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Posts posted by TwilightSoul.9048

  1. Player housing would end up the same as all those useless "hubs" "home instance knock offs" and whatever, they're all equaly useless and redundant.I would very much prefer if they focused more attention back towards guild halls - more guild hall extensions for all the existing guild halls! They still have lots of unused space which could be used for many more interesting and even useful upgrades like crafting stations for all professions - expensive af of course so that we have something new to grind for! Seriously, give guild halls more love, player housing sounds like one of the worst ideas since playable tengus...

  2. I'm already upset that they decided to not send the Mount License to every EU player but even worse - I still have not even received the bonfire! This is outrageous! Today I've claimed the free bonfire from the tp and I'm still waiting for the one from the compensation... Meanwhile other players have received multiple Mount Licenses and I can't even get the useless bonfire...

  3. @Tiilimon.6094 said:

    @TwilightSoul.9048 said:But we did loose progress now... We didn't log in because we knew we'd loose progress and now we actually lost progress (a Mount License) because we didn't want to loose progress. We would've made progress during that time if we hadn't known about the issue - so we still lost progress - missed opportunities are lost progress as well.

    They should've just sent out the Mount License to everyone and the Bonfire to those that logged in, that sounds a lot more reasonable to me.

    Actually, you merely lost the opportunity for progress, not actual progress.

    I did loose actual progress as well though since I lost time that I would have otherwise spent playing the game, except now those who were acting reckless get rewarded and I'm sitting here with nothing but time lost to cautiosness watching the reckless ones with their pretty mounts.Again, the fairest move would've been to just give everyone the free mount license and the communal bonfire to the reckless ones.

  4. @coso.9173 said:

    @coso.9173 said:It is based on lost progress. That's the reason. Another thing altogether is that they can't really know who of the online people did progress and who didnt. So they gave it to both groups.But you know who didn't lose progress because of the rollback for sure? People who didn't play the game, that's why we don't get mounts. Seems pretty logic to me.Not getting a prize is not a punishment. It's just not getting a prize. I'm not punished everytime someone else wins anything. What kind of position is that?

    But we did loose progress now... We didn't log in because we knew we'd loose progress and now we actually lost progress (a Mount License) because we didn't want to loose progress. We would've made progress during that time if we hadn't known about the issue - so we still lost progress - missed opportunities are lost progress as well.

    They should've just sent out the Mount License to everyone and the Bonfire to those that logged in, that sounds a lot more reasonable to me.

    We chose not to play. That's not the same as playing and losing progress because of a rollback. You really not see the difference? Should I ask anet to compensate me for everytime I can't play because I have to work? After all, according to you it's the same thing.

    We didn't not play because we weren't able to, we didn't play because we knew about the issue and chosing not to play was the responsible step to take. And now we did loose progress because apparently intentionally risking progress is worth 1200 Gems and doing the responsible thing is not. I would've played if I didn't know about the issues so I did loose just as much playtime as those who did play and potentially lost their progress due to their reckless actions.

  5. @coso.9173 said:It is based on lost progress. That's the reason. Another thing altogether is that they can't really know who of the online people did progress and who didnt. So they gave it to both groups.But you know who didn't lose progress because of the rollback for sure? People who didn't play the game, that's why we don't get mounts. Seems pretty logic to me.Not getting a prize is not a punishment. It's just not getting a prize. I'm not punished everytime someone else wins anything. What kind of position is that?

    But we did loose progress now... We didn't log in because we knew we'd loose progress and now we actually lost progress (a Mount License) because we didn't want to loose progress. We would've made progress during that time if we hadn't known about the issue - so we still lost progress - missed opportunities are lost progress as well.

    They should've just sent out the Mount License to everyone and the Bonfire to those that logged in, that sounds a lot more reasonable to me.

  6. @Super Hayes.6890 said:

    @Super Hayes.6890 said:Proper reaction= Congrats to the players that got a cool free item. We are happy for you!

    Improper reaction= Why didn't I get a free item?! This is so unfair!

    Anet doesn't owe anything to anyone in this situation just like a business that got shut down during the pandemic doesn't owe anything to its customers that were unable to purchase anything while it was down. Try being happy for the players that benefitted from this. Many of you are reacting like improperly raised children.Rather, ANet acted like a terrible parent, giving some of their "children" a pretty new toy and nothing to the rest of them, without rhyme or reason.

    Without rhyme or reason as far as you know. What information do you have that qualifies you to judge their parenting abilities?

    They gave the reckless child a shiny toy and kicked the responsible child in the balls, sounds like some quality parenting to me!

  7. @Randulf.7614 said:But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues

    I didn't log in either, but I spent the time elsewhere knowing I'd end up with a potential problem in GW2. I don't deserve the mount licence compensation and rightfully wont get it. Sure I didn't do my dailies, but there are those who did their dailies and lost them. They deserve more than those who didn't log in at all

    An absolute non-issue here

    They lost progress to a known issue which is entirely their fault and should not be rewarded...I, as many others, have intentionally not logged in so that I don't waste time on a corrupted save just to watch people who threw caution to the wind get rewarded for their recklessness with a Mount skin that I would've been very happy about. Instead I get nothing, I didn't even get the communal bonfire that I would probably just put in my bank and forget about. The compensations should've been the other way around.

