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Lady Celtaine.3760

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Posts posted by Lady Celtaine.3760

  1. @DeathPanel.8362 said:

    @"The Quad.8625" said:I have been playing GW2 for over 6 years now and I love the game. GW 2 is one of the very few games I can play being disabled. I have a broken neck and have lost the use of my hands, so I play GW2 with special gloves and a stick in each glove. Because I type with sticks I cannot feel where the keys are and I have to look at the keyboard when I play which means I take my eyes off the screen all the time.

    I have spent many days doing the skycale achievements and spent +- 90 gold on Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat so I did not have to do the jumping puzzles for the Skyscale Lost achievement. I have gone through all of this only to be defeated by a ball because I'm not fast enough to catch it during the Skyscale Reflexes achievement. Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale! Arenanet, please change it or make a way for me to bypass it - I want my skyscale!

    The ball mini game was literally the easiest part of the Skyscale collection. It takes no real thinking or even reflexes. Are you being serious?

    You know the only reason you think it's easy is because you don't have the same disability as the OP right? Would you say "walking is easy" to a leg amputee? Congrats, if you found it easy, it's easy - for YOU. Now stop and think for a moment sheesh.

    Maybe you should stop and think instead. If you’re so disabled that you can’t even finish the mini game then you wouldn’t be able to play 90% of the game and shouldn’t be playing the game in the first place. You can’t just expect the world to revolve around your personal limitations. Accommodations can be made but this is ridiculous. That’s like the leg amputee in your example wanting to be a leg model and expecting to be hired.

    Nice analogy, except that this is a game, not a job. And it's an MMORPG with a main focus on PvE to boot. GW2 was not sold with a label saying "not for people with disabilities". Skyscale is a mount that everyone in general pvE should be able to get with enough effort. It's not a raid where everyone knows and was sold it as high end content. You can't expect everyone else who also paid for the privilege of playing a game to be potentially penalised by barriers to general content (that they paid to unlock) that have nothing to do with their skill level just so you can feel that little bit extra special. It's not all about you. If you want to be in competion with other players there's pvp for that.

  2. @DeathPanel.8362 said:

    @"The Quad.8625" said:I have been playing GW2 for over 6 years now and I love the game. GW 2 is one of the very few games I can play being disabled. I have a broken neck and have lost the use of my hands, so I play GW2 with special gloves and a stick in each glove. Because I type with sticks I cannot feel where the keys are and I have to look at the keyboard when I play which means I take my eyes off the screen all the time.

    I have spent many days doing the skycale achievements and spent +- 90 gold on Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat so I did not have to do the jumping puzzles for the Skyscale Lost achievement. I have gone through all of this only to be defeated by a ball because I'm not fast enough to catch it during the Skyscale Reflexes achievement. Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale! Arenanet, please change it or make a way for me to bypass it - I want my skyscale!

    The ball mini game was literally the easiest part of the Skyscale collection. It takes no real thinking or even reflexes. Are you being serious?

    You know the only reason you think it's easy is because you don't have the same disability as the OP right? Would you say "walking is easy" to a leg amputee? Congrats, if you found it easy, it's easy - for YOU. Now stop and think for a moment sheesh.

  3. @Skye Terrier.3805 said:

    @"Salex.6024" said:If you have a thief, just shortbow 5 circles, no moving at all.

    Can you expand on this a little? I don't play my thief very often, so am pretty much at mediocre level on that class.

    I'd appreciate any help. I can aaaaaaaaalmost get the hard set but just start hitting the "point of diminishing returns" about the 8th or 9th ball.

    I too have dexterity issues. Not to the extent of the OP, but certain things are just beyond my capability re: speed (funny, I'm a fairly good typist, but this is beyond me :D ) I really REALLY do not see why they decided to make this this way with no other options. It's not as if we don't put the time in, like the OP, I'm almost 7 years into the game. I can understand things like special armor, AP for hard jumping puzzles and such, but to make this the requirement for a mount? Seems like punishment to those of us who aren't fresh, young, and "bendy." :D

    I believe Salex is refering to the teleport/shadowstep that theif short bow skill 5 has which makes for very quick movement speed over distance, as it's almost instant from point A to point B. Ofcourse it still requires you to be quick to place and cast it, and to have no lag, but you may find it quicker than standard charcater run speed if you can get it done fast enough.The one I relied on when I did it myself was dodge roll and tbh if I had done it on Daredevil with Dash rather than Ranger that might have been more optimal.

