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Posts posted by ShroomOneUp.6913

  1. On 6/19/2022 at 8:03 PM, Veprovina.4876 said:

    Oh, and i love the "git gud" ones. The same ones that were saying "git gud" later bit their tongues and started defending the meta with "you noly need 5k dps" lmao. Well what is it, git gud or is the meta casual? Decide, then start spamming forums with conflicting posts.

    later to the party but....
    it's both actually.
    the meta is not that that hard to begin with as it does not require to much mechanical understanding, less than even the easy strikes from IBS and only a basic understanding of boons and subgroup interaction. And pressing EMP when the com says so.
    at the same time a lot of players (85% by anets own statistics) have been lulled by anets "all inclusive all the time for everyone" Philosophie to do barely WASD+1 only and vastly misunderstood and poorly explained "play what you want to play" manifesto, to be entitled to have everything as mindlessly easy as possible to have the gold medal ding at the end for instant gratification. 
    They are what some would coin  as toxic casual players. they go out of their way NOT to learn the very basics of a game and then have strong negative opinions about difficulty or adversity.
    I personally think a lot of people who play gw2 right now, do not want to play an MMO because they find the genre interesting or want to engage with one, but because so they can say they played one (since anet at the beginning did practically advertised gw2 as the "anti-mmo") to then justify those strong opinions I mentioned before.

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  2. On 6/21/2022 at 12:12 AM, Rogue.8235 said:

    Nice ipse dixit fallacy there.  Using the same evidentiary standard as this post, I can confirm that the trading post is actually controlled by gremlins who were fed and watered after midnight.  The truth is right there, ignore the people trying to shove bot theories down your throat.  It's gremlins.

    Wonderful fallacy of defective induction.  Let me try.

    Not TP barons, but PvPers that intentionally try to PvP through the TP because matchmaking is bad.  They waste their money just to mess with PvE players for no other reason than to play economy PvP.  They've actually done twitch streams and interviews demonstrating that they can grief PvE players with just a few clicks, shows how little you know.


    Would you like to try any other fallacies?

    how about yours:
    the fallacy fallacy. You presumed that because a claim has been poorly argued, or a fallacy has been made, that the claim itself must be wrong

    several people have been given account what's happening and you continuously misunderstand them or misinterpret it willfully, whilst also repeating statement that factually does not apply to the circumstances described, which shows that you do not understand any of the accounts.

    also nobody said the entire TP is controlled by bots. you just put this it into people mouths by making that statement yourself in order to ridicule others. nobody said ALL items are facing this trade botting, only seemingly random ones.

    once more: if 300 people in the same time frame put up the same item in a offer of 5 to the same prize onto the TP, they all would be grouped into ONE prize pool, creating a pool of 1500 pieces of that item at that prize and NOT 300 individual listings that a person would have to buy in packs of 5 over and over again.

    Your "explanation" completely ignores this LITERAL FACT of how then TP operates.

    And i also provided the situation that this also happens in the reverse when YOU offer a specific item in instant sell. 
    If you want to sell a stack of lets say 137 of items X it does USUALLY you can sell the stack all at once as due to the "lot's of transactions" people who want to buy item X for one specific prize, let's say 5 s.  those demands will equally pool up and not be listed individually.
    Botted instant sells however have this peculiar thing going on. it can happen at anytime even in the middle of the night at 3 am (which on EU servers  makes it easy to disregard your "explanation" entirely as the majority of people go to freaking sleep at that time specially during workdays, so bye bye "lot's of transactions")

    Anyway with this item Z you have stack of you encounter the following. you want to instant sell it and it tells you you can only sell 1, yes only one, at a time for 6 silver flat. there ARE other listing offering more silver and the next one is actually a pool of hundreds asking for the item for 5s and 99c. You instant sell. like i said NORMALLY you would now go to the pool of 5s and 99c. not in this case. even at 3 am in the night, when 95% of players are asleep and thus the transactions are slow and low, for SOME you INSTANTLY as you sell the 1 piece for 6s, it gets listed instantly for 6s again. 
    according to your false logic that would be just " lot's of transactions", which we established happening at any time even when the majority of players are sleeping is bunk.

