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Posts posted by dronte.3416

  1. @shadowpass.4236 said:The problem with forcing ranger to take two defensive traitlines like wilderness survival and nature magic is that beastmastery is also mandatory for core ranger because the extra stats help prevent the pet from dying to random condis and cleave.

    I might have misunderstood this, but you never need two defensive traitlines for core ranger. BM/MM/WS is the way to go.

  2. @Falan.1839 said:Yes, it is. Its full damage potential is reached when its combined with other (cover) condi builds, but even without those is still profits from its tankiness and obnoxious pull skill. The team that finished second in the last EU mAt heavily used it. I'd say there is a bit of a bias from old school rev players towards power because it is mechanically more challenging and more fun to play, but Condi Rev is very strong.I feel it's tanky, but not that tanky. Heavy stunlock hurts considering there is only one stability on the build. That's actually my main concern in upper tiers so far. Of course against condi it lives easily but combined with heavy cc you can drop pretty easily. Pulls are incredible, that's for sure.

    Have to check mAT VOD-s if there are some around

  3. @dronte.3416 said:Lmao calling out Maul as the only problem. Take a look at how the bird hits, for example. Pet coefficients are f* up right now.

    Btw both core nec and core ranger needs a nerf (focusing on pets)Wait sorry I changed my mind, I switched to core ranger (havent played for like 2 years) and I am climbing as f

    Anet please dont nerf thx

  4. CI IS NOT THE PROBLEM, the trait was one of the very few traits that actually rewarded skillful gameplay if NOT combined with Infinite Horizon.I was playing core interrupt mesmer for 2 seasons with pretty great succcess before this sh*t came to meta and everyone started running the mirage variant, which is a very dumb and no-skill build especially compared to the original core version. But CI is NOT the problem itself.. If you want a quick fix to this, rework IH..

  5. @Alatar.7364 said:

    @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:Omg ur outa of meta for the 1st time in 7 years? Cant play this game no more....#sarcasm....how about u main a ele then u have the right to complain about being out of meta.

    I'm sad about ele too, but ATM mesmer is completely out of scene.. I hope anet balance ele too... This is not a counter balance post...

    For the most part Mesmer is so called
    "out of meta"
    because of poor mind state of most of its players. Mesmer has been broken for so so so long that most of them are no longer able to tell the difference between Broken OP and Normal, so now when its not pathetic ez mode they think it is not viable, while the truth is it is perfectly viable
    (some of its Meta builds at least)
    just no longer broken.Yeah yeah I get your point.. but you are wrong. Mesmer IS actually bad at the moment.
  6. @"Chilli.2976" said:We've all done it, for example - queuing as a Druid to force a high possibility to have a Druid on the enemy team, then swapping character at the last second to either counter that class or the team composition.

    The other thing I've seen, is "top players" duo queuing as double Necromancer to force either one or two on the enemy team then swapping to double Revenant to counter and steamroll the game.In a way this is kind of match manipulation as you're abusing how the matching making works.

    Simple resolution, the class you queue as, is the class you play and are not allowed to swap once in the game.

    Also double stacking classes should not be allowed to queue, unless ArenaNet fixes their algorithm.I'm pretty sure that the algorythm takes professions into account but not elite specs. That means you can queue as a druid but there is an equal chance of having a core ranger or soulbeast on the enemy team. Which are basically entirely different specializations and you have no control over it. Add this to all other points listed in this topic, and you realize character swapping has a very slight effect on the actual team composition and outcome of the game.

  7. All dueling master traits are borderline useless now. It doesn't matter if we are talking about power or condi mirage, core mes, or anything, which is ridiculous. The on-demand blind was what made melee dueling possible against hard-hitting (currently overtuned) melee classes like holosmith and spellbreaker (see: Rampage).

    Now Blinding Dissipation is completely utter useless. Rework.

    The Evasive Mirror nerf was well-deserved, but 10s seems a bit excessive imo. Anet could lower cd to around 7-8s but it still will be a very clunky trait. Rework.

    Sword trait is totally useless for pvp obviously, but I guess it's needed for PvE builds?

    All 3 main hand weapons for mesmer are actually terrible now.

    Sword was good until the evade frame was nerfed, now it's even worse without the blind traits (you are forced to attack ranged more). Barely useful. One small buff should start with extending the range of sword3+ port imo, or make sword2 1,5s evade (why was it nerfed in the first place...?)

    Scepter3 hits like a wet noodle now, nerf, again, was well-deserved, but way over the top. Either buff it back by 10-20%, or rework.

    Axe.. always a clunky weapon, now nerfed to ground (deservedly). Rework.

    These are the first few things that come to my mind, but there are an incredibly huge number of traits being useless on mesmer...

  8. @"Ragnar.4257" said:I would add:

    "I died 1vX, therefore I am doing my job, and my team sucks for not taking rest of map"

    What this demonstrates is a complete failure to understand the concept of a "snowball". The reason you are outnumbered is probably because your team just got beaten somewhere else on the map, and then the enemy team had free players to send over and plus you. Your team didn't lose with a numbers advantage, they probably lost with even numbers, or even a numbers dis-advantage, and then that is being carried over on to you. You weren't fighting 1vX for the entire time, just the 10 seconds before you died. Your team aren't afk on mid while you fight valiantly 1v3, they're all dead respawning.

    Its on you to recognise that your team just got beaten elsewhere, and that therefore you will probably become outnumbered, and therefore need to back off and regroup. 99% of the time, if you die, there's something you could have done to not die, you just didn't recognise it quickly enough.

    Obviously if you've been fighting 1v2 for 5+ minutes, your team really should be able to take advantage of that. But 99% of the time I see this being said, the person saying it was only fighting outnumbered for maybe 20-30 seconds, which is nowhere near time for your team to take advantage of, especially if they're coming off respawns.This is also very true. Some people can't really differentiate between being farmed the whole game by 2 people and actually holding up 2 or 3 enemy players.

    I see players pushing far or mid just to die alone against 2 or 3 after like 20-30 seconds then spamming the teamchat about how the team is useless.

    At the same time it's very situational how long of keeping 2 people busy is "useful". You really don't need to 1v2 for 5+ minutes to make it useful.

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