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Satoog.4971's Achievements

  1. Prob already added ... Turn off Primers (that i pay cash for) and other timed buffs when not on active game maps (in cities/towns/staging areas). Having them tick away while you work on your character is inspiring me to stop using them.
  2. oh and it’s not in the middle of the screen - at least not on mine. It’s offset vertically 1” above center.
  3. No I haven’t but I do use taco so I’ll def look into this, thanks.
  4. Until I get used to targeting with the middle of the screen it’d be helpful if the little white dot indicating the middle of the screen was a more distinct color and perhaps brighter. As it is, quite frequently, the middle of the screen can be awash with similar colors giving the impression that the middle of the screen indicator is, or at least appears to me to be, “lost”. I’m totally new to this type of targeting ... what colors or features do other games use to make it distinct.
  5. Indeed that tiny off white dot is easy to lose in a noisy background. It’d be great to be able to select a brighter seldom used colour to make it always stand out under any condition. For a newb to the feature you’re more likely to give up on it long before “knowing” where it is become habit.
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