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Everything posted by Gautama.5378

  1. 2 things. first-pls hide outfit helmet if i dont use it when i preview some weapon coz i dont like when view change my look. second-i heared in gw1 there was possibility with outfit to use some other helmet like for example red glow eyes and even if its not true would be nice if anet would make this possibility in gw2.
  2. need Liminal Moorhound with Distant Lands Mount Select License so pls sell it again-maybe even with some lower price this time-but most important atleast sell it pls.also-i ask to make tattered cape-maybe with a bit shorter style than too long (not sure with this)-need darker colors-style should fit like for haunted outfit for example (or my norn assassin Bloodstained Lunatic Noble Coat style)-i give example picture but make it without hood ofc-coz cant find correct example.https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/f8/b7/33f8b7a0a4d368f2248f2177cce93073.jpghttps://absolver.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Absolver/T_Pictos_YangyinSet_Shoulder.png
  3. for royal ascalon axe they made fire effect so its example how i need the exact iron axe or darksteel axe skin but with given element effect
  4. with my norn warrior i choose to use similar to iron axe the darksteel axe skin coz it fits for whole view and looks simple practical weapon at same time so it would be nice if anet would make for these weapon designs some elemental effects like fire or lightning. maybe even ice or i dont know how it would look like earth effect.
  5. long time im asking in gem store requests Mini Avian 3 Pack but still nothing and i think coz of wiki message-"Players may still possess the item, but it can no longer be acquired."-there is no way to get it even for black lion mini tickets-so im asking to bring back this item atleast once for winter theme coz there is snow owl or raven which is birds of winter and i want all 3 birds in this item-so pls sell it in gem store or make it possible for tickets atleast for celebrating winter or christmas theme coz i want it most but there is no way to get it.
  6. long time im asking in gem store requests Mini Avian 3 Pack but still nothing and i think coz of wiki message-"Players may still possess the item, but it can no longer be acquired."-there is no way to get it even for black lion mini tickets-so im asking to bring back this item atleast once for winter theme coz there is snow owl or raven which is birds of winter and i want all 3 birds in this item-so pls sell it in gem store or make it possible for tickets atleast for celebrating winter or christmas theme coz i want it most but there is no way to get it.
  7. weaver dual element combination change from what i have to other when i change map or ranger pet swaps when i change map
  8. i ask to make tattered cape-maybe with a bit shorter style than too long-need darker colors-style should fit like for haunted outfit for example-i give example picture but make it without hood ofc-coz cant find correct example.https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/f8/b7/33f8b7a0a4d368f2248f2177cce93073.jpghttps://absolver.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Absolver/T_Pictos_YangyinSet_Shoulder.pngalso remind i want Mini Avian 3 Pack coz u leave no way to get these birds.
  9. i want Mini Avian 3 Pack, all birds, if cant put in gem store-make for lion mini tickets-atleast for short time.
  10. ty for Shoulder Scarf. last thing i want and asked many times is Mini Avian 3 Pack, if u cant put in gem store please make it for lion mini tickets.
  11. please put Shoulder Scarf in gem store-and Mini Avian 3 Pack-and if u cant then make it for lion mini tickets
  12. Shoulder ScarfFire Quiver BackpackMini Avian 3 Pack (if cant put in gem store then make for black lion miniature claim tickets or other way to get)faster please. (even if i will not have gems gold and rl money in card i will get as much as need in 1 day to buy all when u will put in gem store)
  13. i want Mini Avian 3 Pack birds-especially raven-yesterday i bought Mini Oxidecimus the Shadow Raven as a replacement till i dont have what i want but after i get it i feel that i dont like it coz i want a real bird anyways and not a ghost-if u cant put Mini Avian 3 Pack birds into gem store then make it for black lion miniature claim tickets or some other chance to get it coz there is none-i want and need these birds a lot so please make for me some way to get it-with it i want feel clean nature with me all the time and not some stupid human ghost in bird-not bird of light-and not some fantasy burning bird-im waiting chance to get these birds every day so please make it as soon as possible. also want Fire Quiver Backpack a lot and waiting for it.
  14. Fire Quiver BackpackMini Avian 3 Packif u cant bring back mini pack in gem store then make it for black lion miniature claim tickets-i want these birds-especially raven-coz there is no way to get it and i want it a lot-its the only mini which i want and i need it. and please put fire quiver in gem store as soon as possible.
  15. before made this discussion i thought about same what zeefa said so its not very possible thing to change many things of all classes and skills if they would start to do for everything coz maybe would be too much work. i just said my wish for few things and leave just as small hope for maybe atleast something will happen in future.