  8. @"Solanum.6983" said:Or in a perfect world, we get both :lol:

    In a perfect world these goddamn "make xxx a playable race"-Threads would cease at some point...I'd personally prefer if they started working on better themed Legendary Weapons or essentially anything that people can work towards. Adding a new race will only result in more discussions about what other races people wanna play...

  9. @Fire Attunement.9835 said:We want to talk a little about our plans for the next update that will affect the suite of templates features, and gather your feedback about what you hope to see from it.

    We’re calling it the Legendary Armory.

    Here’s a quick description of how it will work—when you bind a legendary item to your account, it will be added to the Legendary Armory. Any legendary item that is added to the Legendary Armory will become available for use by all the characters across your entire account at the same time. This removes the need for you to swap legendary equipment between characters through your bank or shared inventory. This feature will also come with updates to Equipment Template functionality to make it easier to copy the configuration of equipped legendary items from one Equipment Template to another template on the same character.

    Here are our goals for the Legendary Armory feature:

    • Make it feel more valuable to earn and use legendary equipment, while also making it easier to use legendary items with the Equipment Template feature.
    • Remove the need for players to swap account-bound legendary items between characters.
    • Make it easier to copy the configuration of equipped legendary items from one Equipment Template tab to another template on the same character.

    Let us know your thoughts in this thread. Thank you all!

    This would be a great change! I've been looking for a good reason to craft legendarys and a change like this would be a great motivation. If we could toggle the Legendary Accessoires visuals as well that would be even better.

  10. They should also have a stable version which can go live on time.The IT has deadlines like any other department. Yes code should be tested all the time but by that logic it'd be fine if they never released anyhting due to tests still going on?They should always have a stable version ready foor the release date, in the worst case they'd have to temporarily disable some features on release and fix them asap. Like the choya fighting pit in crystal oasis - oh wait, they never actually released that :(

  11. @Sigmoid.7082 said:

    @TwilightSoul.9048 said:In my opinion the only change neccessary on Scourge is: Remove the power damage. It's supposed to be a condi class, not a powerAoE Bomber.

    You realise scourges play power because in medium to large scale combat conditions are pretty much completely useless due to the over abundance of condition cleanse int the game at the moment.

    And you realise that the oppressive nature of scourge comes from the fact that they can do excessive powerbombs with no meaningfull cooldown on large AoE's from range?The fact that condition builds vs condition cleanse are completely out of balance is an entirely different issue (which of course needs to be adressed as well...).

  12. @hanabal lecter.2495 said:I think most people just get irritated because there is a lot of wasted potential in gw2, it's a good game but it can easily do better if there was better communication between the players and the devs from the start.

    Exactly this.GW2 is the best MMO I have ever played and that includes WOW (although that is probably a personal preference). BUT GW2 could be a lot better. Just look at the Build Templates - they aren't nearly what they could've been if anet had listened to the feedback they had gotten... And thats just the most recent example.

    I do appreciate the game a lot but it is really frustrating to see all the little annoying avoidable things add up even though they keep getting a lot of constructive feedback.

  13. I can no longer log into the game because "The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time."prior to this I experienced heavy chat lag and wanted to restart the game, hoping that would help...I'd submit a ticket but I'd need to login for that which I can't do there either.

  14. @"Slyverine.7081" said:A bit dissapointed by them.1)Why only 2 gear templates? We should have had at least 3 to match the build ones.2)We actually have the same number of build templates as before, you have taken away the auto build per game mode.Someone who plays all modes is in the same potition as before and he actually has to change the build manually every time he enters a new mode.3) You did the same "mistake" as bag slots.Additional slots shouldn't be per character but account wide for all characters. Then the price can be justified or even raised by an amount like 100 gems.4) We should have a way to link a build and a gear template optionally.Also i hoped we could save gear like account wide in equipment templates so we could use it on other toons as wells, but guess i was just dreaming haha

    I was gonna give my opinion here but Slyverine has pretty much summed it up.My two biggest problems are having only 2 Gear templates with 3 Build Templates and the inability to link a build to a gear template. I don't have a single Build were I don't have different gear, even if its just a different weapon.I also don't have any two builds that use exactly the same gear... I understand that we only got 2 Gear Templates because PvP didn't have any gear before, or more specificly no gear that matters anywhere outside PvP but still...Maybe we should have gotten a "Build Template Release Box" where we could've chosen one Build/Gear-Template expansion thingy of our choice from the Trading Post instead of those useless 3 slots that probably don't matter to anyone, at least not for me, I don't really understand what I would ever need those slots for considering they don't even save the equipment, only the traits and utilities.... To me their only purpose is for the very rare case when I want to ping my build to a friend and can't be bothered to visit gw2skills.net or for the slightly more common case where gw2skills.net just isn't up to date. Also I'd imagine generating chatlinks from gw2skills.net is just around the corner now so there really isn't any purpose for those save slots...

    I really didn't have high expectations but somehow I'm still disappointed, the templates really don't have much use for me at the moment, I have to put more effort into the game now by beeing forced to manually switch my build whenever I enter or leave WvW and the only advantage so far is that I can quickly switch my weapon via hotkey in escort events just so that I can buff swiftness... Such comfort, waow... (I hope you don't mind the dead meme).

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