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Akilles.4320's Achievements

  1. The patch was a move in the right direction, much better now.A nerf overall the duelist builds, so the side node fights can be quicker and get to the teamfight at mid.And promotes other builds (not strong enough before) to rise up, so we can have more build diversity across the board, that's how it's done, very good job ArenaNet.
  2. I see that we got here players, that only play Weaver, because that's the only way you would think that Weaver got enough nerfs and it's fine.There's some news for you, everyone got nerfed and the big problem here is your counters got much more nerfed than you, so basically you don't have counters, that's not hard to understand, is it?You dont want more nerfs? Ok, lets bring up to your level some confusion or chill profession users then, that would also solve this.
  3. As he said you can choose, in the right of your pvp window under ranked you can choose between "conquest, stronghold, both" or something similar like that, if you don't want to. Play champions dust, click on conquest Didn't notice that small detail. Thanks for the tip.
  4. Yesterday while I was testing builds in unranked, the game obliged me to play 4 straight matches in a row at Battle of Champion's Dusk, without even had the chance of anyone at that match to vote if we wanted or not to play in that. Isn't it already enough?
  5. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1217930#Comment_1217930 Am I reading it wrong? or are you now asking for the easy way and to nerf?:eyes: And those 2 problems are still the worst in PvP right now, but by the time I wrote that, every build meta or not, had a counter, mostly, right now Weaver counters got nerfed so you Weaver players here defending that it is fine, you know that's a lie.Basically Weavers got too much of everything, while their counters got nerfed, Weaver nerfs aren't on pair, it needs to be tuned down. Exactly.
  6. People complaining around guardians, necros, engis and rangers are new to the game or completely clueless how to PvP, everyone of those got a counter, Weaver not.
  7. Well I'm sure that is not true, for the majority of the PvP players.And if it isn't infinite seems like it very much, more they do too much of everything. Not everyone playing PvP are Top, so the rules shouldn't revolve around top players, but the majority of the players.
  8. Like the title says, when it will be enough of the infinite frame loops and still able to burn to death everyone?No counters, has to be focus by 2 or 3 players.I know the problem with Renegades and Heralds at higher ranks and AT's, but right now Weaver is has broken has it used to be with Mirages and even those had some counters.Impossible to enjoy a PvP game if the other team got a sword Weaver and you don't.
  9. The ranked system and the matchmaker are the most serious problems PvP has right now.But people like to opt for the easiest way which is to ask for nerfs.
  10. It's not a Pegasus, it's a Alicorn and the poor thing is bored :3 :phttps://mythicalmagicalbeastsandbeings.com/alicorn.html
  11. Unfortunately zinkz is right, I played this game beta and the PvP has been on a downward road since then. The how fast you melt or melt the enemy, being the worst to my concern.2 day's ago I was testing a Druid build and got to a cap where arrived a enemy Scrapper too, we fight for over 2 or 3 minutes, I'm not sure, without no one else interference and sadly it was the best PvP I had for ages in GW2, I won but even if I had lost I would be satisfied and he did too, he whispered me with "Let's do this again?"This is so rare, when it should be the rule.With this skritt meta "Fast and Rageous" is what GW2 PvP is failing the most... To bring satisfaction to their player's.
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