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Posts posted by ShroomOneUp.6913

  1. i would say to even ASK for this in the first place displays a FUNDMENTAL misunderstanding of how the combat works in gw2.

    if you haven't noticed we DO have dedicated healers, we have dedicated DPS we have things in between these two and we have for the occasional kiting tanks.
    there is not need for a "monk"

    as a dedicated healer is not class based but BUILD based.

    literally EVERY CLASS can make a heal/support build that ONLY does that. YES even warrior as heal berserker.
    also the combat does NOT require a tank that takes all the damage, as often enough DPS is not a single target but often an AOE swing or effect. there for a "tank" exists only as a kite build meant to use their increased toughness stat to direct certain bosses/adds. for those unaware there is a SOFT aggro system gw2, in which the player with the most toughness is priority target by most mobs and bosses. ( so if you wonder why you get constantly targeted as your solider geared ele  in a mob squad....that's why)

    ergo a trinity is ALREADY part of the gw2 combat. its just weighted differently and has inbetweens/hybrids
    Pure power DPS, pure condi DPS, Pure support, but you also have condi support and power support as offensive support, you also have defensive support.

    And a monk as you OP, or any other person asking for it, think off, DOES NOT WORK in gw2. damage is distributed in cones and AoEs rarely if not at all as single target attacks by bosses. Just look at the specter, most of their mechanics volve around focusing on a target to heal or support and it already struggles to be a good support even WITH AoE support through wells. and of course the best being heal scourge who just blasts aoe heals and barrier ( and rezzes fast)

    A monk that would have to target a squad member and click one skill to heal and do that with ALL squad member specially with squad wide damage WOULD NOT WORK. Unless you make him like.....a support water ele. 

    as you can see a traditional heal monk ala GW1 will NEVER work in GW2. so stop asking for it. but dive into the wealth of GW2 support builds. i am not joking when i say EVERY CLASS has a support build. some are still under tuned for more optimal gameplay but they are perfectly fine for casual play.
    You have heal berserker and heal(spell)breaker, you have specter, firebrand ( was so strong in the past it had to be nerfed), heal scourge (still god tier in pve even with hundreds of nerfes), water ele, you have rifle chronomacer, DRUID, heal mechanist, you have ventari HEAL VINDICATOR....

    you just have to look into them and those who are not as great for more optimal play will eventually be buffed enough in the future OR maybe get a new weapon to play with.


    but if your gripe is that you can not be a robe wearing staff wielding monk that shoots holy stuff at allies then.....make a water ele or guardian and transmog your armor into the monastery armor from shing jea

  2. Ok THIS should be new:
    being able to rearrange the elemental attunements on elementalist.

    We all ready know thanks to engi that the F skills can be swapped around even if it is indirectly through utility skills.

    So I propose that ELE should be able to swap the attunements depending on the kind of build their are playing OR the order of rotation they are using. I will mostly focus on build type to visualize the idea though.

    right now the attunements are in that order: fire water air earth.
    but if i an ele were to play a power build they would mostly focus on fire and air. As it is now one would either have to unnaturally stretch their finger to press the f keys or have an MMO mouse with 40 buttons on the side, but most gaming mice have only 2 where the thumb is. 
    If attunements could be rearrange the power ele could configure them to be: fire air earth water.
    conversely a condi ele could go: fire earth water air.
    and a heal alac ele could go: water earth etc.

    this would be a nice Quality of life change that does not power creep, makes no thing worse or better statistically and merely remove a rigid button lay out requirement.

    if brought a bit further it could also include that during combat the swap weapon button allows quick swap between the first two attunements, as the attunements are essentially the ele's weapon swap during combat

    • Confused 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    There is a degree of exclusivity to legendaries.  The degree of exclusivity was lowered when they offered legendary components in the dailies.  This allowed newer players to get them more easily but it came at the expense of lowering the exclusivity of the legendaries.

    the word you are looking for is PRESTIGE. NOT exclusivity.
    and at one point dungeon armor and Orr Karma vendor armor was meant to be prestige. But then people complained about getting tokens not fast enough, which then ultimately led to the ascended gear level update, cause people got way to fast lvl 80 exotic gear ( ever wondered why exotic drops are lvl 78? that's a remnant for that time)

    but with time OTHER rewards for prestige were introduced: various gadgets in PVP which you will NEVER get unless you win a monthly tournament (THAT is exclusive). Time intensive skins for back pieces  and later on, although i dislike how its done, glider and mount skins through gem store acquisition. And many more things.
    And "prestige has been diminished" of gen1 legendaries for YEARS now. With the introduction of precursor crafting instead of increasing the drop rate or make certain weapons drop from certain world bosses ( seriously getting frost fang from jormag's claw would have been decent), the introduction of legendary armory that removed the need to swap armor between alts or have dozen of duplicates (derior still cries over his 30 sets of raid legendary armor being not compensated properly) and now with starter kits.

    if you want to complain about the loss of prestige (NOT exclusivity) you are 7 years to late.

