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Posts posted by TwilightSoul.9048

  1. I sincerely hope they won't make another mmorpg any time soon. GW2 has a lot left to explore and a lot of room for improvement and it is by no means time to stop developing GW2 or put ressources somewhere else, especially after the lay offs. GW2 has improved a lot lately from my point of view and I think it is time that they work harder than ever to release better and better content and balance updates in the future (don't rush it, put more time and effort in it! I prefer quality over quantity and most people will agree!... Hopefully, not sure about reddit... ).

  2. @Katary.7096 said:

    @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:Yeah I know that it is anets way, what I'm saying is that I don't think it is a good way. It's artificial difficulty. The bosses aren't actually hard so they add a timer which they can fine tune until the boss feels like a hard boss due to time beeing beeing limited. I would prefer fights getting hard because we have to deal with mechanics. And I'm not talking about massive amounts of aoe damage or OHKO attacks. Difficulty in Anets eyes seems to depend on time available and number/size of AoE's which is really just annoying and stressful and not very fun or interactive. But as I said, this is my opinion and I know some people enjoy racing against time. Not sure though why they're not playing racing games

    Then what should be the punishment for failing to execute mechanics in gw2 raids in your opinion? Since you are ruling out heavy (aoe) damage and OHKOs you must have some interesting ideas.

    Some ideas would be:1) Boss Heals to full (or a significant amount)2) Boss switches into some other phase (berserk/rage/bunker/whatever) which increases the pace of the fight in some way or introduces another mechanic to end that phase. Phases could increase the speed at which he executes actions or increase the damage of his non-ohko attacks or decrease the damage he takes by a significant amount or gain lifesteal or absorb damage as healing and so on...3) Boss does something Bosslike and interacts with the environment to create obstacles which the PC's need to overcome (aka introducing new mechanics into the fight as punishment for failing one)4) Boss goes into hiding and needs to be found/lured out/revealed with some new mechanics or interactions with the environment (maybe some inspiration from games like Dauntless where you actually have to go find the boss)

    I don't find timers or AoE spam or unforgiving attacks that instagib you for one single mistake in the wrong second difficult in any way since there is no way for me to interact with them as a player.VS short timers: the only interaction is to stuff enough dps in your group which limits build diversity. With no interaction from any particular player - just play a top dps build with the required supports.VS AoE spam: just dodge the significant AoE's , sidestep as much as possible while staying close to your group and let your healers do the rest. Wowee, basically what we do in absolutely every other fight except that nowaday in many fights the amount of AoE's is so insane that sidestepping becomes irrelevant as well as long as you dodge that one AoE that'll ohko you.VS OHKO: lul just dodge, mistimed/out of endurance/immobilized/lag/whatever? lul ded l2p kek. There's a reason why almost every combo deck in hearthstone got nerfed at some point - because dying against something that you cannot prevent doesn't offer any interactivity and interactivity is the only difference between a game and a movie.

    OHKO Attacks aren't generally terrible but they need to offer interactions of some sort and they should be rare.

    I don't know if these are "interesting ideas" to you since this is basically my personal preference but I hope I could at least make my point of view clear.

    PS: I actually enjoy playing combo decks in Hearthstone but I prefer those that have some setup which offers interactions to the opponent - Decks like the current otk pala are incredibly bad for the game since playing against it is basically like fighting a boss on a short timer - if you don't win in time (or gain 50+ armor) you loose.

  3. @sokeenoppa.5384 said:

    @TwilightSoul.9048 said:I like strike missions so far but I dislike timers as artificial difficulty, if I want to solo a Boss with a kitten Build - why not let me sit there alone punching my boss for hours? Why did we have to get a timer there? The timer adds nothing to the fight other than limiting the player experience. I can easily solo the Boss if it weren't for that kitten timer.I'd say difficulty wise the strike missions are in a fairly good position, they encourage people to form a group, especially since there is an achievement with a timelimit and they somewhat highlight the importance of a healer. I don't think they should be MUCH harder and definitly not easier.