    It might work, you can always try it and find out.

  4. @Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

    @LucianDK.8615 said:auto follow was abused by botters in gw1

    That's quite a bold statement. I played Gw1 for many years and I don't recall ever seeing a botter.Do you have proof?

    I find it bordering on laughable that a multi-year player of gw1 wouldn't have seen bots!Bergen Hot Springs was jokingly called Bergen Bot Springs because of the monk bots spawning in, running
    the exact same path
    to the exit and leaving into Nebo Terrace.I also recommend dropping by Jade Quarry... ;)

    Well it's true. If they were around maybe the server I was usually playing on just wasn't that popular with them, or the times I saw them was so few it wasn't worth commiting to memory... who knows? Bergen wasn't exactly one of my regular haunts anyway, usually was doing the Asc to LA run or gathering HoM gear. Eitherway I don't recall seeing any.

  5. I don't exactly appreciate random players stood directly in my line of sight with eye-bleeding dye jobs on armor either, but they have just as much right to exist in this game as I do. The solution was really simple, went into options turned player character limit down to lowest and 9/10 of them and their mounts disapeared from my screen instantly, just cyan name tags floating around now.

  6. I have a mobility issue too, though it comes and goes in episodes. I did most of that part of the collection myself but when it was really bad I waited for a mesmer and just asked nicely, kept a stand-by of as many Skyscale treats as I could afford just incase a mesmer wasn't around with the plan b of if Mesmers did port me any treats I didn't use I'd just sell to get some gold back. It got done surprisingly quick actually so I recomend just politely whispering any mesmers you see go past you if they'd mind just dropping a portal once they get up the top.

  7. @ROMANG.1903 said:

    @ROMANG.1903 said:I am sorry but I can't agree with you on the jumping puzzle part. Jumping puzzles are not necessary for anything else in the game, they offer nothing more than their respective rewards. If you can't do them, I think you shouldn't have any alternate option for them. I don't personally have time for raids, but I'm not asking for an alternate path to raid rewards, I simply don't have access to them, and I'm fine with that......I have always been (and probably ever will be) against portals, gliders, mounts, and even speed boosts, in jumping puzzles that were not designed with these advantages in mind.

    Let me ask this as a serious question, not a trolling attempt - Why are you opposed to such alternatives? The chest rewards for jumping puzzles don't seem that rewarding to me. I assumed that people did them for the fun of the challenge not for the actual chests. When jps show up in the dailies, some people race through them on their own while others use mesmer portals if they are available. If I use a portal how does that affect your enjoyment of doing the jumping yourself? I'm not arguing here but am wanting to understand your point of view.

    Most of the enjoyment I get from jumping puzzles is being proud of reaching the end. It's that feeling of "yeah, I did it, not everyone can reach this place". If everyone can do it with the push of a button, how does it matter?

    I get it, really I do, but remember that ability =/= skill.Skill is something learned and requires the attitude of willing and determination to get to a peak level. It's inclusive because everyone has the potential to be skilled or at least more skilled than they are when they start something and it's up to them to become so.Ability is just something you're stuck with, you can be more than adequately skilled but still unfairly hindered when you have a condition that impares your ability.OP clearly has a lot of skill because they got this far despite having a disablity, they already did the jump puzzles by taking their time, careful aiming of a jump is a skill.(Just want to add Jps are skill based because it's about making it to the end, not ability based because they aren't about making it to the end and within a time frame that people who have to go slower are likely to never be able to achieve.)

    Anet have made changes to the ball catch so it is more skill based rather than hang on ability so much so as to give disabled players a fairer chance at getting it done.

