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Posts posted by Newholiday.8103

  1. 25 minutes ago, Vinteros Asteano.1209 said:

    I recommended people to talk to the Catalyst in New Kaineng for the design philosophy, but I'll drop a nugget here.


    People dislike the jade sphere mechanic because if you're being mobile, it's not movable.

    But then people are asking for more mobility on the hammer.

    Think on it a bit and visit that NPC if you get chance!


    Thinking on it, it seems like catalyst is designed for staff rather than hammer.  Which is weird, cause then what the kitten is the point of giving hammer to catalyst.

  2. 5 hours ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

    Warriors will never be buffed cause the other classes learned to play easily against it and the moment we gain access to a counter to their counters they will cry. 


    Personal goal is to see Bladesworn become something useful. For now I'll gunflame people.


    I actually think this might legitimately be a reason why Anet hesitates with buffing underpowered specs/classes.  The few diehards that kept playing the class and still managed to reach plat would become absolute monsters.

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  3. With Anet likely beginning to gather data for the summer balance patch, just wanted to throw out another reminder for Anet to look at ele staff.  Doubly so with so many eles upset with not having a viable ranged weapon, and with catalyst adding yet another melee spec to ele.

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  4. 8 hours ago, ClickToKill.8473 said:

    Its realistically 3, because after you get the 3rd one out, the 1st one expires before the signet recharges. 


    Its is 4 all total if you have the greater elemental summoned as well. 


    It's 4 if you get the trait that reduces cooldown for glyphs.

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  5. 9 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    And Necromancers can choose up to four traits to improve on the minions, while Elementalists have only one.

    But if Elementals ever became permanent, I wouldn't mind the lesser Elemental to be limited to one again and being given back to ability command it.


    Dude, that wouldn't be a buff to lesser elementals, that'd be a nerf.  I can already keep 2 lesser elementals up pretty easily, I regularly reach 3, and I could reach 4 if I took the trait that reduces the cooldown for glyphs.  You want it to go down to 1?


    Even if you had the ability to command it, that'd still be a nerf.  Have you ever used the elite summon?  There's like a 2 second delay between when I press the ability button to the elemental actually using it.

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  6. 16 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

    Hi ANet,

    I would like to request the following:


    ● Elemental Summons


    Have an unlimited time manifestation, just like Necro minions, until slayed in battle, and respawn automatically after mount/dismount.


    Say if you then want to spawn another elemental, it would replace the first one you spawned. 


    That's pretty much it really folks.

    Just a simple straight fowards request.






    This won't happen.  In order to get 4 summons, necro needs to fill at minimum 3 utility slots.  Meanwhile, ele only needs to fill 1.  Besides that, ele would be pretty op if it could keep up 4 summons indefinitely. 


    The despawn when mounting issue should definitely get fixed though.

  7. 4 hours ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

    I am sure.


    Tempest is ever present.

    Weaver is ever present.

    Core ele still viable.


    "lowest health, lowest armor"...


    LOWEST DAMAGE OF ALL TIME to worry about.


    ELE is in no way shape or form in the need of a buff, and while they will spearhead the release, at least one of you is wise enough to know they are about o hand a wombo combo nerfadooski.

    Ele is overperforming in vpvp regardless of "popularity", id be willing to bet my account the average ele user is in the 1500s or 1600s


    At this point, this seems like a troll post or you're just a noob.  But just in case people actually buy into what you're saying:


    As someone else mentioned for warrior, just because there are a few die hard ele players left that manage to play the class well, that does not mean the class is overperforming.  I'd also be willing to bet my account that the only warrior players left are also around 1500 and 1600 rank because they've mastered their class to the extreme.  That does not mean warrior suddenly needs nerfs!


    The only variant of ele that does moderately well in pvp is weaver, and the only thing it does well is holding a point.  It has almost no significant mobility to speak of other than gale (40 second cooldown) and lightning flash (also 40 second cooldown).  That's it.  It is not in any way a roamer, so stop claiming otherwise.  kitten, a reaper has equivalent mobility options with flesh wurm and deaths charge.


    And what do ya know, weaver isn't the one being buffed!  It's tempest, which currently can't hold a candle to guardian.  But I guess you think otherwise, despite literally every match having a support guardian, or some variant of guardian.


    'Core ele still viable' - lol

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    You guys fell for the bait. 

    With all the ele downstate memes, Anet knew they couldn't just.. nerf ele again. That would be too obvious 

    So they came up with a plan. 

    Overbuff tempest. Wait a while. Then once the complains roll in, they can swoop in with the nerf hammer, say something like "we overshot with the tempest buffs", then break its shins. 

    it's all part of a greater plan. 

    I wish they would overbuff tempest.  Then at least we'd be meta for a little while before getting nerfed back to trash tier.


    That said, the fire aura buff is somewhat out of nowhere and unexpected. Up to this point, no1 has ever taken 'fire aura' in pvp unless they never played tempest before.  Kinda wondering how it will play out.

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  9. 1 minute ago, noobfest.2180 said:

    Condi weaver has been majorly busted and has somehow gone under the radar when it comes to the nerf hammer. I don’t get it? I’ve made posts after posts about it with everything from unlimited barrier regen that legit brings them from 50% hp back to 100% with barrier that they quickly recover with. Or how about the passive burns?? Today I saw a condi weaver that loves to use his earth invulnerable plus burn pulse at the same time. What other class can get away with this? We’re talking like 8 stacks of free aoe burn at a whim. What about the LONG evasion frames? How about the reflect off earth shield? I looked at my death bar today and it said the condi weaver hit me for 26k burning and 22k bleeding before I died. Just insanely over tuned.

