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  1. I have a HAM that can obliterate a pile of kryptis while I'm AFK. That being said, the shortbow is so clunky to use that you could solo legendary bounties with it and I'd still rather play something else.
  2. It's not fixed enough. I am still seeing uncompleted and untracked wizard vault objectives overwriting the character adventure guide objective display on sub-80 characters. I expect this is because, unlike every single other type of achievement/daily/weekly objective, the adventure guide objectives are mysteriously unable to be individually tracked. How they alone fail to conform is an odd oversight, but hopefully changed soon.
  3. Since it's never worked right, ever, I'd have to assume being totally broken is just intended at this point. #TEAMWONTFIX Unless there's not enough bugs in it, so you won't see me surprised to find a patch where they add in a few spots of no collision in the floor randomly, just to keep players on their toes.
  4. The valdhertz crypts has suffered from hard blocking bugs since it was released a year and a half ago. Its entire existence is one of utter unreliability. How no one at anet noticed cared about this when they put on the list of 'crap no one does because it's boring, unrewarding, lame or broken so let's make it a daily so they have to do it' is beyond me.
  5. I did get a response from support, which was "sucks to be you," essentially. Which isn't surprising, if they cared in the first place we wouldn't be here talking about this right now.
  6. Because like many things in this game, it was a decision made by a spreadsheet and not someone who understands how the game is played. Someone saw something in the game that no one was ever really doing, and instead of sensibly trying to figure out why no one was doing it and fixing it (because that would require actual effort), they instead made it a daily requirement to squeeze people into doing it. Same with the Spirit Vestibule objective on day one.
  7. I can already give you feedback on the combat changes. They are irrelevant. I cannot see any number or flavor of added weapons un-break Scourge after you tied it into a knot and threw it in the trash.
  8. No improvement at all, still spamming this message every minute or so, which is incredibly annoying as for some silly reason it kills all UI interaction. @vee.5609 is completely correct, this is not important enough an error that it should be anything other than a system entry in the chatbox. The only time I should be seeing this in the middle of my face is when it actually affects me, ie. I'm on the login screen.
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