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Everything posted by Jeffcyb.9817

  1. Seems like you haven't seen how badly the Elem has been treated these last years. I mean, i don't even play the class, but still, it's common meme now that Elementalist is the worst class to play since it got nerfed and never got even the slightest buff
  2. Well, they did mention they wanted specs like Druid to be closer and competitive support wise to the Guardian. Tho they probably won't make it that close. i'm pretty sure Anet never liked the mesmer anyway. Not the recent devs at Anet anyway. Pretty much like our hater 'friend' above complaining about how much his days in PvP back 3 years ago were tough and sad since he couldn't effectively play against and counter mirages....
  3. Yeah. Scourge already had a secured spot in WvW since PoF release. It will remain as it is since they're probably be, again, the main source of boon stripping for zergs. While chronos will go back to the becnh. Probably quickly followed by scrappers (my actual main class in WvW).
  4. still doesn't explain why Mirage would be too OP with 2 dodges these days. + nerfing null field ? why ? i mean, it's like most of the usefulness of the chrono in WvW (beside illu (lol) and grav well (lol when they don't have stability) ) Seems like the devs only like guard/scourges/warzerkers comp in their zergs
  5. Same as praqtos there.You don't really understand how it works.Again, speaking only for WvW since i don't do raids (never did any, lot of personnal issues).In WvW Zerg, chronos are "mainly" used to proc a veil, a gravity well, and do some pulls with the focus.So far, the grav is on a 90sec CD, does a "little" bit of CC, and a "little bit" of damage if you're stuffed for Zerg fights. Meaning either Minstrel support, or Damage light support with marauders and such...At least, with the Time-continuum shift, we were able, without having to get a clone on and keep it alive, to proc 2 gravity wells when we wanted/needed to. Now, we'll have to hope we proc a clone, hope we can keep it alive for the right moment we can cast the grav and hope we don't have a sloppy guard or we don't have or stability removed as we proc that grav along with the T-C Shift... A lot of things that can go awfully wrong for such a small gain in zerg fights, since we're not the strongest CCs or DPSs.It's just not worth enough to come as a Chrono in WvW for zerg and be there just to cast a veil and try a pull while kiting away and maybe a grav.
  6. Yeah, that's a pretty good point, and it's a very systemic issue with the Anet balance team. They have extremely little game experience, and so they usually have no clue what the actual ramifications of their changes will be. That results in them making really poor decisions that require a fix, but they only get around to implementing that fix months or years later. Could removal of illusionary persona be fine alongside a rework of clone mechanics? Sure, but they're gonna make the first change now, and probably never get around to fixing clones. And it creates another big problem for players. Guys like me, who don't PvE/farm a lot and so don't get rich quickly enough to adapt on changes and stuff at least 2 or 3 caracters for WvW (if they want to play WvW) won't be able to do much until... the next balance patch that might ruin their work again. Why don't Anet comes down Mt Olympus and have a chat with us is still beyond my understanding.
  7. The issue is in the order in which they make the changes.If, and i mean IF, they ever make a change on how clones work in all modes (because let's face it, after reading the notes, i don't think they take WvW as a part of their reflexions), then maybe, we'll have a feeling of being a bit useful again in zerg fights. Problem is... they nerf the whole thing before even considering working on the clones mecanic.Maybe it's harder than for other classes and stuff... but then why not discuss it with the Mesmer community, and see where it can lead, instead of just doing that, and then see how it goes ?
  8. Might need some rework like the gyros. These guys had a lifebar and a hitbox too until Anet just decided to turn them into moving wells for scrappers. Clones are like rangers and necro pets. Except that they are more weaker than the others.I keep thinking about it but i don't see how my chrono that i just love to play in WvW zergs is gonna, at least, be useful after this "rework". Only one gravity, one Veil and the rest of the fight is just waiting for pull and trying to proc alacrity... Chaos interrupt will fall in the unused builds like it always be once people start playing with condiclear and more defense again.BTW about the note : What did they mean by the illusion counter ? it may be my bad english but I don't get it.Speed of Sand = no superspeed reset when using master of manipulation.Chrono shatter : it's a shatter mecanics like without IP and we lose F4 invul. Need to see the numbers.Dune cloak : can be pretty good with boon removal.Auspicious anguish : hudge survival nerf for all chaos builds. (Hopefully I switched to no chaos builds.) Will see how did it perform with other changes. BTW WHERE IS THE GLAMOUR TRAIT : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/72428/when-will-the-glamour-trait-come-backCome on please... the three purple/pink dots next to shatters now reflect on non-shattered clones only rather than included ones running towards enemy for shatter. To clarify further, it's a cosmetic change only and has no gameplay implications. The changes to chrono being unable to self-shatter, on the other hand, is pretty devastating for any hope of mesmer being usable in WvW groups. It's also just generally a miserable change from a QoL perspective. There's a good reason why almost every single build in vanilla took illusionary persona until it became baseline. True but they were looking for a way to add a trade off to chrono, what would in your opinion be a fair tradeoff?A trade off doesn't have to mean "you'll sacrifice this and won't be able to play your favourite game mode, but you can still go in others you don't like so much".Especially since the last months have been almost nothing but nerfs against mesmers/chronos/mirages weapons and mechanics because "they're too powerful"
  9. Not sure it's gonna be great for chronomancers in zergs.I mean, the new shatters can be fun, but i can't think of much ways to get a clone up and "keep" it "alive" enough so we can shatter and proc at least the continuum shift. Maybe with the 2 on scepter... if we use it good enough and we don't lose them in those giants AoE from scourges, revs and weavers. Seems like we're not gonna see much from the zerg chronos anymore, which is sad.
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