    However I can't see them as much of a stepping stone since if anything, the strike missions highlight that you can play and beat them with whatever bunch of builds you and your group enjoy playing - which is probably also the case for raids but raid community is gonna disagree.

    @Anet: Timers don't make stuff more difficult only more stressful and offer less diverse options for build diversity. Basically: Timers are bad. Some people enjoy long grindy fights, what is the problem in that? Why do you feel the need to take that option away? Would the Boss be too easy if we had more time? No, the mechanics/damage/hp don't change, all it does is add an artificial dps requirement. If you want certain bosses to have dps requirements you could add healing mechanics that would otherwise outheal the dps and if you want to add even more interactivity to the game you could even add alternative means to overcome those healing mechanics so that groups with weaker dps can still somehow beat the boss. A timer adds zero fun and interactivity.

    Sidenote: I'm not a game developer, I'm a player - and this is my opinion as a player. And as a player, I really enjoy beeing able to interact with whats happening in the game. I don't know about you guys but I cannot interact with a timer, I've tried bending time but it doesn't seem to work...

    Its anets way to add dificulty to fights (mostly raids as first strike was too easy.) Adding a timer aka dps check forces players to play with comp that brings most dmg with as low sustain as possible. Doing this fights them self turns harder as you cant just cheese them with stacking healers. Lets take twin largos boss for example, that fight would be one of the easiest fights If there wasn't a timer as the timer is the MAIN reason why this fight fails, even if every1 is alive once it hits to zero. Now remove the timer and it might turn to easiest raid out there as you could take druid, scourge and tempest for your healers there and do it without splitting into two parties.

    Yeah I know that it is anets way, what I'm saying is that I don't think it is a good way. It's artificial difficulty. The bosses aren't actually hard so they add a timer which they can fine tune until the boss feels like a hard boss due to time beeing beeing limited. I would prefer fights getting hard because we have to deal with mechanics. And I'm not talking about massive amounts of aoe damage or OHKO attacks. Difficulty in Anets eyes seems to depend on time available and number/size of AoE's which is really just annoying and stressful and not very fun or interactive. But as I said, this is my opinion and I know some people enjoy racing against time. Not sure though why they're not playing racing games

  4. I like strike missions so far but I dislike timers as artificial difficulty, if I want to solo a Boss with a shitty Build - why not let me sit there alone punching my boss for hours? Why did we have to get a timer there? The timer adds nothing to the fight other than limiting the player experience. I can easily solo the Boss if it weren't for that damn timer.I'd say difficulty wise the strike missions are in a fairly good position, they encourage people to form a group, especially since there is an achievement with a timelimit and they somewhat highlight the importance of a healer. I don't think they should be MUCH harder and definitly not easier.

    However I can't see them as much of a stepping stone since if anything, the strike missions highlight that you can play and beat them with whatever bunch of builds you and your group enjoy playing - which is probably also the case for raids but raid community is gonna disagree.

    @Anet: Timers don't make stuff more difficult only more stressful and offer less diverse options for build diversity. Basically: Timers are bad. Some people enjoy long grindy fights, what is the problem in that? Why do you feel the need to take that option away? Would the Boss be too easy if we had more time? No, the mechanics/damage/hp don't change, all it does is add an artificial dps requirement. If you want certain bosses to have dps requirements you could add healing mechanics that would otherwise outheal the dps and if you want to add even more interactivity to the game you could even add alternative means to overcome those healing mechanics so that groups with weaker dps can still somehow beat the boss. A timer adds zero fun and interactivity.

    Sidenote: I'm not a game developer, I'm a player - and this is my opinion as a player. And as a player, I really enjoy beeing able to interact with whats happening in the game. I don't know about you guys but I cannot interact with a timer, I've tried bending time but it doesn't seem to work...