  16. i would say charr race style most interesting. would like to see more stuff about it. was 2 gliders-hope it will not be again-only if u could stand on it like on forged-would be different from others-but i would like to see back items which is not gliders-for example something like in picture with fire-and outfit with dark charr style-something similar to both pictures-put belts of pistol and rifle bullets on it and some grenades-there is atleast 2 or 3 asura style outfits so u can make atleast 1 charr-would like to see also helmets with mask type when u can see hair at same time but cover face like charr in picture middle and would be nice if u could see some teeth of charr when use mask type helmet-but its good even how it is in the picture anyways-anyway example in picture better than Gaze of the Khan Ur which is new and even expensive thing in game. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.videogamesartwork.com%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fimages%2Fimage%2F1377109515%2Fguildwars2_character_5205937_by_kekai_kotaki.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.videogamesartwork.com%2Fgames%2Fguild-wars-2%2Fcharr-flamethrower&docid=MzTHDXQJit0L7M&tbnid=yqXGq8rvTqCJQM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjs3vS5wuzkAhXR_CoKHXyHBngQMwhPKBAwEA..i&w=582&h=800&client=firefox-b-d&bih=976&biw=1920&q=guild%20wars%202%20charr%20art&ved=0ahUKEwjs3vS5wuzkAhXR_CoKHXyHBngQMwhPKBAwEA&iact=mrc&uact=8#h=800&imgdii=g0mD3T5KP3UAqM:&vet=10ahUKEwjs3vS5wuzkAhXR_CoKHXyHBngQMwhPKBAwEA..i&w=582 https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F09%2F17%2F85%2F091785cac8aeee29976f011fc21362ea.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F32862272252097025%2F&docid=eyWjot-Lwo3EgM&tbnid=_lrj0ykMvyaKoM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjs3vS5wuzkAhXR_CoKHXyHBngQMwhIKAkwCQ..i&w=864&h=570&client=firefox-b-d&bih=976&biw=1920&q=guild%20wars%202%20charr%20art&ved=0ahUKEwjs3vS5wuzkAhXR_CoKHXyHBngQMwhIKAkwCQ&iact=mrc&uact=8
  17. u can change skin how take plants woods metals-change skins of mounts-u can make your look how u want-make armors weapons to look how u want-back items-gliders-anything-but i cant change the look of my engineers flamethrower or necromancers flesh golem if i dont like it. i would buy skins from gem store if anet would make it. they make only those things what use all classes for possibility more people to buy-but not everyone want same thing-i would say many engineer and necromancer players would want to try new skins-and many players play with all classes and use them all in different time or mission-so its like possibility of selling for all guild wars 2 people.
  18. example of teeth. make it see everywhere to look like crocodile face. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F7c%2Fbb%2Fe4%2F7cbbe4334e4ed275ae8303b8ded865e8.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F537969117985287399%2F&docid=oWWTiuYCjNVZOM&tbnid=ZeZgMED5rWvpRM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjs3vS5wuzkAhXR_CoKHXyHBngQMwhFKAYwBg..i&w=749&h=1080&client=firefox-b-d&bih=976&biw=1920&q=guild%20wars%202%20charr%20art&ved=0ahUKEwjs3vS5wuzkAhXR_CoKHXyHBngQMwhFKAYwBg&iact=mrc&uact=8 example of hair. make it look wild like animals with few different variations to choose. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kinja-img.com%2Fgawker-media%2Fimage%2Fupload%2Fs--7YbRm_gE--%2Ff_auto%2F18j272s63j1mvjpg.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fkotaku.com%2Fguild-wars-2-charr-arent-your-average-cat-people-5794330&docid=CkGYqe7ZFeBo0M&tbnid=4voxs1FTZCHnOM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjs3vS5wuzkAhXR_CoKHXyHBngQMwh-KDIwMg..i&w=726&h=1080&client=firefox-b-d&bih=976&biw=1920&q=guild%20wars%202%20charr%20art&ved=0ahUKEwjs3vS5wuzkAhXR_CoKHXyHBngQMwh-KDIwMg&iact=mrc&uact=8
  19. in game someone said there will be new hairstyles soon-is it truth or lie-coz it was just one person who said that-so it could be just his nonsense? anyone here in forum know anything about that?
  20. anyone know any new charr hairstyles faces coming out in future? i would like to see more and better hairstyles for charr race-more serious-to fit theme of charr race which is created-not make it clownish. and faces which would not look like dogs and more like in some charr arts with teeth everywhere like crocodiles.
  21. i did it now like u said and deactivated effect lod option in graphic menu but i still have old fire animation on engineers flamethrower anyways. r u sure about what u said? maybe u dont understand the problem? or maybe i not did everything right-unmark effect lod-thats it? still nothingi read again and think maybe i misunderstand coz english is not my language and sometimes dont see the right meaning of sentences. so i cant see and make that animation on myself which i see on others coz it means i see just lower graphics on others and full on myself. it looked better to me and i thought i can have it as more beautiful effect but it seems i can only see mine on others coz effect which i want just means lower graphics or effects. omg lol pathetic coz simpler animation with effects removed looks even more beautiful better interesting to me with crystal clear pure through see fire and not a butter with black smoke
  22. i did it now like u said and deactivated effect lod option in graphic menu but i still have old fire animation on engineers flamethrower anyways. r u sure about what u said? maybe u dont understand the problem? or maybe i not did everything right-unmark effect lod-thats it? still nothing
  23. well-still not fixed till now. my charr engineer still have old fire animation and i have seen some other players charrs with new so it was not made to be for all players and i hope with this remind again this bug will be fixed soon.
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