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  4. On 5/30/2024 at 7:08 AM, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    I'm sorry you're mistaken you don't know the how to use the word exclusive or apply it correctly, and you don't seem to understand how to apply it in the context of the sentence.  The word exclusive has a variety of definitions and uses depending on the context of the sentence. Saying something is exclusive, does not mean that people are excluded completely from getting it (however it does imply that some are, ie the poor and the unlucky).  Some people might be excluded in the sense that it is difficult to obtain or there is some element of it that is exclusionary to some, such as its expensive or rare.  That does not mean that saying something is exclusive that the exclusion that is involved is absolute and/or bars access completely to whatever it is.

    think of like a perfume line which is for sale and everyone can buy it and they say this is from so and so's exclusive line/brand.   Meaning it might be a limited release or there is an implication that only certain people with good taste will appreciate what the person is selling and will purchase it as they are part of an exclusive group of individuals who appreciate it, or it might be incredibly expensive so only a few rich people can afford it thus making it exclusive, or that the perfume can only be bought by and sold by the person who is selling it and so its exclusive to them or perhaps it can only be bought at certain specific locations).  Theres lots of uses to the word.  It does not mean its a prohibition an absolute exclusion or a banning or a barring or forbidding or a moratorium like you suggest.

    exclusion definition:

    "restricted or limited to the person, group, or area concerned." - It does not say its absolute however.  getting a legendary is restricted in the sense that unless you have money in real life you cant just get it right away and you certainly cant get it as a new player who refuses to spend real life money or is poor and cant afford it.  Additionally Legendaries are more rare/difficult to obtain and are more expensive then other items so its correct to say they are somewhat exclusive or simply exclusive.

    Also the definition of exclusive:

    "catering or available to only a few, select people; high class and expensive."  Or in referencing the game, those who play the game long enough and have the extensive components to build it

    SO i did use the word correctly, and you used one contextual definition of it


    Legendaries were NEVER exclusive!
    they just required excessive farming for weeks. that's not exclusivity... THAT'S TIME GATING!
    this is not wow classic in which you have perform specific tasks including various skill requiring raids and a drop chance. literally ANY component of a gen 1 legendary, even back when they were MERE SKINS of exotic gear level, was obtainable EASILY through dozens of means. YOU CAN SELL THEM TOO. freaking raid skins due to being ascended gear or instantly account bound are more exclusive than legendaries EVER WERE


    there is nothing exclusive about them. its a mere time investment (and stupid precursor drop chance luck) ONE that anet has deemed now completely unnecessary for gen1, specially when they pushed the legendary armory and made legendary runes, sigils and now relics. heck they gave you a legendary amulet FOR FREE for....PLAYING THE STORY!(transcendence cries int he corner)

    One can argue that pushing people to have Legendaries so quickly is to bring back the pre ascended gear level patch reward structure: skins alone (plus some doohickies and knickknacks).

    if you still want this "exclusivity" you are so delusional about....gen2 is still there....those you can't buy and any important component is account bound. (but to spite you i wish for starter kits with them  coming soon too)
    a complete elder dragon set of each big lizard is there too. SO MUCH TIME INVESTMENT STILL UNTAPPED.

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  5. On 5/22/2024 at 2:09 PM, ShroomOneUp.6913 said:

    i do not know what you udnerstand under plot holes, but nothing remained unexplained. unlike FOD which had an unreasonable bone headed commander, a botch ed attempt to make joon neuro divergent and the asinine ankha word view.....
    it was straight forward and had no plot holes.

    YOu may think of "DEPTH" that was missing and to be honest i do not expect depth from anet at all since HoT. it was a save set up/new beginning after 10 years of doing one over arching story that tossed away plot line like the white mantle and palawa joko. its not the greatest story told by far but its not riddled with plotholes.
    any stronger negative take is born from unrealistic high expectations. I bet you expected EoD hype or lw4's having to end on a high note because lay off threatened anet to be closed down possibly.

    its a no box sale, mini expansion and it did exactly what i expected it to do.

    since some seem to react confused:
    i do not hate as much as people do hate this min expac because i LITERALLY had no big expectation for it. I spend 12 years with this game and have accepted the occasional massive fumbling of anet as a company to just show it ugly face every now and then.