  5. @Hex.8714 said:So quick recap on how to get into raids with 0 experience:step 1: get rid of your open world pve build and find a meta raid build that you like on snowcrows websitestep 2: practice the dps rotation on the golemstep 3: watch videos or guides of raid bosses then join semi exp/ training / non kp groupsstep 4: learn from your failures, as I said it will only take you 2-3 pulls to learn all boss mechanics

    As someone who would like to get into raiding but hasn't I feel like giving my opinion here.

    1. Already a turn-off for me. That already feels incredibly oppressive to get into a part of the community that values potential dps higher than experience/fun. I'm running fresh air s/wh tempest which isn't the top dps build for my class but its not worthless either. However those few potential dps points difference are enough for groups to turn me down disregarding the fact that I've played that build since forever and have been playing ele since the first beta weekend thus beeing very comfortable with my class and likely to not make mistakes. If I were to just copy 'n paste some meta build which may or may not have a few % more potential damage I'll be more likely to make mistakes since I'm not as experienced with that build and will probably not do more damage than with my current build and there are many many many tier 2/3 builds or variants of tier 1/2/3 builds that drop just a few potential dps% but get rejected by the raid community anyway. I really hate that part of the raid community. What is wrong with sacrificing 5-10% dps for some fun and comfort while playing the game? I don't play gw2 to play the way someone else wants me to play the game, I have to carter to other peoples needs at work enough, I don't play games to turn them into chores. Sure, the raid will take 5-10 Minutes longer, so what? I'm not trying to get into a speedrun community, I'm trying to get into a different part of the game with a story that has been locked away from me, a part of tyria which I didn't get to explore yet, with mechanics I have yet to see.
    2. I've practiced the dps rotation of the build I enjoy for years, it may not be the perfect build but its the build I enjoy playing and as far as I can tell its not far off the top tier build's dps, I don't run a dps-meter so I unfortunatly can't drop any numbers here.
    3. I don't intend to become some sort of professional raider, I want to play raids for fun - I want to join a group, experience new content, fail, learn from our fails and progress step by step. who tf enjoys playing games after watching a walkthrough, thats like admitting failure before even having tried. Maybe that attitude comes from having grown up at a time where walkthroughs were sold as seperate booklets and only the most desperate would go out of their way to buy a walkthrough but I really hate having to look up solutions to an obstacle in games - as the Player Character I WANT to fail and overcome problems myself, thats what makes games fun. Looking up solutions isn't fun. Which is why the raid community seems like an incredibly unfun place to be in since everyone seems to be an incredible tryhard with no tolerance whatsoever (if you're part of the raiding community and still agree with me then I'm sorry for generalizing here).
    4. I wish I could but the failure tolerance in the raiding community (from my experience) seems to be 0. I've tried vale guardian 3 times, the first time I started the raid and just picked up a bunch of randoms that wanted to try it among those randoms were a couple raiders that kept telling us what we were doing wrong (unfortunatly in a not-very-nice-way) and kept insulting us every time something didn't go as planned and sure enough they left after just a couple minutes while some of us were still reading the conversation of the npc's. The second run, I joined a group that said newbees welcome but spoiler: newbees weren't welcome there. They asked me about my gear, I told them my gear and they kicked me because I ran superior rune of strength instead of scholar. And the third time I tried it I started it myself again but didn't even get to start - that was shortly after the tempest nerfs and the first guy that joined was nice enough to point that out, and kept pointing it out as well as telling everyone else what was wrong with their builds, needless to say no one was in the mood for raids anymore after that.

    So really my biggest issue with raids isn't the raids which are, from what I can tell, barely harder than fractals which are pretty easy, but rather the community which has no tolerance but will seep into even casual groups and spread toxicity. So the only way for me to get into raiding is probably to find more and more friends in gw2 that aren't raiders already until I can fill a group with them.Or find a casual raiding guild, which apparently do exist but haven't found any yet.