    Here comes the kicker, you repeat the process of selling Item Z for 6s one piece at the time from your hundreds stack a few more times. and now here the final nail to your false explanation gets hammered in:
    !!!!TP slows you down to sell items!!!!!
    after around 15 or 20 of individual offerings made, the TP stops you and tells you to wait for a few seconds to a minute until you can resume selling anything on instant sell. 
    if you ""were"" correct DURING THAT WAITING PERIOD the listings of people wanting Item Z for 6 silver SHOULD INCREASE BEYOND 1 PERSON AND PIECE AT A TIME.

    but guess what schuckle nut.
    it NEVER does. it does not even list higher prized demands which the TP would automatically jump to if those were made.

    it's 6s one piece at the time still. this would NOT happen during prime time with a currently highly traded item on the TP. it would as stated time and time again pool up to numerous people wanting to buy Item Z for 6 Silver, go to the next pool of 5s 99c OR list higher offerings above 6s.

    this is what "Lot's of transaction" would naturally result in.
    but it doesn't happen.
    NOT with all items. and its not controlling the TP. nobody said that, stop inferring we did. (me saying Tp was controlled by TP barons was just me being a smart assassin about your statement)

    So i ask again, with several people confirming this to be the case still being a thing, HOW is this happening? Shouldn't "lot's of transactions" make this not happen at all? Why are these "lot's of transactions" not pooling up and make it so you can sell a stack of hundreds of Item Z without hassle?

    simple FACTUAL answer: trade bots, that list offerings and items to a certain amount to a specific prize to guarantee 100% trade interaction to that botaccount only.
    WHY i can not say, as motivations can be as varied as the number of tradable items on the TP. 
    And it's only a handful of seemingly random items, not all items. nobody said that and nobody claims its an attempt to control the entire TP.

    Your false explanation of " lot's of transaction" ONLY WORKS during the following:
    -when the prizes for an item are ALL different, when selling a stack one piece at the time. that would make sense for different people to underbid or over bid others to get/sell an item faster. But that's again not the case as stated by numerous accounts.
    -when they all offer the same prize or item amount in either "instant sell" or "instant buy" and it pools up eventually allowing for more then 1 or 5 pieces to be bought or sold at a time.
    -if it only happened during prime time, aka around 6pm to 9pm and not in the middle of the night at 3am, during work and school hours during the week.
    -with currently most traded items either because of a festival or other in-game events or highly sought after item's

    and that last bullet point alone already debunks your "lot's of transactions" argument as highly traded items / items with "lot's of transactions" would not have this issue the way Tp is functioning. in fact "little to no transactions" would make this more likely to happen naturally, but even THEN it would only happen for a handful of trade confirmations and then cease.
    but the situations stated in numerous post of this thread? they do not cease to act this way, at least not in a normal timeframe or amount of items. You can sell or buy dozens of stacks of that items and it will go on Far beyond what regular tradepost user would go for at a time. 

    so stop being willfully ignorant and accept that you are flat out wrong

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  3. 15 hours ago, Rogue.8235 said:

    Yep, and there are underground lizard people controlling the world economy.  That is just as plausible as what you're stating.  You are beyond reasoning with at this point.

    not lizard people but by TP barons. they LITERALLY control the market. they've given enough guides and even interviews stating that ONE of them alone could crash the entire economy if they wanted to in an hour. shows how little you actually know

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  4. On 6/18/2022 at 12:58 AM, Rogue.8235 said:

    This statement right here is where the misunderstanding is.  You see the interaction as being with a single player.  Try tens of thousands.  Again, you do not understand just how many players are in the game.


    but it doesn't explain that the situation at all. that would be reflected in countless offering in varying prizes in the list, but as stated the prize for times stays the same.  by the time he got his 5 pieces according to you so many other people would added items that there would hundreds, thousands or +99999 items of it on the TP and thus could be easily purchased in a costume quantity. The Tp as outdated it is and need to be redone just to perform better, does still pile all same prized items into ONE pool. which is the situation OP described. not differing prizes, SAME prize every single time.
    I am certain it is a bot to ensure sales to go ONLY to that account, as items from a Pool of collected items could mean gold tunneled to different sellers or being stuck behind a sales queue. 


    people who do not pay attention to TP gaming do NOT set costume prizes. they just to quicksell. meaning selling things to people who LOOK for an item for a prize they set. I do because im lazy. and others most likely do it because the gold does not come into the deposit instantly so why would they click that button that sets costume prizes? also its the default option.
    that is to much thinking and paying attention for the average gw2 player.


    when YOU sell something in instant sell and you can only sell ONE at a time. same prize. over and over again. 
    sorry but it HAS to be TP bots.