    If you mean things should be sufficiently difficult that it requires skill to do that is fair comment.But if you mean things should be so difficult in such a way that it relies more on ability than skill that's just being mean to people with disabilities.

    It's ok to be proud of your skill. But maybe for the sake of the discussion and removing the need for assumptions could you clarify more what position you are actually taking?

    I admit I didn't think about that distinction, probably because the two, while different, are inherently linked. It's difficult to create a mechanic that requires skill but not ability. It is possible but it limits what the game has to offer, a lot.

    Again, I do agree that an alternative to the ball challenge should exist. All of my disagreements are about the jumping puzzles, and that's where I probably should've made a distinction: When it specifically comes to the jumping puzzle that's required in the skyscale collections, I also think that there should be an alternative. The only thing I'm against is having ways to reach the end of these puzzles without having to actually do them.

    Totally, they are easilly confused which is why it's worth pointing out. Thanks for responding to that btw, I can see a bigger picture of what you are talking about now.I think the solution has already been touched upon in this thread however as a few of us have suggested someone with a disability, or if there already is, more people with various disability levels being part of the beta testing process, people with plenty gaming experience to differenciate what can be acheived with skill over time where a more able player could also do it simply faster vs what is requiring a threshold of ability that some players just may not be able to reach.With any luck the devs reading the thread caught those suggestions and are also considering it for future content.

  8. @ROMANG.1903 said:

    @ROMANG.1903 said:I am sorry but I can't agree with you on the jumping puzzle part. Jumping puzzles are not necessary for anything else in the game, they offer nothing more than their respective rewards. If you can't do them, I think you shouldn't have any alternate option for them. I don't personally have time for raids, but I'm not asking for an alternate path to raid rewards, I simply don't have access to them, and I'm fine with that......I have always been (and probably ever will be) against portals, gliders, mounts, and even speed boosts, in jumping puzzles that were not designed with these advantages in mind.

    Let me ask this as a serious question, not a trolling attempt - Why are you opposed to such alternatives? The chest rewards for jumping puzzles don't seem that rewarding to me. I assumed that people did them for the fun of the challenge not for the actual chests. When jps show up in the dailies, some people race through them on their own while others use mesmer portals if they are available. If I use a portal how does that affect your enjoyment of doing the jumping yourself? I'm not arguing here but am wanting to understand your point of view.

    Most of the enjoyment I get from jumping puzzles is being proud of reaching the end. It's that feeling of "yeah, I did it, not everyone can reach this place". If everyone can do it with the push of a button, how does it matter?

    I get it, really I do, but remember that ability =/= skill.Skill is something learned and requires the attitude of willing and determination to get to a peak level. It's inclusive because everyone has the potential to be skilled or at least more skilled than they are when they start something and it's up to them to become so.Ability is just something you're stuck with, you can be more than adequately skilled but still unfairly hindered when you have a condition that impares your ability.OP clearly has a lot of skill because they got this far despite having a disablity, they already did the jump puzzles by taking their time, careful aiming of a jump is a skill.(Just want to add Jps are skill based because it's about making it to the end, not ability based because they aren't about making it to the end and within a time frame that people who have to go slower are likely to never be able to achieve.)

    Anet have made changes to the ball catch so it is more skill based rather than hang on ability so much so as to give disabled players a fairer chance at getting it done.

    If you mean things should be sufficiently difficult that it requires skill to do that is fair comment.But if you mean things should be so difficult in such a way that it relies more on ability than skill that's just being mean to people with disabilities.

    It's ok to be proud of your skill. But maybe for the sake of the discussion and removing the need for assumptions could you clarify more what position you are actually taking?

  9. @ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:

    @"LucianDK.8615" said:Bad topicname, you made me think there was something new that had been discovered.

    Noted and changed. Thanks

    Do not know what it was before, but it's still misleading. "new mystery skill" sounds like you found a skill that is not well known,unless you meant to say "new mastery skill"? Maybe change the subject to "new mastery skill idea" or suggestion?

    As for the idea, it's already been stated by the devs that 2 riders on a mount is not possible. It was originally something that they where going to do but for technical reasons it was dropped.