    Much in contrast to seemingly most other player who seemed to have expected something at the scale of EoD or PoF. I already had that feeling you have now when they botched the icebrood saga and potential destroyer saga.
    Does that mean all criticism is invalid? HECK NO. they all have merit if they are not the usual emotional "PAHTATIC" outbursts and constant spamming in map chat.(seriously just stop, you are WORSE than the expac if you do)
    Page three has FINALLY some well thought through details and actual points to make. Much better than the incessant whining.

    in short: i set my expectations low and was not disappointed just affirmed in what i know about anet.

    • Confused 1
  6. 19 hours ago, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

    "it for its awful looks" "They haven't aged well."

    the chuck you talking about? they aged fantastically and i see them used more often than gen 2 as skins alone. in fact most gen2 i see are merely the non goofy version of gen 1 and yet i still see gen1 weapon types just as much. i don't see people use shanur and shooshaloo at all. 
    gen3 its its own thing as they are skins galore ofor them to have elemental and color matches but they are all samey.

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  7. 14 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

    This has happened to me before today's release too.  I have found that if you have any enemy -- maybe any ally too? -- targeted, your rift channel is stopped.  If you clear your target you can resume channeling.  I'd still consider it bug-adjacent, but at least there's a work around.

    I had a similar issue in the final fight in the story today.  The only way to channel against the boss was to get an ally targeted, or it defaulted to channeling against minions and doing nothing to them.  With an ally targeted the channel hit the boss as needed.  Very important if there's to be any chance of doing the quick win achieve.

    just did the last fight and noticed it too. but unfortunately I experienced it as said even when NOTHING was around to  target, ally or foe. but it is a good insight none the less

  8. 13 minutes ago, Raskol.3014 said:

    trying to complete chapter 18 with 7 FPS was the worst videogame experience I ever had in my entire life. no other area is so bad optimized (or demanding) as The Spire of Dreams.

    I'm sorry for saying this, I know you guys are artists with your demands and problems etc but it was a terrible experience

    i think that is more a hardware issue. 3080s are relatively cheap these days you should get one

    • Confused 9
  9. 1 hour ago, borisslav.9026 said:

    I loved all the QoL that came with SOTO but the "story" felt hot-glued, rushed, predictable, and extremely underwhelming. There were so many missed opportunities for twists and turns, so many plot holes that are even more evident when you replay the whole thing in full, and GW2's least interesting villain to date. I really wanted to be afraid of Eparch, to feel like if I didn't defeat him the world would really end. Instead I got a 3 minute champ fight that I knew was over the moment plot armour wizard showed up. I was honestly hoping Peitha would turn out to be the true villain of the expansion because I didn't trust her from the first moment and her turning on me would have been the first interesting thing to happen in this story.

    Honestly, I'm disappointed. I was replaying S3 and S4 on other characters for achievements while I was playing through SOTO and the difference in quality and love put into the storytelling was striking. 

    i do not know what you udnerstand under plot holes, but nothing remained unexplained. unlike FOD which had an unreasonable bone headed commander, a botch ed attempt to make joon neuro divergent and the asinine ankha word view.....
    it was straight forward and had no plot holes.

    YOu may think of "DEPTH" that was missing and to be honest i do not expect depth from anet at all since HoT. it was a save set up/new beginning after 10 years of doing one over arching story that tossed away plot line like the white mantle and palawa joko. its not the greatest story told by far but its not riddled with plotholes.
    any stronger negative take is born from unrealistic high expectations. I bet you expected EoD hype or lw4's having to end on a high note because lay off threatened anet to be closed down possibly.

    its a no box sale, mini expansion and it did exactly what i expected it to do.

    • Confused 8
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  10. 3 hours ago, Suyheuti.1732 said:

    I can tell you where the true scam is.

    Legendary Starter Kit prerequisite is Secret of the Obscure expansion. 
    Is there any connection to SotO or any another expansion? Why should people buy SotO to get basic thing? I would understand if it demands upgraded account, but this, I dont know.

    they tied a new feature and reward to the new expansion....WOW such scummery and criminal action. like that has never done before. /s

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  11. We all the rift events and any event in SOTO having a rift as part of an event in the area. So we all know that we at one point in either of these event we have to press F to pay respects...i mean close the rift.

    But for some unknown reason this in my experience a rough one. Regardless of the circumstances present FOR SOME REASON the rift closing get interrupted for no apparent reason.
    IT does not matter if I am alone and out of combat, with NO enemies in sight or if I am surrounded by kryptis and smash my characters face in. 
    It seem to be 50/50 luck based for it not to be stop midway or refuses to even start.

    I like to iterate: there have been numerous occasions in which i was NOT attacked and even out of combat during events, while other player got hit constantly by NPC enemies yet it was I that couldn't get the "Close Rift" action to start to continue without issue

    If you had similar annoyances happen add it to the collection to make the bug report more visible. Since IT gets REALLY annoying at this point that its still happening.