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  5. 5 hours ago, Smoky.5348 said:

    A lot of bugs

    and yet you missed the worst of them all: passenger/cannoneer camera lock

    more often then enough i have experienced that my camere /POV get stuck with my character sitting in midair, while the turtle and the pilot are somewhere else due to them moving. i have no freaking what causes this and why this happens but its out right disrupting gameplay when boarding a turtle trying to bombard things

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  6. you know how this reads?

    "i asked my 4 year old about global socio political topic and this is what they said"

    you are literally the first i have ever seen to complain about this ever. nowhere in maps chat guilds or other places have i ever seen anyone mention it. not even disabled people who recently had their voices be heard at the hard stuck community on what needs to be improved didn't mention this at all. it sounds like you make stuff up to justify you lonely position of not paying attention.


    also nice wikipedia copy pasta

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  7. 9 minutes ago, Sevetamryn.2974 said:


    That's exactly the difference I complain about, mouse over item:

    • in vendor menus, TP etc., you get a tool tip anywhere over the item (text, background, icon)
    • for boxes from inventory, where you can select 1 item, there is no tool tip (when mouse over the item as shown) - however, as I learned later, you get tool tip if you move the mouse over the icon

    This is not a big issue for the box I used in the screenshot, however, there are boxes of this type, where it is a problem, like the one that triggered me to start this post a while ago, 3 different items (light, medium, heavy) with exactly the same text and icon.


    So, now again my question, if a user is familiar with the behavior from vendors /TP, hovering anywhere over the item area (icon, text or background) shoes item properties as tool tip. then the user encounters such a box, does the same, there is no tool tip. Would the user think:

    1. oh, no tool tip here like usual ... or
    2. ahh, no tool tip here, maybe there is a tooltip anywhere else in this area, I just need to search long enough ...

    second question:

    1. is this good UI design ... or
    2. is this inconsistent, potentially misleading and therefore bad UI design


    • This is not only for item select boxes, this is the same for receipe books, extremally annoying when you buy i.e. an expensive ascended armor recipe books with 18 different items to chose from and item names not making exactly clear what it is. 
    • For vendors you can click anywhere to select the item to buy or double click to instantly buy one item.
    • For this select boxes / recipe books you can't double click, and you can't select the item by clicking the icon (that has tool tip), you have to click the area that does NOT create a tool tip (background or text) to select the item.

    How does such thing happen in software development? That's (from experience) easy to answer. Two different teams/developers have to create similar UI elements with similar functions, with just roughly specified properties and guidelines. 


    it literally does NOT have the same text. it literally tells you that its heavy medium or light armor in the same place as ANY armor  piece does. it proven by several other commenters.
    if your complaint is that they use the same item name for all three which is accurate as it is virtually the same item just for different armor classes, then you are just nit picking. specially this is not the first item to do this. ANY ITEM that has all three armor classes covered has the same name in ALL armor classes
    you are triggered not by the info missing but your inability to pay attention on a basic level. 

    that's also why i do not buy your claim of "UI specialists are part of my job environment" at all, if you miss such an obvious detail.

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  8. On 6/13/2022 at 5:21 PM, Sevetamryn.2974 said:

    I have to disagree, the 1st thing the game teaches you everywhere, when you have an item with a description text (i.e. every merchant menu, trade post etc.) - the whole item field is mouse sensitive. When you hover anywhere over the item field, you get a tool tip. And I do not mean just the icon or exactly the text, the whole field, check it out. 

    It is only the inventory items giving you a multiple choice when using them, where it is different and the mouse over is only working on the icon. However, the complete style of those select boxes is identical to the item menu at a vendor.



    wow.  "the tool tip does not extend the entire ui element"
    how about you MOVE THE CURSOR OVER just a few pixels. then you get the tool tip.

     you should have stated from the beginning that the area of tool tip activation is inconsistent.  which is something i could agree with you and even support you.

    but that wasn't your statement. 
    you claimed there is NO indication.
    that's what you claimed.
    you have been disproven with that one. 