    Ah. This is the sort of info I was looking for. Cheers. But out of curiosity can you find a link to where they said this? (I couldn't find anything on it.) I'd be interested to read it in full.

  10. I realise the reason why we don't have auto follow in GW2 compared to GW1 is because of the obstacles, but we already use Mesmer portals to taxi people places I don't see why this would be any different, wouldn't be abused by trolls if the passenger had sole decision whether to jump off mid air or wait until the rider dismounted themselves. People without glider could have a temp paracute glider that lasts only until they are safely on the ground again. Also so people without the mounts are still incentivised to get their own the option to taxi is like a skill with a long cool down so mount owners would save it for just the times it's deemed most useful, and people can't get a free ride indefinitely.

  11. One of the caveats of lvl 80 boost as a new player is that although it gives you a free set of exotics* it doesn't give you the experience of combat mechanics or even just the experience of what's good to use skill wise and when from playing a build long enough you barely even have to think what skills to use next. You're not squishy from soldier stats, you're squishy from inexperience. My advice is don't go berserker until you have experience and lightning fast reactions. Tanky stats are more forgiving for new players.

    *(Soldier's stat isn't that bad, but defo need decided on better tactics than just hit things with default boost gear, skills and traits so change the runes and sigils to match your weap skills or buy other exotic weapons and sigil them up, swap around utility skills, and optimise traits.)

    p.s. I realise this thread is old now but I'm just adding for the benefit of any other newer players who come to the forums more recently.

  12. I came back to WvW after a long break, I found it dull before, but I came back in to give it another go hoping it had got better since then, the server was dead, no groups and this was at a peak time there should have been hundreds of people in the map. I shouted up in map chat "where is everyone?" got a reply from 1 person saying WvW was on it's last legs due to "balance patches".I tried not to get disheartened and run around trying to find a group, even a small one would do. I don't have Warclaw because I wasn't there for when people were doing trains to unlock them, I spent 1 hour looking for somebody, ANYBODY from my server to run along with. Got bored and thought I'd beat down an npc guard just for something, anything to do, along comes 1 guy on WC and stomps me dead because I wasn't full health after guard. Left Wvw for good now, there's no point of going back it will just be dead servers and a few people taking advantage of those who don't have WC.If WC was supposed to be for balance it just made it so much worse. It was so boring and the one time anything did happen it wasn't even a fair fight, WvW is a huge waste of time now.Give everyone WC so all have the same equal footing going in or remove them from WvW, idc which, WvW fights should hang on player skill of designing and playing a build, not who got the mount and who doesn't.Yeah I get it people be like "noooooo I like my kitty" but let's face it we all liked WvW a lot more before it when the number 1 cause of player death wasn't boredom.

    I don't mean to be a huge downer with this, but that last experience with WvW really hammered the last nail in the coffin in it for me. It's sad it's gone this way tbh.

  13. +1 to this, in general though not only for guild purposes, can we have like a 5 message max instead of 2? Because I was just messing around with some strangers running around Amnoon in tonic form (costume brawl) then for a giggle I turned into the wintersday dolyak and when I got hit I thought it would be a fun idea to drop gifts, like the event... all I wanted to do was mail some rare unidentified gear but I could only send to 2 people. It was a real buzzkill.

  14. @Mushuchalaka.9437 said:

    @Lady Celtaine.3760 said:In a fight, yes for attack skills, unless I'm adjusting the camera angle, but that takes less than a second to do anyway. I like both hands to do about 50/50 of the total work so each hand has to move very little and has faster reactions because they're already poised for doing their respective jobs. Rather than slower reactions because one hand is compensating and doing half the work load of the other hand too.My keyboard is so compact and with flat keys they don't feel any different on this keyboard to know when I've found them (it has Shroedinger's keys) so I'd have to look down mid fight if I wanted to move my left hand from wasd and q/e straffe to the number keys, wheras my left hand is the perfect size to sit over pinky on \ hoykey ring over A middle on W index on D when the thumb is on spacebar so that is my default left hand position and why I invested in decent gaming mouse so I can click skills fast and hotkeyed the dodge to the mouse. Each hand has a very set job description. XD

    I'd just like to add to this. I'm a little confused though surely just by dint of using a mouse for anything be it movement or if you have number buttons along the side of it for attack skills you're still a clicker because you are clicking something on the mouse?What definition of a clicker are we using here?

