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The Raven.1320

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Posts posted by The Raven.1320

  1. I don't see as many BS running around after their Elite was reworked and shoutsworn died. I have decent success running around with this build.


    I'm not the greatest BS player, but I find it to be pretty good. 


    If you want to Roam on Warrior and you want to play something that is slightly more forgiving then I'd recommend Defense Spellbreaker. 




    When I first started playing warrior I was told that, "To play well, you have to sweat for it." 

    • Haha 1
  2. Willybenders are dangerous if you face tank their entire burst, but like warriors they have pretty clear animations and tells as to what they are going to do. If you're having trouble bending their willys you can go make one for yourself and play it or you can go duel one until you learn how to beat it. It would also help to know what build the OP is playing to properly give advice. 


    I recorded a 1v1 with WB while I was playing Sic 'Em Soulbeast. I don't claim to be the best player and I do make multiple mistakes throughout the fight. It's also the raw footage so please excuse our comms. 



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  3. 36 minutes ago, Joxer.6024 said:

    Also, am currently playing Bladesworn but I havent been able to find any decent builds for WvW and\or roaming for that spec. Are there any? Its a new toon so dont have the others unlocked but could do so easy enough, but which...Berserker or Spellbreaker?  have seen several Spellbreaker builds so maybe thats the one to pick? Not a fan of the elite but if its just for some WVW fun, meh, I'll be right. Unless there are some Zerker ones or better yet Bladesworn?

    I personally am not a fan of Bladesworn and don't play it much. I'm more of a Spell Breaker and Core Warrior main. I do dabble in Berserker every now and again.


    Personally I find Defense Spell Breaker to be a good all rounder in terms of damage, sustain, and mobility. It offers very nice Condi Cleanse and Adrenal Health on your Burst or FC skills hitting. Lots of people like playing some condi or cele cheese these days so this build does quite well against them. I find myself running this build more often than not due to the meta. 




    For Berserker I go Hammer/GS. I've had decent success with taking down Harbs and Thieves with this build thanks to the CC hammer provides and Arc Divider still goes BRRRR...




    I've been playing around with some Core Warrior builds lately and this is the one I find the most fun. Quickness on disable + Hundred Blades feels amazing. 



  4. 59 minutes ago, Silinsar.6298 said:

    Death Magic isn't as popular with Harbs I'm usually fighting, this has been one that used it (and was a slog to bring down, but don't tell me you can't CC or outrun it):

      Reveal hidden contents



    Very nice. 
    I've had fairly decent success with this Hammer Zerker build. 

    You can definitely tell in the 1v1s the Harb was getting mentally exhausted and making numerous mistakes towards the end of each fight. 

    • Like 3
  5. 45 minutes ago, ZolracAtrox.2908 said:

    If we keep the "let a class be op for a second" then we never gonna have a healthy meta, 'cause always there will be a OP class breaking the game.

    Healthy Meta



    Pick one. 

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    • Haha 1
  6. For Untamed I typically run this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAMFlFw8YssVmLO+OpR9Sk+HA-zVhYBRFKTMs5gAPCy4UCTCkpIoXhQLLA1cACYP8WiYGAA-w


    It has good damage and good survivability for most matchups in a 1v1 scenario. 


    Willbenders have a very front loaded burst. Especially if they are power. They are designed to port in unload their damage and port out. It's the assassin archetype. They don't have a lot of sustain damage. 


    Guard in general has a lot of light fields it can generate which can be leapt through to grant light aura, but it sounds like the Willbender you are mentioning is likely running the Radiance trait line. The very first minor trait is called 'Justice is Blind'. This causes them to gain a light aura and blind nearby foes for 3 seconds in a 240 radius on activation of their F1. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. I know this build is for WvW, but I've had a lot of luck with fighting Scepter/Focus catalysts with it be it power, condi, or cele.




    One thing to note about the Scepter/Dagger build is that it has better mobility than Scepter/Focus, but loses access to Gale (air 5) which makes shield block actually useable. Also if an ele is using the Signet heal they have to constantly be casting to sustain, which makes them vulnerable to CC. Typically I will use Breaching Strike to strip stab then dagger 3 for the daze to start the chain. It can be difficult to get consecutive CCs off on them due to the Stab on Aura application. 


    With the amount of AoE spamming they do it makes it very hard for them to not trigger FC especially in close quarters. I prefer Revenge Counter over Tether due to the high amount of resistance uptime you'll have which makes dealing with their blind and weakness spam far easier. It will also cleanse conditions due to Cleansing Ire in Defense. All of their Jade Spheres do some damage on deployment which can proc FC as well. 


    For that particular ele build if they're in Air they're either kiting and building up energy to drop their Jade Sphere in air for quickness then swapping to fire for the burning spam. A common combo that you'll see is Ride the Lighting into Updraft for the CC then Jade Sphere for quickness then swapping to Fire. Ride the Lighting is a free Bull's Charge opportunity if they're coming right at you as it's an animation lock, meaning they can't do anything else while it's channeling. 



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  8. 15 hours ago, solemn.9670 said:

    People forget that traits are so much more important than stats. Take a full cele catalyst, put one on arcane/fire/catalyst and the other on air/fire/catalyst. The arcane build will be the one people call "nearly unkillable broken bunker" while the air build will be the one people sneeze at and it dies instantly unless the catalyst does nearly everything 90% perfectly in "rotations" (rotations don't actually exist on these builds) that are completely foreign to the average player.

    I feel that in my soul. 
    I tried dueling a WB as fire/air/cata with d/d and got deleted almost instantly. Swapped to fire/arcane/cata and was untouchable. I'd much rather play fire/air but it's so squish. 

  9. On 12/15/2022 at 10:35 AM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Specific skills or in general?

    For me it's been with Earthshaker, Fierce Blow, and Backbreaker, which you are supposed to combo together, so any delay breaks the combo. I've also not seen it happen when I have quickness up.

    Just seems to be in general. It's like my character is going through video buffering when I'm trying to pull off some combos. 

    I.E. Bulls Charge > Weapon Swap > Hundred Blades > Arcing Slice

  10. Recently I've noticed that my character will just stop taking actions in the middle of combat, while everyone else is still fighting around me. It's like I'm CC'd but not actually CC'd. 


    Also I've noticed Breaching Strike with just not either leap to or hit my target even if they're right next to me. 


    And of course the age old Rush pathing bug seems to be getting worse. 

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