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Everything posted by Hadi.2430

  1. Soo Toxic is now recruiting to build a strong community of experienced players. The goal of the guild is to create a hub for players who would like to participate in harder contents, but are struggling to gather up a skilled group to satisfy the speed desires of the individual. If you ever found yourself short on a raid support or a fractal cm buddy, maybe you failed your Soo Won meta for the third time due to Billy Slowclick, come and visit our webpage to become part of a community where the guild missions are weekly but end game content is daily. Visit our website and apply now https://www.sootoxic.com
  2. Oh wait .... Voidbrood Saga No wonder you didn't want to hype your player base during all the weeks before
  3. [Soo] Very organized fast Static Raid - FC every monday @ 7 pm UTC LF 1 x Big DPS -Minimum of 100kp/Wing -Power: at least 1 of the following: pBSW, pSPB, pVirt, pDD, pSLB -Condi: at least 1 of the following: Specter/cDD, cMech/axe mirage, cVirt -Dhuum DPS Kite + Q1 Kite - DPS 90% bench What we/you expect? -Weekly checkup on each individual performance which could lead to removal - Good communication skills (should have a working mic) -Strive to always improve -Dedication -Patience and understanding that not every run will be the god run. -We heavily organize our raid nights and strategies with spreadsheets. You will be assigned to your role/class before any raid so you will know what you will be playing the entire night. add and msg me on discord : Hadi#0199
  4. [Soo] Very organized fast Static Raid - FC every monday @ 7 pm UTC LF 1 x Big DPS -Minimum of 100kp/Wing -Power: at least 1 of the following: pBSW, pSPB, pVirt, pDD, pSLB -Condi: at least 1 of the following: Specter/cDD, cMech/axe mirage, cVirt -Dhuum DPS Kite + Q1 Kite - DPS 90% bench What we/you expect? -Weekly checkup on each individual performance which could lead to removal - Good communication skills (should have a working mic) -Strive to always improve -Dedication -Patience and understanding that not every run will be the god run. -We heavily organize our raid nights and strategies with spreadsheets. You will be assigned to your role/class before any raid so you will know what you will be playing the entire night. add and msg me on discord : Hadi#0199
  5. Full clear every monday at 8 PM utc . Strike static inc . Currently look for 1 more player ( PAM+AlacSpecter+aMirage) 90% bench -A minimum of 100kp / wing -Good communication skills (should have a working mic) -Strive to always improve -Dedication -Patience and understanding that not every run will be the god run. -We do not allow any downtime during our raids. This means no gear sharing during raids or constant afking between bosses. While we do understand that real life comes before any game, please be prepared to set aside the time for raids if you are asked to fill. -We heavily organize our raid nights and strategies with spreadsheets. You will be assigned to your role/class before any raid so you will know what you will be playing the entire night. Join our discord : https://discord.gg/rnRePVRmor msg me for more details on discord Hadi#0199
  6. Looking for : Q1 Kite +Q2 pylon | 2 DPS ( Must have c+p virtuoso) Raid Monday Full Clears (1-7) @ 8 PM UTC minimum kp 100Kp/wing/boss What we expect: -Good communication skills (should have a working mic) -Strive to always improve -Dedication -Patience and understanding that not every run will be the god run. -We do not allow any downtime during our raids. This means no gear sharing during raids or constant afking between bosses. While we do understand that real life comes before any game, please be prepared to set aside the time for raids if you are asked to fill -We heavily organize our raid nights and strategies with spreadsheets. You will be assigned to your role/class before any raid so you will know what you will be playing the entire night. For raid interview add me on discord : Hadi#0199
  7. To be fair as much as i like fashion and cosmetics.. Is sadly becoming to look arcadish and no immersion
  8. Did you just mention your 20k AP thinking that is your pass ticket? ? rofl classic gamer... I'v seen players with 40k AP and still have no clue about mechanics or bad at dealing dps so please don't mention that next time thank you !:)
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