    Clicking as in using the mouse cursor to click skills on your screen to activate a skill instead of keyboard or mouse buttons.

    As someone mentioned. I'd highly recommend a MMO mouse with buttons on the side, preferrably 12. . You can also set alt + closer keys/buttons. Basically figure out what combos you need to do and map them to keys where you can execute them easiest and you're most comfortable. It'll take some time getting used to.

    I have my side MMO mouse buttons mapped like this and use a combination of keyboard/mouse to execute.f1 1 2f2 4 3f3 5 6f4 f5 f6

    I do have a multi button gaming mouse, but I still prefer to click skills as the side ones are being used for other hotkeys, maybe that doesn't work for other people, but it works for me if something is second nature I'm plenty quick at it. Nobody has said I'm slow to play with or bothered to ask if I'm a clicker, until this thread, so it's not an issue. If it becomes an issue in the future I'll consider retraining myself to an alternative method, but until then there's no real incentive for me to do so.

    Ah, I actually meant to clarify the mouse clicking question for you.The MMO mouse recommendation was meant in as my general recommendation for everyone. But yeah, play how you want and if it's working for you it doesn't matter :). I used to click skills from old MMO and my sister was pretty quick at clicking too when she played Diablo 3.

    Fair play, it's good advice in general if you can afford the better mice. No disagreement there.I was just explaining I find new keybinds much easier if I play a new game, but I have a suspicion I'm so set in doing it this way now for Gw2 after so long it's become the optimal (barely have to think about it) for me and would be hard to get used to a new way in this game. It's an odd coincidence it has come up in conversation here as just last week a friend on discord has changed his keybinds now he's upgraded his mouse and is encountering a similar thing, he's not as quick on it yet because he's still "having-to-remember-where-i bound-the-key-now". He'll get there tho. XD

  15. @Mushuchalaka.9437 said:

    @Lady Celtaine.3760 said:In a fight, yes for attack skills, unless I'm adjusting the camera angle, but that takes less than a second to do anyway. I like both hands to do about 50/50 of the total work so each hand has to move very little and has faster reactions because they're already poised for doing their respective jobs. Rather than slower reactions because one hand is compensating and doing half the work load of the other hand too.My keyboard is so compact and with flat keys they don't feel any different on this keyboard to know when I've found them (it has Shroedinger's keys) so I'd have to look down mid fight if I wanted to move my left hand from wasd and q/e straffe to the number keys, wheras my left hand is the perfect size to sit over pinky on \ hoykey ring over A middle on W index on D when the thumb is on spacebar so that is my default left hand position and why I invested in decent gaming mouse so I can click skills fast and hotkeyed the dodge to the mouse. Each hand has a very set job description. XD

    I'd just like to add to this. I'm a little confused though surely just by dint of using a mouse for anything be it movement or if you have number buttons along the side of it for attack skills you're still a clicker because you are clicking something on the mouse?What definition of a clicker are we using here?

    Clicking as in using the mouse cursor to click skills on your screen to activate a skill instead of keyboard or mouse buttons.

    As someone mentioned. I'd highly recommend a MMO mouse with buttons on the side, preferrably 12. . You can also set alt + closer keys/buttons. Basically figure out what combos you need to do and map them to keys where you can execute them easiest and you're most comfortable. It'll take some time getting used to.

    I have my side MMO mouse buttons mapped like this and use a combination of keyboard/mouse to execute.f1 1 2f2 4 3f3 5 6f4 f5 f6

    I do have a multi button gaming mouse, but I still prefer to click skills as the side ones are being used for other hotkeys, maybe that doesn't work for other people, but it works for me if something is second nature I'm plenty quick at it. Nobody has said I'm slow to play with or bothered to ask if I'm a clicker, until this thread, so it's not an issue. If it becomes an issue in the future I'll consider retraining myself to an alternative method, but until then there's no real incentive for me to do so.

