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Everything posted by ViBonacci.5802

  1. I dont agree with this part, cuz each map has its own peculiarities and for each one u can have different optimal team composition. I agree with other ones, cuz duoq(dodge) and matchmaking manipulation is destroying the rankeds...
  2. So, i was playing a ranked match and thats happen to me. I hope that anet can fix this up. https://clips.twitch.tv/ShyMiniatureYakinikuTinyFace-VkPYYY1pvlUk5Vj1
  3. Hey guys, Today i encounter 2 different bladesworns doing some bug interaction reseting his powerfull skill. Here's one of them. I think this isnt right, or it is a new funcionality in the game?
  4. Hello guys, This is my new compilation playing with my Core Staff Element, i hope u guys enjoy it. Thanks for watch !
  5. At md10 i usually got plat1, then i just stay plat1/plat2 all season, even with 100+ games.
  6. This is from last season, i have to play more games this season but there it is, 70 games 😄 Video
  7. Hey guys, I made a new ranked PvP compilation video playing with my Core Staff Elementalist, currently I got to Plat 2 playing like this, so I decided to separate some plays :D. Thank you all. Video
  8. I got platinum every season playing with core staff element, and i can tell u that work with everyone hahahaha.
  9. Hi, I finally got some time to edit my new video testing catalyst (new elementalist spec) in PvP. Tell me what you think of the spec. What can be changed until the release of EoD to make it better? Thanks for watching.
  10. Thank u 😄 I love to play with crazy builds hahha Having fun is the most important thing to me. ^^I
  11. Hey my people, I've been playing around with a build of Core Staff Elementalist in the PvP ranks for a while, and in this match I ended up with 5 top stats so I decided to edit and post. In the description of the video I put the link to build if you are curious. Thanks for watching ! https://youtu.be/vpySPvd7ISM
  12. Hey guys, I participated in the monthly PvP tournament in May and decided to record and post the matches. Even with the group formed with 1 minute left to start the tournament, with all the members random, we still managed to reach the quarterfinals, thus earning 100 gold for participation. Thanks for watching! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0rEWIl42iY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0rEWIl42iY
  13. Hi guys, I made a new PvP video at rankeds, it has some 2v1 and 1v1. Please say what you think of the video. Thanks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAcY5oQ9U3Q
  14. Hi guys,I made a new video with a build of Core Eng playing in the rankeds, I was 20/0 in the match there I decided to edit and bring the gameplay.In the video description there is a link to the build.Then say what you think !Thanks for watch !
  15. I am sometimes trolling with zerker Tempest. It is awesome fun until there is some meta build focussing me. But it breaks any bunker there ever was and will be. Pure PVE build, but who cares. Hmm nice, but thats the problem with zerk in Element or Tempest, u cant do much about meta builds.But to me the most important thing is having fun in the game, win matches is a secondary objective hahaha.
  16. Hello, u prob never heard of me, but im a core staff Elementalist player for a long time, here's another video only with 1v1, some of the players in the video r high rated (plat2+). U dont need to be a bunker or full zerk when u have things like rabid amulet in the game ^^. I've tested before, but i still prefer my core builds, in my opnion Weaver and Teampest can play with one way (Weaver for dmg and Tempest for Heal), and there's nothing much to do about it, but core ele can be whatever u want, just make ur own build and surprises another persons with alot ways of play the game.But this is me playing, maybe thats why i couldn't grow much more than plat2 LMAO.
  17. Here's a 1v1 in another match that i had. https://clips.twitch.tv/HumbleInexpensiveChowderBrainSlug
  18. Hello everyone !I made this new video while playing Staff Core Elementalist this PvP season. I had a lot of fun and decided to post it.Tell me what you think of the video.Thank you for watching.
  19. Hi people,I made a new video of a ranked match that I played with my Core Mesmer.I killed some people during the video and tried to rotate the game to guarantee victory.Say what you think, thank you!
  20. Hahaha that ele was a pain in the ass >.<.I usually make several types of PvP videos, but the next ones will probably be from whole match.Thx for watch <3
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