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The Raven.1320

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  1. Jitters, when not even cele virt can carry you in a 1v1 it might be a skill issue.
  2. I hate how I feel like I have to run Defense SpB just to have a fighting chance roaming these days. Even with all of the cleanses packed into it, I still have to put in 10x the amount of effort to kill a cele harb than what they have to do to me.
  3. I don't see as many BS running around after their Elite was reworked and shoutsworn died. I have decent success running around with this build. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKAFcU1ZYZCsEGGLk5ijvTaUF-zVhYBBttF9ICxQUmDtG4Z0oKoXpgIPABsHeL6PDAA-w I'm not the greatest BS player, but I find it to be pretty good. If you want to Roam on Warrior and you want to play something that is slightly more forgiving then I'd recommend Defense Spellbreaker. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAEh7lJwSYYMRGKeWX+vbA-zVIYRUzXKNGBZmAdWA9GCyeACYP8acwMAA-w When I first started playing warrior I was told that, "To play well, you have to sweat for it."
  4. Willybenders are dangerous if you face tank their entire burst, but like warriors they have pretty clear animations and tells as to what they are going to do. If you're having trouble bending their willys you can go make one for yourself and play it or you can go duel one until you learn how to beat it. It would also help to know what build the OP is playing to properly give advice. I recorded a 1v1 with WB while I was playing Sic 'Em Soulbeast. I don't claim to be the best player and I do make multiple mistakes throughout the fight. It's also the raw footage so please excuse our comms.
  5. I personally am not a fan of Bladesworn and don't play it much. I'm more of a Spell Breaker and Core Warrior main. I do dabble in Berserker every now and again. Personally I find Defense Spell Breaker to be a good all rounder in terms of damage, sustain, and mobility. It offers very nice Condi Cleanse and Adrenal Health on your Burst or FC skills hitting. Lots of people like playing some condi or cele cheese these days so this build does quite well against them. I find myself running this build more often than not due to the meta. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAg6FlJwSYYMRGKeSX+vbA-zVIYR0xfKNqAyUE0pQoXJgGPABsHeNOYGAA-w For Berserker I go Hammer/GS. I've had decent success with taking down Harbs and Thieves with this build thanks to the CC hammer provides and Arc Divider still goes BRRRR... http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKgAIFlJwSYYsPWJeeX+tLA-zVRYBRFp+coKlSYFQmRQnhQvJgsHgA614gZAAA-w I've been playing around with some Core Warrior builds lately and this is the one I find the most fun. Quickness on disable + Hundred Blades feels amazing. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAc6FlJwSYYsQGKO2PtLXA-zVZYBRDX/cEBHBJUKBWAZGBlGC9mAqcACYP8acwMAA-w
  6. Very nice. I've had fairly decent success with this Hammer Zerker build. http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PKgAIFlJwSYYsPWJeeX+tLA-zVRYBRFp+coKlSYFQmhQnRQvJgsHgA2DvGHcGBA-w You can definitely tell in the 1v1s the Harb was getting mentally exhausted and making numerous mistakes towards the end of each fight.
  7. You can always tell when a Necro gets pissed they died in a 1v1 when they come back to chase you down as a Harbinger.
  8. Leap of Faith not hitting me for half my HP as an Ele would be nice
  9. My expectations were low and I'm still disappointed.
  10. Anywhere around Red BL Osprey's when we own it. Magebane Tether is all I need to say.
  11. Yes. The 1st job my boss spent more time drunk at the strip club than in the office. The 2nd one is just the power of having 3 monitors and multiple HDMI ports.
  12. My previous two jobs I got to play games while working. The 1st one my coworker and I made free Stadia accounts and played CoD Zombies and Cyberpunk 2077. The 2nd one was a fully remote position. I had work up on one screen and Gw2 on the other lol.
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