  16. @Lady Celtaine.3760 said:In a fight, yes for attack skills, unless I'm adjusting the camera angle, but that takes less than a second to do anyway. I like both hands to do about 50/50 of the total work so each hand has to move very little and has faster reactions because they're already poised for doing their respective jobs. Rather than slower reactions because one hand is compensating and doing half the work load of the other hand too.My keyboard is so compact and with flat keys they don't feel any different on this keyboard to know when I've found them (it has Shroedinger's keys) so I'd have to look down mid fight if I wanted to move my left hand from wasd and q/e straffe to the number keys, wheras my left hand is the perfect size to sit over pinky on \ hoykey ring over A middle on W index on D when the thumb is on spacebar so that is my default left hand position and why I invested in decent gaming mouse so I can click skills fast and hotkeyed the dodge to the mouse. Each hand has a very set job description. XD

    I'd just like to add to this. I'm a little confused though surely just by dint of using a mouse for anything be it movement or if you have number buttons along the side of it for attack skills you're still a clicker because you are clicking something on the mouse?What definition of a clicker are we using here?

  17. In a fight, yes for attack skills, unless I'm adjusting the camera angle, but that takes less than a second to do anyway. I like both hands to do about 50/50 of the total work so each hand has to move very little and has faster reactions because they're already poised for doing their respective jobs. Rather than slower reactions because one hand is compensating and doing half the work load of the other hand too.My keyboard is so compact and with flat keys they don't feel any different on this keyboard to know when I've found them (it has Shroedinger's keys) so I'd have to look down mid fight if I wanted to move my left hand from wasd and q/e straffe to the number keys, wheras my left hand is the perfect size to sit over pinky on \ hoykey ring over A middle on W index on D when the thumb is on spacebar so that is my default left hand position and why I invested in decent gaming mouse so I can click skills fast and hotkeyed the dodge to the mouse. Each hand has a very set job description. XD

  18. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:It's pretty simple 40% strait damage modifier is to high. It should be dropped to 15 or 20% to be in line with other professions. 40% is fine on the pet though which is what it was intended for when It was created.

    This. It is extremely high for a dmg boost and I say that as a ranger player, personally I'd happily accept half the buff in exchange for reducing the cool down by 5 seconds. The game doesn't need anymore dead skills and traits, it needs balanced ones. Admittedly I haven't played pvp in a long time now but if I were to go back to pvp if the skill was changed like this for this game mode in particular I'd consider it a decent enough compromise.

  19. I'd like to go to either Cantha or a whole new continent previously undiscovered.That or after discovering the Elder dragons are more than just mindless magic munching monsters, re: Kralk dialogue with Aurene maybe we could have a go at making them our allies rather than killing them since we already know that we cannot destroy them all or it's the end of the world due to imbalance or something.

  20. Just log in often enough and you'll get the amount you need eventually for FREE, no gold or gems required, the only thing required from you is to spare 2 mins to log in each day.Or you can buy them from TP due to get them quicker but just like every other item in high demand it will cost you.And then there are the other ways you can get them as others have already mentioned. Eitherway at least you get a choice, not sure why this is even an issue.

  21. @Derdzvero.7051 said:

    @Lady Celtaine.3760 said:Not trying to be rude, but I'd appreciate it if you quoted me in full so my words won't potentially get taken out of context.

    I'm sorry- you quoted yourself making 2 contradicting statements and I commented on numbers only. But that is my opinion and I'm not working for Anet so it doesn't matter what I think, Anet does what they like (or rather what Koreans like)..so what I quote or say makes zero difference at the end, hence no need to be rude.

    I wasn't being rude, I was trying to point out I had to post a 2nd one addressing the 1st which is no longer relevant because for some reason the forum doesn't allow us to delete previous posts if we change our minds about what we said in them.If you disgree with my current point of view that's fine, you are entitled to do so, but focusing on a point of view I no longer hold away is unnecessary. Hope that clarifies the matter.

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