusive static raiding group, and looking to complete our second one. No matter if you ain't raided, or don't have your ascended or legendary gear but have been wanting to

    Casual/non-static Raiding

    We want to include everyone, so... this... :)

    Build up PvP Teams

    Looking to build up some teams to do PvP, again, it doesn't matter if you haven't done PvP but are keen on it

    About us

    We are a new family orientated guild from Australia with a focus on fun, friendliness and inclusion of all membersWe are open to all - new, experienced, returning, PvE, PvP, etc... it does not matter as ALL are welcomeWe are a small group of fun people with raiding experience from other games, and prioritise fun, friendliness and inclusion of all members, and frown on elitism and pushiness. Main focus is including people, and doing things with people. We genuinely care for all our membersFor raids, we are mostly casual, and a little semi-casual, but keen and we commit to it when life allows us to, because we're having heaps of fun

    Timezone & Hours of Play

    We are usually on in our evenings, at about 20:00 (8pm) AEST onward (that's about GMT+10), and are mostly active on weekends

    Server (homeworld)

    We are currently (and happily) scattered across many servers. If you are concerned about the server you are on, worry not, as this only affects you if want to do WvW as a guild. For all other content, we can all happily participate together, irrespective of what server you are on


    Current Activities

    • Regular fractal and dungeon runs (sometimes multiple times a day)
    • Guild Missions and building our Guild Hall
    • Just hanging out
    • Spamming animated gifs and emojis in Discord
    • Many gearing, leveling, theory-crafting discussions
    • Regular raid schedule

      Upcoming Activities

    • Regular sPvP (building)

    If there's something you'd like to do as a group, just tell us in guild chat (or suggest in discord), and I'm sure someone will be more than likely to say yes and/or accommodate


    Quality over Quantity. We don't really want to grow too big, in that the size of the guild puts pressure upon the members. Just want to be big enough for a guild-full of people to have fun in content that caters for us. Overall, we just want to have fun, and will try to cater for everyone as best we can


    There really are none, except

    • be nice
    • don't be a hero
    • consider everyone in the guild
    • up to you what you want to participate in

    We are not going to expect nor tell you that you have to

    • represent a certain amount of the time you play
    • do guild missions every time
    • talk in discord each time you log in
    • play a specific class, and in a specific way
    • have a certain amount of DPS
    • have a certain amount of boon uptime
    • have a certain amount of condition uptime
    • have specific gear, runes, sigils or weapons
    • be a master of multiple professions (classes)
    • have at minimum a certain number of gear sets for multiple scenarios
    • participate in all aspects of the game and play modes

    The only time representing is needed is when we do things that really require it, and if the guild member participating wants to represent so we all get the rewards together

    In short, we will not enforce nor impose expectations - it's your game, and the member communities guild (as in it's all of ours) - everyone has a voice

    Ranks and Positions

    Participating and integrating with our member community is what will get noticed and earn you a rank over time. This does take time, and is something we look out for to reward our great community membersWe are in the process of promoting people into guild lead type of roles at the moment, and we are fairing quite nicely regarding this, but always on the lookout for people who want to lead, people who want to simply be ranked members, and most importantly, people who just want to have some fun


    For Group orientated, instanced and coordinated activities (fractals, dungeons, raids, etc) it'd be nice for you to at least hear what's going on. No need to speak in it. It just makes it much easier communicating in group content as opposed to getting lots of typed messages whilst trying to do a fractal, or dungeon, or conquest, etc

    Announcements, raid and pvp team formation, raffles, shenanigans, and non-in-game comms happens here (like animated gifs), as does the ability to vote, have your say on things and ask questions when we're tucked away sleeping

    Other than that, it's not really a must, and if you don't want to participate in these types of activities


    We really do frown on active and/or passive aggressive behaviour towards other people, because of perceived participation and performance. This also goes for cliche's, stereotyping, being categorically insensitive, unjustly and demurring. We will always be as supportive and inclusive as we can, for everyone, no matter what, no matter the content. Even for something like answering a question in guild chat, or just feeling grumpy on that day

    Sometimes you just want to try something new (like raiding or PvP), and we will always encourage and help people take those first steps in a supportive way so you get the most out of it. We have a great member community who's got everyone's back, and helps everyone lots. No pressure, fun first

    Most Important

    We understand real life always comes first, and this is just a game, but is more fun playing it with others. We are real people from the real world. Dads, brothers, sisters, married, single, students, have work commitments, etc. Some of us may have real life ailments, and find support in a caring community... so we understand and have compassion for what needs to be accounted for in out of gameRemember to log off every now and then, spend some time in the sun, with your mum and dad, eat healthy, and do the things that matter in life. We will still be here to muck around when you log back in :)

    Finishing note

    If all of this sounds like fun, and aligned to what you are after, in a chill and friendly environment, then comment below :)

    Looking forward to meeting you all.

    Apply NOW

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