    I find it cute how many raiders consider themselves to be better at the game than non-raiders. But really what they're good at is speedrunning a specific part of the game (a very small part of the game). All they did was copy and paste a build that was optimized for that specific purpose and practice a rotation to get through some content as fast as possible. Resulting in a community that has apparently forgotten that raids can actually be played casually as well - there is no need to speedrun raids but that seems to have become the raiding meta.

    tldr: Meta builds are a made-up requirement for raids - every raid is beatable with an organized group of players that know what they are doing as long as you have a well balanced team with a good composition of healers, dps and support/tank that you're comfortable with. But the raiding community turned raids into hardcore speedrunning content.

    /rant over

  6. @Knighthonor.4061 said:

    @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:My opinion is not reflected in any of the poll options.I'm someone who would like to try raids but I did not my interactions with the raid community so far. So I think I will enjoy the strike missions a lot and I'm glad to see anet not putting effort into parts of the game that are accessible to people that don't enjoy dealing with the gw2 raiding community.

    thats literally the first option

    I am a non raider who is interested in this

    A "non-raider" to me is someone who isn't interested in raiding.I would love to get into raiding but I would hate to get into the gw2 raiding community and my friends don't want to raid or aren't playing gw2.

  7. My opinion is not reflected in any of the poll options.I'm someone who would like to try raids but I did not my interactions with the raid community so far. So I think I will enjoy the strike missions a lot and I'm glad to see anet not putting effort into parts of the game that are accessible to people that don't enjoy dealing with the gw2 raiding community.

  8. I was gonna make a similar thread so thanks for saving me the effort :DSo far I was never really aware that you don't actually get anything for beeing on the server that finishes in first place but that just so happened to happen to my server yesterday. Since then I've been thinking about what that reward could be if we had one and weather having one would make sense.Obviously you're already beeing rewarded by getting more pips when playing on the winning server which is probably the better way to reward people since it doesn't encourage jumping servers as much as other options. However just getting more pips than the loosing servers doesn't feel as much like winning as a golden reward chest at the end of the week would and I do believe that it would encourage people to pull through a little more.

    So: Yes, I could see that. But I imagine a different reward as what you descibed. I've been thinking that it's probably best to only give the reward chest (Bronze/Silver/Gold, based on how the Server finished) to those players that have finished Wood Tier (Minimum) and the Rewards in the final Reward Chest at the end of the week should scale based on which reward tier the player has reached.The content of the Chests should be something like this:

    (In the following I will shorten the Skirmish reward tiers as follows: Wood - w, Bronze - b, Silver - s, Gold - g, Platinum - p, Mithril - m, Diamond - d)Amount of each Item will depend on the achieved reward tier.Bronze:

    • WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets w:1, b:2, s:4, g:6, p:8, m:10, d:12
    • Memory of Battle w:1, b:2, s:3, g:4, p:5, m:6, d:8
    • Mist-Warped Packet wbsgpmd:2
    • Mist-Warped Bundle sgpmd:1
    • Mystic Coin sgpmd:1
    • Grandmaster Mark Shard sgpmd:1


    • WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets w:2, b:4, s:6, g:8, p:10, m:12, d:14
    • Memory of Battle w:2, b:3, s:4, g:5, p:6, m:7, d:9
    • Mist-Warped Packet wbsgpmd:4
    • Mist-Warped Bundle sgpmd:2
    • Mystic Coin sgpmd:2
    • Grandmaster Mark Shard sgpmd:2


    • WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets w:3, b:5, s:7, g:9, p:11, m:13, d:15
    • Memory of Battle w:3, b:4, s:5, g:6, p:7, m:8, d:10
    • Mist-Warped Packet wbsgpmd:6
    • Mist-Warped Bundle sgpmd:3
    • Mystic Coin sgpmd:3
    • Grandmaster Mark Shard sgpmd:3

    Numbers are somewhat inspired by the current reward tiers so that it stays somewhat fair and encourages actually playing WvW instead of just finishing wood tier to get some reward.