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  12. 12 hours ago, Arewn.2368 said:

    It's actually useful when used as part of a build template.

    You may have one build with a backpiece, and another build where you don't want the backpiece to show. Normally, you'd have to manually toggle the back piece's visibility when swapping between builds. Now you can just outright set the skin to be invisible.

    I agree with the usefulness for that. but they could have at least have that little gimmick of a cat in their when using that tonic of  trinket. would never use them in regular play and it would be funny to see transmogs being "ruined" by a clingy cat if you do when you fancy it

    • Like 1
  13. 39 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    I did read, but didn’t watch the video. I don’t come to the forums for secondhand opinions, so all I have to go on is what you wrote.

    After reading it again, my response stands.

    well if you actually did watch the video which is a recording of a 2016 publisher conference about monetizing the ever loving crabs out of people you would not have that stands. also its literally FIRST HAND information from the people who MADE MTX a thing.


    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:
    1. Some people still don't understand the concept of pay to win yet. GW2 isn't pay to win, more of pay for convenience and cosmetics. The business model is also such that anything you can purchase for gems you can also buy with gold via the ingame conversion.
      a) Given the most wanted convenience items (copper fed salvage, unbreakable tools) are present in the "Steam Elite Jump Start pack" for 2400 gems there isn't much reason for confusion beyond living story separation which is nonexistent on Steam due to the Complete Collection containing Living World. (see https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/27271/Guild_Wars_2__Complete_Collection/?snr=1_5_9__403)
      b) There's actually a GDC conference presentation from Arenanet regarding microtransactions. (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4Hdyl0avz8 , the 95 slides at GDC Vault - Good Design Makes Happy Customers: A Microtransaction Design Primer , and Q&A: Making microtransactions work for players in Guild Wars 2 (gamedeveloper.com))
    2.  It would be more beneficial for the veteran players crowding new player zones to go edit the wiki and update the sections for the core game.
    3. There are players with thousands of hours that are "invested" in the game and feel overtly negative about it. They tend to be the ones that chase AP or leaderboards. The problem is sometimes not the game, the problem is the player's expectations.
    4. PvP/WvW have been woefully neglected far more than instanced PvE content. Despite people claiming strikes are not raids, the strike CMs are more or less a stand-in for raids. PvP has received far more updates balance-wise compared to WvW and even in recent patches WvW updates were secondary. 
    5. First impressions are important for steam players and casual players.
    6. People asking for existing accounts to use the Steam payment system must be unaware Steam takes a 30% cut.

    and you dont understand that the blatant stat increase is not the only p2w anymore

    • Haha 1
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  15. 3 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

    But it's NOT free, whether they charge for the content directly or monthly regardless of the content. Nothing is free in a game with (mandatory) subscription cost.

    Again, why not just buy gems monthly and use those to get whatever living story you want? It would be the same as getting "free" content with a monthly fee, except it would actually be optional, not mandatory. Which is a huge upside.

    fine apparently MMOs player paid money for patches now. according to you.

    • Confused 1
  16. 1 minute ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

    But not for free.

    So instead of only charging you for new content, they also continue to charge for old content you have already payed for ... and that's somehow better?

    If you are such a big fan of subscription fees, why not just spend X amount of money on gems every month and voila - you can afford every single piece of living story and a bunch of other stuff "for free" - accoding to your logic.


    GW2 isn't a perfect game and there are certainly aspects that deserve criticism, but in my opinion the monetisation is one of the fairest on the market.

    but they are... you own the expansion (while paying the monthly fee which i already said is merely access to game) and you get them without purchasing extra them literally the entire second half you left out explains it

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  17. 3 minutes ago, Miragen.6127 said:


    I mean the cash shop is obviously predatory and saying it's just optional is ignoring that aspect because it's not just that simple. 

    It's abusing human psychology and can be very manipulative to push them towards spending money.. however whilst you can question the ethics and what not of these practices, and you could argue it's pay to win from a psychological aspect, in terms of gameplay and competitiveness it's still not P2W.

    i didn't argue that it doesn't. but i do argue p2w is not just gameplay and competitiveness alone any more.
    focuses of games have shifted to things of social and psychological aspects. Essentially they took the "ashes of alar" which was cool to have because keal'thas was kittening hard at the time, made it 20 times better and slapped a 15-25 dollar prize tag on it. And gw2 even made it a freaking loot box out of it.
    And its this "aww" effect that makes people who can swipe their card 40 times a day winning in that aspect as "the stupid free to play" has to grind either gold for months or the raid/strike mission to get something worth while.

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