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  9. On 6/13/2022 at 9:23 PM, Minjin.8259 said:

    I always find this a fascinating argument.  I get it to a degree, but then again I don't.  Before GW2 I played games that had gear/weapon upgrades locked behind paywalls, costumes were RNG based and character based instead of account wide.  Yes GW2 does charge for expansions.  Of course they do, but since I have been here (just under 2 years) all those earlier LW episodes have been made available for free a couple different times.  I would assume they might be again in the future.  Their cash shop is the absolutely least intrusive cash shop I have ever seen in a F2P game.  And they have the option to turn gold into gems...something in all the endless games I have played in the past I have never seen before.  Yes they could make it clearer that the LW seasons are a separate purchase.  But if you are patient and play the expansions you already bought they might come up again for free, who knows.

    same goes here. just the pool of manure is not as deep as other doesn't make it not a pool manure

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  10. On 6/13/2022 at 12:40 PM, The Boz.2038 said:

    You read panic and doomsaying from people who have a bone to pick.

    The gem shop allows for in-game-attained gold to be converted into gems. An episode is, like, maybe two hours of farming to unlock. A full season has a ~23% discount. 

    We really are in "if the game offers anything else to buy ever other than the expansion, it is F2P shop with pay-to-win elements and thus the work of Satan". 


    still not an argument. its still bad

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  11. 15 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    I seem to have missed the statement where ArenaNet  said they are 'ANNOUNCING THE RELEASE DATE ON NEAR BY DATE'.  Could you be so kind to post a link? 

    how can you NOT know about the steam release?

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  12. 20 hours ago, robertthebard.8150 said:

    People still pay attention to Steam reviews after the Skyrim debacle?  You know, where they review bombed Vanilla Skyrim over the Creation Club, and you can't even access the Creation Club with Vanilla Skyrim, you at least need the Special Edition.  I treat reviews there the same way I do MetaCritic, I ignore them.

    What I don't understand is why people continue to act as if Steam players don't know about games that aren't on Steam...

    ^yes, they do because A) skyrim is only one game and B) that was YEARS ago at this point. between then and now steam reviews have provided several times over a very accurate depiction of a games over all quality. just negate the creation club alone, NO MAN'S SKY went from a abysmal reviews to positive due to its constant updates. oh and that because steam reviews have been updated to reflect "over all" and "CURRENT" consensus on a games store page.

    and to answer the question why people care about the steam reviews for gw2 when its not on there.....


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  13. 13 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:


    If the OP was going to skip around with the Living World Seasons (states he wanted to play Season Two after only 2 Episodes of Season One), why can't he move on to Expansion 1, 2 and 3 to earn Gold to exchange for Gems for Living World Season Two?  I mean, it is evident that playing the 'Story' in order is not a priority. 

    cause thats literally a technical limitation that not even swiping a credit card can change. like what was your point here? "HAHA you are willing to skip season 1 which i literally not available in its entirety for everyone, hypocrite." ? this is not the gotcha moment you think it is.

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  14. 2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    This proves nothing.  For all we know, in the time Anet "lost" those two accounts, they gained dozens.  See, it works both ways when no one has actual facts.

    then please provide any posts where people go like "OH BOY i need to grind and buy the next story portion with it ? WHAT A JOY"

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  15. 1 hour ago, zaswer.5246 said:

    story what? sry but silverwastes counts as central tyria man, and all youll see is a huge meta event with strange plant enemies, are you realy saying thats spoilers? i mean wtf lions arch is a literal spoiler of lw1 being also the main city what are you gonna ask anet to do make lions arch go back in time to the people that havent played lw1? stop being a crybaby, play the game or pay to get the content, if you cry for lw seasons i cant imagine you on raid or fractals XD

    proving my point

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  16. 26 minutes ago, zaswer.5246 said:

    silverwastes is a free to play map that you can enter without seing the story nor knowing anything, also spoilers? wich spoiler that theres a dragon made of lettuce? man if you have hot its on the trailer and everything

    this comment already shows me you do not  really care about story related arguments as there is more to it than that so no point arguing with you

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  17. Just now, Ashen.2907 said:

    Being driven out of something is being driven toward something else just as being driven toward something is being driven away from something else. When A = B then B = A. A and B are the same thing. There is no real distinction between the two.

    not quiet. A is most rewarding. B is average rewarding C is least rewarding:

    if you go to B instead of C you still do not go to A

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  18. 19 minutes ago, Shikigami.4013 said:

    Nah, "arguing" only once is enough. And your claim that "most new pleasers will leave" is simply made up. With the game doing great and gaining lots of new players, the actual numbers prove you not only wrong but horribly wrong. Some handful of disgruntled people venting on the forum doesn't mean new people leave the game in droves, much less "most" of them.