    I personally would really like something like this as it would feel very rewarding after having spent time and effort to keep the server on first place and it rewards the community effort as well and not just the efforts of those that can afford to spend the most time in the game (as is currently the case with pips beeing the only scaling reward).

  9. I think the biggest problem was that having a announcement like that created a very large expectation in the community which was absolutely not filled at all. They shouldn't have hyped it up like that.The Announcement itself was fine, I'm excited about a new Living World Saga and I'm excited about the Strike missions and the Build templates.But considering the months of build up towards the announcement I expected to get new information about the future of the game, about Alliances and all that stuff. SO I can understand how people weren't satisfied and I think anet absolutely deserves that - they knew fully well the expectations of the community but decided to stay silent for months and deliver barely any new information in the announcement. We knew a new LW was coming, we knew there wouldn't be an expansion, we knew Build templates would be coming soonish and we know that there is merch for the game.We still don't know how the Alliance update is doing, we don't know if there will be another expansion in the future, we don't know if there will be new elite specs or some other form of new Build variety in the future nor do we know if there will be another set of legendary armor in PvE or another set of weapons or trinkets (please gimme another set of legendary trinkets, I don't wanna run around with stupid floaty ballz...)

    I didn't expect much from the update and the strike missions were a positive surprise so I'll vote 4/5 and I'll coninue hoping for an update post on the Alliance update. I wanna know how the team is doing! Anet, step up your communication!

  10. I have mixed feelings about the Announcement. Considering the long period of silence and the long wait for the announced announcement on August 30 I would have expected more to come out of it.I'm still excited about the new Living World Saga and I incredibly happy that we're getting a new map that will change over time. That has been something very important to me and I'm glad to see that coming and I hope we'll see more of that instead of more dead maps. I'm curious to see how the story writing will change because I haven't enjoyed that too much lately although the latest chapter got a lot better already.

    One thing that surprised me was the Strike missions or whatever they were called, I hope they turn out well and have some interesting rewards that also encourage replayability because those missions seem very exciting to me and I hope the community won't ruin that like they did with raids.

    What I disliked the most was the complete lack of any information regarding WvW. They've posted information on the forum since but considering the fact that they made an announcement like that I would've loved to hear about an Update and current state of the Alliance Update (Still haven't heard anything about that since... 10 Months I think).

    Overall I'm excited about the next part of the story and the build templates but if they don't start to invest more time and effort into WvW I'm afraid the excitement will burn down rather quickly once I'm done with the story and Achievements.

    Hoping for better communication from the team in the future!

  11. (I usually play Backline Staff Weaver)

    1. Would your gameplay change as a result?

    Yes, in a positive way. Beeing able to see target rectangles of CoR as well as the small damage nerf on CoL and Ranger Longbow will give me more opportunities to react in situations where I would usually just disapppear and check my damage log in disbelieve - which is very good. I hate situations where I get hit by two CoR that I could never have dodged since they don't show and then just die and beeing able to see them will make for much more interactive gameplay.

    2. Do you feel these changes would improve or worsen the state of the game?

    Improve! I haven't felt Engineers to be too much of a problem but the Scourge and Revenant changes look very good to me. Scourge still is the easiest class to recommend someone who is new to WvW and there pretty much is nothing you can do wrong. It's incredibly boring and non interactive since whichever button a scourge presses will most likely be some AoE with Boon corrupt and barrier, multiply that by however many scourges your average zerk has and you have a measure of how bad the state of the game is. (I'm exaggerating, but only a little :) )

    3. Are you looking forward to these potential changes?

    Yub. But I still think that the Alliance update as well as reward changes are currently more important than Balance for WvW. We need encouragement for new commanders and higher rewards as well as higher rewards for taking obejctives especially well defended ones (I know this is coming soonish, just wanna stress the importance of those changes).