    One player mentioned kiting the weaver, have you ever tried kiting one that intends to down you? Lmao good luck. I think what you mean when you say “just kite” is actually just run away and don’t look back.


    Condi weavers are pretty strong, but they're hard to play, so not a lot of people play them...you don't see them much in pvp.  I agree that they could probaby use some tuning, after necro (already getting tuned), guardian, engi, reaver.....

  10. Ele?  Like what?  We have 1 'meta' build, and its weaver.  That's it.  It's the best side noder cause it can hold a point for a long time, but it's literally useless for everything else.  If you don't want to die to weaver, move slightly in any direction.

    Roaming and support? Thief and guardian blow ele out of the water.  And dueling is just another way to say side noding, so yeah...

    Warrior just sucks hard in general against every class, not sure why you're frustrated with ele in particular.

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  11. 20 minutes ago, DoomNexus.5324 said:

    Yea nerfing would be fine for me as well.
    A rework for those rezz traits in PvP would be appreciated but if the rezz-heal is just nerfed across the board I'd be fine with it as well..
    Alternatively or additionally I think it would be nice to only be able to rezz once per combat scenario, like.. if I get downed, someone rezzes me and my hp falls to 0 again, without being out of combat in the meantime, I just stay die instead without entering downed state again.
    Rallying should also be restricted to only 1 player (like in WvW) or remove rallying in PvP all together. Then I think the purpose of down state is still there - at least my understanding of its purpose: helping a mate up after the fight is won.


    Could have a 'dead head' mechanic like other mmos.  Where after getting rezzed, you got a non-removable 'dead head' debuff for a certain amount of time (say 60 seconds?), where you die instantly if you get downed with the dead head debuff.

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  12. On 1/7/2022 at 1:20 AM, Swagg.9236 said:

    Meteor Shower can hit beyond 5k with the initial few strikes depending on circumstances, but the key thing is that it's an extremely powerful skill that, graciously, is one of the few (if possibly the only real) skill in the game that has an appropriate cast-time investment for the impact it can levy.  I'd rather keep that, because this game is pretty emptyheaded enough.


    For one of the most powerful staff skills, its very unpowered.  While it can do up to 5k damage per hit, I was talking about its tooltip damage.  Compare the damage of meteor shower with 1000 power (0.85k tooltip damage on 3.75 cast time and 30s recast) to DH trueshot (1.5K tooltip damage on 0.75s cast time and 8s recast) or weaver plasma beam (1.65k tooltip damage on 1.25s cast and 18s recast).  The only place where meteor shower would have an advantage would be when there are multiple targets it can hit at the same time.  Even then, it only does as much damage as the other skills if it hits a target twice (it will rarely hit 3 times).  The counter to it is to move out of its radius.


    I'm not even asking for a buff to its damage.  Just a comparable cast time, or no longer requiring to stand still on cast.

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  13. 2 hours ago, Sunshine.5014 said:

    And when Catalyst becomes OP, they will nerf Ele Core traits and Staff, to fix Catalyst.

    Ele has one of the most, if not the most underpowered core traits in the game.


    This is what I'm most afraid of.  Catalyst OP, but instead of nerfing the Catalyst spec, all the core specs will be nerfed since the EoD specs are needed to sell the expansion.

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  14. One thing I'd add to your list of suggestions is to reduce meteor shower cast time or to no longer require standing in place while casting it in spvp.  The skill is only strong when there are numerous targets in an area, like in WvW.  No reason to keep such a long cast time in spvp, where there will only ever be 5 targets max, each meteor does only 860 damage (with 1000 power), and each subsequent hit does reduced damage.

    • Haha 1
  15. 44 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

    In what game type and are we talking about raw healing or are we talking about over all support. I think staff tempest being the best healer in the game is a myth we tell our self to make the ele player base feel better about the classes and the real problems of it being out dated. Water Blast on staff needs a real update after they added in med kit for eng. The nerfs to the Healing Rain seems like they where for a different game balancing as well as the "stronger reg" dose not seem to work right and geyser feels too small to be an effect heal skill.


    Speaking from the spvp perspective, staff tempest has the best overall raw heal output.  However, when you factor in the amount of damage denied by aegis, guardian likely comes out on top.  Add to that the significantly better might generation for allies, condition clears and resolution, utilities that improve the survivability of both the guardian and its allies (rather than just the guardian), and just better bunker potential, guardian is just a much better support overall. 


    The only thing tempest has over the guardian is auras, and tempest has to put significant amounts of traits toward auras to make them worthwhile.  And staff in particular can only generate 1 aura in its weapon line.

  16. 3 hours ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

    Yes these high mobility builds are quite a thorn on my side if Im not playing one. Revenant and engie are absolutely powerful and amazing. Engie has almost everything. 


    Despite my disdain for necro, this is why I feel they shouldn't get nerfed. 


    Same opinion. Necro definitely not broken, just overly used.  Only thing that needs tuning is lich.  Otherwise, it's fine.

  17. Lots of interesting suggestions here.  That said, a little too op if they all got implemented.  The change to water auto alone would make ele the unquestioned king of support.  My favorites are the changes to windborne speed, burning retreat, and shockwave.  Staff ele currently has far too few escape options, and has to heavily rely on lightning flash and mist form to survive for any appreciable amount of time.

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  18. Only thing that needs to happen is a lich nerf.  Would probably reduce the number people who only play sustain necro+lich.  Which is a lot of people (too many people...).  Overall, necros are not OP.. 

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