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  1. I think they increased the rewards supports get by participating in zergs. Like you get for buffing healing more participation? Though maybe support chrono was an outlier depending what you did. If you did mostly comm ports and veil maybe that reduced it being counted as supporting and being a dps. Maybe you are not so wrong about it. Though cele will still exist. Also i enjoy cele you basically can low effort be viable whatever you do but thats just me. Others already pointed out its a universal stat comp that lets you do some pve and wvw without having lots of templates gear and what not.
  2. I dont know if this is relevant to you or if you have already made a decision to go a specific way. You are in the unique condition to start out fresh on content. You are already doing the right approach that is trying to figure it out and see what sticks and works without getting told by someone what to do and how to do and when to do. I am just here to say cherish that you dont know much about it and go with the flow as others suggest. And if you get stuck in your learning experience and growth you can still take a peek at the solution and get inspired and go back to just enjoying the content. You will figure it out over time 🙂
  3. You do know that thiefs will just run away if they lose their fight? Why would i run into you if i was playing thief by thief logic i will run away! For the real thief experience you are searching noone needs to show up on any terms you like! If to make your thief rp more enjoyable i can whisper u some non sense ingame and then block you while i am offline. Sounds good?
  4. At least anet recognizes they have seen the dartboard and it exists and throw a dart at it.
  5. You mean like moba levels of salty feeding/match manipulation? Just running into the blender? *Scratches head in why did the ewp go off 10 min before we have zerg inc on ebg keep*
  6. So you say downstate rewards group play because rezzing can only be done in a group and the more of you are there the easier it is to rezz someone? What about the rally mechanic? What do you think if they removed rally or removed the ability to rezz and kept downstate with only the ability to rally 🙂 ? I am generally a fan of downstate and think its a nice addition to the game. But i know making final business of someone when you down them is difficult and it can be frustrating not being able to finish a downstate and probably even die yourself!
  7. Yeah i think warrior are the winners of the last weapon additions! I tried staff war and it was super fun. I tried to make a zerg build with staff and hammer and it was not bad. I always felt at odds roaming warrior because well i can run two melee options ofc but having one melee and one ranged always feels like the better choice to be able to interact at distance with others. But i never liked bow or rifle. Rifle feels especially bad but bow is condi and somehow feels odd to play too! One experience i had when i tried roaming warrior and some server was camping our spawn ( great right!) i got a whisper telling me how much of a noob warrior i am! We fought at our spawn and they kept us locked out of ebg.
  8. I wonder at what point the wardens or caretakers become the inhabitants themselves and start yelling too! Some light joking and thought.
  9. Yes i think anet is already deaf from all the yelling for nerfs or they have earplugs in and hear nothing of it. But maybe the forums is just our little containment area soundproofed where everyone can yell. Our own little madhouse or chicken coup!
  10. Hehe i see. Yes people seem to complain about everything i am not often in the forums. Just reading patch notes usually nothing more.
  11. Completely no stats, or base stats? Wet noodle contest?
  12. Appreciate your question! This is the original song the meme/cover is based on.
  13. There was once a no downstate week which was heavily requested by a subgroup(not necessarily the majority) of the community. I dont know if it was very popular and good experience but it was an experiment! So i think anet could try to experiment some more around in wvw maybe. Maybe have a week like that where you get such a buff or a more worked out version like you propose. After all fractals have a "random" changing effect too everyday to spice things up.
  14. But we are the good guys right? We dont abuse thief! We have to word it a bit different and be sneaky about it. Lets call it balance review thief.
  15. A confusion burst? I think i have to log my warr and check skills where to find that confusion because im confused. I think the people chasing a minstrel thief will eventually figure it out.
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