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Harddrive.2738's Achievements

  1. Its broken as a open world event, 3 people in a 56+ fight screwed whole meta (it only takes 1). Made us waste 2-3min of fight than we lost while DPSing her at 3%. Most of the time it happens 2x and we never even get as low as 20%. Pointless jumping game which makes no sense to fight theme. This isn't a raid.
  2. For a open world boss, this is a broken event. Completely broken.
  3. This isn't a raid event, why would you think that you could get 50+ players to follow the mechanics perfectly to have a chance with a 2h reset window. If you fail at a raid boss, you can just try again 30sec later or kick people that are incapable of doing the mechanics whatever the reason. There is almost no tolerance for failure in dps or cooperation which is stupid for this type of event.
  4. I have the same issue. When you do the lab jump it continues to the beach/golem events without breaking. You apparently have to travel back to Desert Highlands to find the proper instance enter point and re-do to get proper credit.
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