    PS: Seeing that you felt the need to make three posts in a row, I gladly leave the "all you want" part to you.

    we quiet literally have in this thread alone 2 accounts of this happening (more if you count each of of boogiepop's friends separately) its the very reason the threads like this exists. 
    and where does it says its only a minority? do you have numbers on how many buy gw2 and stay active long enough directly send to you by bobby stein? 
    and yes i made three posts. who cares? its three different points. one is about ESo story on its own, one is pointing out access to silver wastes and yours. show me the forum  TOS that allows me to do only one post to address 3 different posts

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  19. On 6/4/2022 at 12:27 PM, Expertus.5746 said:

    Im not asking the game to shift, to chenge direction. Im not talking about new raids, or fractals, that ship has sailed. Im talking about making existing challenging content rewarding. The only thing i asked for in my post, is a new tab for a vendor. (Im not a game dev, i have no idea how that stuff works, but i assume, its not that hard to include a shop with purchasable items.)
    This game is all about "play how you want." What if i wanted to play hard instanced content? Why shouldnt the game reward me for doing that? I was talking about a cosmetic item every 9-13 week.
    The time, and gold investment of these game modes are way, way higher than any other game mode, not even talking about the preparation that needs to go into, before you can even start doing them. So why couldnt i get a few (worthless, because its acc bound) flashy item a year by doing them?

    you ask this question to a player base that has been conditioned to think that effort is not desirable and thus rewards for something like effort is not desirable either. you are to them free loading if you want nice direct rewards for doing something challenging. be it fragile ego of their skill set or the toxic " its just a game not a job" mindset, the vast majority will be genuinely upset if you give something to those who are actually good at the game that isn't just long term "account value" and they can not get it by swiping the magic card from mom and dad.

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  20. 11 minutes ago, Shikigami.4013 said:

    Unlike the expansions, the living world episodes were never even for sale for real money. Paying for them with money by buying additional gems is for people who want gratification with no effort, like every other gemstore item. If you don't want that, it is perfectly fine to just play the game until you get the gold needed and convert to gems. That's what the system is for. And like others already stated, with the 4000 gems you get you can unlock almost everything at once anyway.

    Anyway, despite the living world episodes not even costing real money, it would be perfectly normal if they did. Giving ALL of them away for free for only logging in when they are released is not. The only other game I know of that is this generous is Minion Masters by Betadwarf. They are f2p like GW2, they have two basic upgrades unlocking stuff and then they have lots of DLC released over time, currently 13 in total, each for $14.99. But all of them were totally free when you claimed them on their release weekend.


    the thing is you  can argue with "you got the 4k gems" and "farm gold" all you want most new players will leave regardless. SPECIALLY if they find out that they gave out the LW for free at one point. if you can deliver something for free for the majority of the active player base, it has no intrinsic monetary value. It comes off as mere greedy money making. its not mount skins or other stuff that are constantly bought either. it important for the enjoyment of the story. have holes in the story and be spoiled by expansions that happen after those holes is NOT a good experience ever.
    and new players do not care you can farm gold for it.  they only care that this is expected of them even by the existing player base and that puts them off.

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  21. 3 hours ago, zaswer.5246 said:

    i have literaly never paid a cent for living world, i mean you can get gems for gold IN game, so just go to world boses and silverwastes, farm a bit of gold and youre good to go, think that lw1 still has 4 or so chapters left to come so you can farm in the meantime and youll probably have all lw2 unlocked by the time lw1 ends, then on heart of thorns there are more farming metas that give more gold than silverwastes so lw3 shouldnt be a problem, pof is the same and lw4 is a literal farming heaven, youll have to spend more time playing but.... its a game, and you still have fractals raids wvw and pvp where you can go freely, i mean i understand you dont like having to pay for lw but it isnt expensive and you can get it by playing without need for real money. its not that terrible and spending rral money or not is just about how fast you want those chapters

    and yet you still argue with silverwastes which is living world season 2 which as spoilers story already and can you even enter it without LW2 or a booster? doubt it

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  22. 4 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    bla bla bla ESO etc

    the thing with ESO is that its not a continues story but each  DLC is its own story. maybe  SOME  character you  meet in other DLCs but that's merely because they exist in the world and i might make sense for them to be there for any reason thats mundane enough. gw2 doesn't do that (yet) so the entire story so far should be not behind more money or gold grind which inevitably spoilers story you are farming gold for

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