    4. What are your concerns with this set of changes?

    Not a real concern more of a personal thing. I don't think Daredevil is what it is supposed to be and it is by far the least fun class, or rather the least fun opponent I have ever had in any game.Daredevil has access to stealth, superior mobility, an insane amount of evades, reasonable disables, some boon removal, a decent build variety, good damage spikes and I am okay with everything this far. But why does Daredevil also have access to insane boon generation and blocks/reflects AND a goddamn portal? Is there any mechanic that Daredevil does not have access to? I wouldn't mind if Daredevil, or rather thief in general, could get access to blocks/reflects via a stolen skill, from guard or warrior for example, and access to a portal via stolen skill from mesmer. But giving him all those tools just like that feels incredibly wrong to me. Its like the goal with Daredevil has never been to make a good viable class but rather it seems like the goal was to design a class specificly for a wide variety of trolling capabilities.I'm not asking for a Daredevil nerf, I just dislike beeing jumped by people that can just barely kill me if they bother me long enough and can't be killed unless they're really bad or get jumped by a larger group, thats neither fun nor good for the game.Alright, I'm done.EDIT: Another thing that should be adressed: Pulls need to be more consistent, Dragonhunter Pull doesn't seem to require Line of sight while engi & necro pulls do, Mesmer focus pull is an AoE so it doesn't require anything but seems to pull targets over its center (haven't confirmed that yet).And Walls on Towers and Keeps might need a redesign, on many Walls it is far easier to hit targets standing on the wall than it is to hit targets below while standing on the wall - thats not how fortified positions are supposed to work. In medieval times, walls have been designed in such a way that they protect you from attacks from below, such as archers, while giving you a good position to attack back. In WvW however, most walls block line of sight forcing you to stand on the edge where everyone below can just pick you off or pull you down.

    5. What consequences do you expect would come from these changes?

    I don't think zerg setups will change much due to changes like this and that is okay. Fights will probably just be a little more interesting.

  12. Since I usually roam with a friend and barely every alone my decision making might be slightly different from what a solo roamer would do but I thought I'd share it anyway, maybe it helps someone out there. Especially since I use roughly the same decision making when I'm running in larger groups / zergs (Obviously not exactly the same but it makes for a good baseline from my experience).

    1) Who deals the most damage?2) Who will (likely) be the easiest to kill?3) Who will cause the most problems when trying to kill #1 and/or #2?4) Who can be ignored until all other targets are taken care of?

    Once you've gotten used to intuitively walk yourself through those questions when you see enemies it's quite easy to work out an ordered list of targets. Staff Eles and Rangers are most likely to be all the way at the top followed by Scources. After Scourges the list gets too dizzy to be generalized since the rest mostly depends on what you're running and what your weaknesses are, my friend and I usually target reapers next since they are quite easy to kite but can be quite bothersome if not dealt with. The bottom of the list is most likely a Scapper/Firebrand/Ventary rev, sometimes you can even leave spellbreakers for last depending on your playstyle, class and build.

    "Weird" targets are: Rev/Herald & Power Guard/DH since you'll have to put them pretty far up if they're good, otherwise they can often be ignored for a while. Unfortunatly it's not always clear weather they're good or not.

    And the oddity in my decision making is Mesmer, if the enemy has a good Mesmer then he should be a pretty high priority but since Mesmers are rarely easy to focus it is probably better to avoid him for a while which will cause problems as well. So against mesmers, try to look for an opportunity to coordinate a burst against them, otherwise try to avoid them until other high priorities are taken care of.

    Note that my decision making results in a very loose and flexible list that can and should(!) be adapted to how the situation develops. I don't think you will find great success by just strictly targeting class x/y first. Rangers may be on top of the list most of the time but sometimes it is more efficient to target someone else first.

    I hope this helps someone!

    PS: This is not guaranteed to work nor is it the definite "best" way to approach a fight, it's just my personally preferred way to go about a fight.

  13. @Danikat.8537 said:

    @TwilightSoul.9048 said:Some people like nutella with ketchup,

    Do they though? Does anyone, anywhere really like that? (And if so what's wrong with them?)


