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Everything posted by Hex.8714

  1. I mean if being able to evade 20 times in a row seems to be balanced to you in a game thats based around evading / applying damage , you must be very delusional, A staff thief at 1600-1700 rating has to be ignored or else the team is wasting resources by 1v2ing the thief for an extended perioid of time while losing the rest of the map. Again that's a learning issue on ur part part of the evade rotation is vault and bound which both have frames at end of the skills that the thief can be punished and since it's a thief that usually means dead type punished. No one talks about acro staff in pvp cuz it's a kitten duel build compared to other classes, worse +1 and decap build compared to s/d, hell even s/d is a better dueler than acro staff lmao only time acro staff is ok at best is in wvw zerg bombing and that's only compared to other thief builds not classesonly bad staff thieves use vault to evade. Im not gonna argue with a silver player. Good thieves use Debilitating arc. Since you clearly have no idea how to play staff thief or whats its capable of im not going to reply any further.
  2. Thats the issue, they balance around ATs, and the meta in AT wont change, it will be FB, scourge, rev holo and SB/mirage for side nodes. yes technically even scourge is better than mesmer because of team fight potential thats the point I was trying to make. But scourge/rev can easely be countered but mesmer cannot . When paired with a support class like FB, a scourge or a rev is alot more useful than a mesmer, but mesmer is 10x more oppresive because of lack of counterplay. You keep saying things are better than Mes but they are not. Literally everything Rev does, a Mes does better. Damage, sustain, mobility, disengage, utility ... Mes does better than Rev in all of that and the numbers say it. They don’t balance around AT. If that was the case then scourge would not be played at all as a class, since it has no sustain/ moblity and all it has is damage and team fight presence. Rev, scourge and holo are all better than mesmer at team fighting when paired with a support, hence why they are meta builds and have the most presence in ATs.
  3. I mean if being able to evade 20 times in a row seems to be balanced to you in a game thats based around evading / applying damage , you must be very delusional, A staff thief at 1600-1700 rating has to be ignored or else the team is wasting resources by 1v2ing the thief for an extended perioid of time while losing the rest of the map.
  4. Thats the issue, they balance around ATs, and the meta in AT wont change, it will be FB, scourge, rev holo and SB/mirage for side nodes. yes technically even scourge is better than mesmer because of team fight potential thats the point I was trying to make. But scourge/rev can easely be countered but mesmer cannot . When paired with a support class like FB, a scourge or a rev is alot more useful than a mesmer, but mesmer is 10x more oppresive because of lack of counterplay.
  5. There has always been builds more oppressive than the " meta OP" builds that could still be countered because there was room for counter play. And the problem with gw2 balance is that its always the meta builds that get nerfed, the ones that are the most effective in ATs and high level play instead of focusing on toxic builds that ruin the game. Now what is counterplay? Its a very simple concept, counterplay involves being able to counter the enemy's most damaging/ dangerous skills while also being able to avoid their CC and be able to CC them and damage them reliably. Every class should be capable of doing such in a way that dosent revolve around rng or passive damage/defense application or insta cast spike from stealth ( this already got toned down, looking at 1 shot chrono and sic em soulbeast)/ Perfect example would be CI mesmer vs meta holo/rev. Even though rev and holo are objectively stronger builds, at least there is room for counterplay, you know how to avoid all their damage / CC/ burst and counter their defenses, but when a class can just passively apply damage through clones and confusion/ torment on top of being able to perma daze and perma immob passively though traits its when the whole gw2 pvp experience goes downhill for players and its also what makes people quit and not want to play the game. Guild wars 2 has always struggled with balancing on high tier pvp vs normal ranked, and its not a question of what works vs " bad players" and what works at highest level of play, it becomes about counter play and toxicity and overall build usefulness. Its the same reason why Sic em soulbeast got nerfed, its not because SLB was overpoperfmoring in AT but because the build was toxic and lacked counterplay so at least arena net does still acknowledge toxic buiilds but there still more of them that need to be nerfed to make the pvp experience betterfor everyone and make it less toxic and have more counter play. Im mainly looking at condi/CI mirage, condi thief, staff acro thief, bunker weaver and maybe some other builds that we haven't discovered yet since the balance patch hasent been out for that long yet but most of these builds have the same issue of excessive passive damage application or overtuned defensive kit that reduces the ability to counterplay since there isint enough room to punish or too much passive dmg. TLDR: A strong build that has high damage and high sustain/mobility but that can be countered is much less problematic than a build that has just 1 of these strenghts but the way its applied has no counterplay. Exemple 1 shot chrono vs holo. Holo is 10x stronger than 1 shot chrono mesmer that got nerfed, but i would much rather fight a holo than get 100-0ed from stealth by a paper gimmick build. It dosent mean meta builds dont need nerfing but it means the " gimmick " toxic lack of counterplay builds need to be looked at first, then tone down the meta builds by tweaking the numbers and make it less oppressive.
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