    A girl I knew back in school loved it for some reason... But yeah, people like different things.I absolutely hate lemon + chokolate as ice cream flavor combination even though almost everyone I know loves it so I kinda understand both sides although I admit that ketchup + nutella combination is especially ridiculous :)

  14. I'm sure this is going to be a very conclusive poll!And while we're at it let's also discuss some other questions like pineapple on pizza? Chicken or egg first?

    Dude, people have their own personal preferances, they don't always make sense and they don't have to. Some people like nutella with ketchup, some people like wow, some people like fortnite. Who cares?

    I think wow has some great elements and some not so great elements and so does every other game (Except for Divinity OS I & II, they are flawless!).Everyone who is playing GW2 probably weighs the great elements in this game higher than those of some other games or maybe he/she just can't afford paying for wow every month or maybe he/she just has more friends playing GW2 than wow or whatever.

    Personally I've tried wow and having played WC3 excessively I didn't enjoy where the story went with wow. Before I started playing GW2 I had played many different mmos, mostly Asian f2p garbage that was fun until you've reached the point where every progress just depends on your wallet and when they announced GW2 as a pay once get all you need kinda game it just looked perfect to me. So I started playing GW2 in the beta, had a lot of fun and somehow I just keep coming back to it no matter how many times I take breaks from GW2. It's by no means the best game, not even close but it is a game that is very comfortable to play as an mmo, you never really feel like you're missing out and it's just very easy to start after a break and nothing ever really changes. Which is at the same time its greatest downside because that is precisely the reason why I keep taking breaks from this game, it is just not captivating at all - with the time-locked maps nothing seems to matter, on the one map joko is dead, patheticely eaten by some dragon whelp. And on another map joko is some completely untouchable threat whoms power you couldn't grasp even in your dreams. And that doesn't change at any point. Jokos "invasion" much like the braded "invasion" didn't do anything... sure some portals pop up here and there and then you get to kill a few things but they never do anything, nothing happens if those events fail - they don't capture villages, settlements or cities, they don't destroy anyhting.I miss stuff like scarlets attack on lions arch, that was something I absolutely didn't want to miss, it was great! Now I feel like it doesn't matter when I take a break from the game... all I have to do is log in once when a new episode is released just so that I don't have to pay for it later and thats it.

    tldr: No game is perfect for everyone, maybe gw2 is perfect for you, maybe some other game is but ultimately nothing matters this poll is useless thanks for your attention go grab a beer (or soda if you're not of legal age).

  15. I block people that make it impossible to read the chat and people that cause a lot of drama and people that constantly complain about something they've likely caused themselves and people that harass others a lot and and and...

    tldr: I block people

    That beeing said I only have about 8 people in my blocklist and 5 of them are goldsellers which are probably banned by now anyway...

  16. Or just reduce Mount HP to 1000 or something so that you can actually realisticly knock people off their mounts if they get too bold.The only thing I dislike about the Mounts is the fact that you can essentially just run around with no worries.Or make it so that every CC knocks you off. That might be even better than just reducing the HP since reducing HP would make you dismount from every bit of fall damage.

  17. @EmmetOtter.8542 said:

    1. The bad guy will be Jormag. Bleh.
    2. And the whole thing will be "How do we beat Jormag without killing him?" Because killing him could cause the destruction of Tyria but you still got to stop a rampaging Dragon. The solution? Aurene eats him.
    3. Aurene will want Fries with that Jormag Burger. And jello. Always room for jello.

    Jormag isn't exactly "rampaging", actually last we heard of Jormas was that he went back to sleep if I didn't miss anything. So while we might have to deal with things that have got to do with Jormag, I don't think we will be confronting him directly anytime soon. But I'm looking forward to some cool maps! (Pun intended)

    @EmmetOtter.8542 said:

    1. More Masteries, but nearly all will be only usable within the story. Maybe 1 or 2 will be usable in non-story zones
    2. A swimming mount because a chunk of the story will be underwater
    3. Legendaries! Bunches of them
    4. Another Raid or two

    A swimming mount would be nice, that would make underwater content a lot more bearable.I don't think there will be any new Legendary Weapons in the next LW Season since we are about done with the Gen 2 bunch but I do think (hope) we'll get another set of Legendary Armor from PvE Content for every weight class and hopefull another full set of Accessories (Amulet, Rings, Earring thingies and Backpiece), which hopefully don't belong to the Vision, Aurora, Whatever bunch. I'd prefer more unique legendarys.

    Also I hope we'll finally get the option to hide accessories (Aurora etc).

  18. I think the stats are fine as is. The only real issue I see is that too many builds at the moment can circumvent certain active defensive measures.The strongest Condi Builds are all capable of corrupting or removing boons, most importanlty: Resistance, making one of the active defensive measures against such builds basically useless or in the case of scourges even a liability since they'll turn it into just another condition. Beyond that they are able to apply conditions faster than you can remove them alone since you have far fewer active condi removals than the Condi Build has skills to apply conditions with.Then there are Power Builds, some have unblockable attacks, others can easily remove boons such as aegis, protection, vigor or stability, some can do both and some can just straight up OHKO eles, mesmers and thieves (and sometimes even heavier classes).I really like an active defence and I think we have enough Build choices to improve the amount of active defence vs just more beefiness. If I wanna go for the highest possible amount of damage on ele I will most likely not slot in mist form, armor of earth, lightning flash or arcane shield, all of which I could choose for some more active defence. I'd also probably not choose the traits that give me vigor for more dodging (active defence), instead I'll choose every trait and utility that inceases my damage (not saying that would be a smart build choice). On the other hand, if I want to deal good damage but also want to survive long enough to do that damage I will decide to sacrifice some of my damage in order to slot in Lightning Flash or maybe I'll even pick the water traitline now that it got buffed.Guardian would be another great example where you have a lot of great defensive utility skills which you can pick to improve your active defence while sacrificing some potential max damage.At the moment we all have to min/max our builds to find the right balance between dealing good damage and surviving long enough to deal our damage and I think that is a great position for the balance of the game to be in. Admitably there are some extremes which still have to be addressed like the once I've mentioned in the beginning of my post but overall we're in a pretty decent spot in my opinion.

  19. @DietPepsi.4371 said:

    @Shikoba.6378 said:ArenaNet should license a Palawa Joko alarm clock so that we may be awakened every morning.


    Bonus points if the alarm is joko making a compelling speech, and he makes disappointed comments if you press snooze.

    Except as soon as everything starts to get exciting with his compelling speech he'll just get eaten by Aurene like some insignificant character that just gets killed of somewhere on the sideline as soon as you hit the snooze button. Thanks anet!

  20. Hopefully no new mount.

    Most importantly I hope the world will become a little more alive, like old maps seeing some changes from stuff that is happening and just in general involving more of the world instead of just a new map with every chapter. All living world maps so far felt entirely insignificant and useless, I'd only ever visit them for the story chapters and once I'm done with them I'd only visit them for some collections and whatever, not because I feel like they matter in any way.

    Also I'd like to see some more meaningfull ways to develop our characters, beyond legendarys and cosmetics - maybe masteries that make you feel like your mastering a specific aspect of your class instead of some insignificant mechanic which only matters on a handful of maps and only in some specific scenario.

    But yeah, as long as they don't just release a boring new map with every chapter which basically doesn't mean anything to the world because everything is timelocked and nothing actually happens I'd be happy :)

    I'm not saying destroy Lions Arch again, but...

    Lionguard Tyrro: I'm glad to see the city up and running again, but it isn't the same.Alainn: What's wrong with it? It's grander than ever!Lionguard Tyrro: That's my point. The old LA wasn't grand. It had character. It has spirit. It had grit. This just isn't the same.

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