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Everything posted by Sicktanick.4369

  1. Lets go ahead and take your supermarket example and roll with it. If I go to buy lucky charms based on their box for 39.99, obviously its not the cost just using the game cost, you get to the checkout counter pay your priced and go home excited to eat your lucky charms. You open the box to just find the cereal. Inside their is now a notification that says if you want the marshmallows go back and pay another 16 dollars. You would be outraged would you not? Now obviously lucky charms arent worth that. So lets say 4 dollars for the box. You get home, find out you need to pay an extra dollar for marshmallows, you were not aware of this and based on the information the company gave, assumed you were getting marshmallows. 1 extra dollar is nothing, probably even worth the marshmallows, that does not change the fact that I feel scammed (whether it is a scam or not) and I am sure you would feel the same, you just refuse to see it from any other perspective. Further, imagine ordering a bacon cheeseburger, you get the burger with no bacon and they said, well I mean the burger is the overall meal, the bacon is just to compliment and progress the flavor of the burger, but that is 2 extra dollars. I guarantee most of us here would say no, that is bullsh** and either not pay for the bacon, or take it further and get our money back entirely.
  2. You can't really argue 9 years of content if none if it is even touched anymore though, id argue almost 50% of that content isn't even done anymore due to it being obsolete, only way you will experience most of it is going back with a group of friends, which means you need to get a group of friends on the game, hope they enjoy doing old content, or at least willing to put up with it for new players, and then find the time commitment to do said things. It seems a huge part of the solo portion of the game is extra cost, and the other portion is not even played anymore. That being said, I seem to have lost a huge amount of my old items to a hacker, which is very unfortunate. Contacted Anet and they wanted the names of said items...does anyone remember the names of the old ghosty purple items? lol. Also, I have like a gross amount of karma, is that still used for things?
  3. Did you actually watch those? 3 of those stated how if you are looking for something to do, play this. If that is the best advertisement for the game....I can't imagine it living long. Again I apologize for my attitude to everyone that was supportive, just seems to be a few condescending people who can't comprehend a second sticker price that you are unaware of being annoying. I also think it is a very poor soapbox to stand on if one of the best defenses available is "but I mean if you get it on sale"
  4. Well yea, so it makes sense to not include any of that "content" in the price if it is obsolete and due to that, never done. So now we are chipping down at the content vs price. Add in that even people defending the price have said "LS isn't even needed", so we are going to end up paying for content not even needed just to experience obsolete content just so we can get a better idea of the over arching story. If you played WoW and you went halfway through a questline and a message popped up and said "enter CC and pay 3.99 to access second part of quest, this price includes the story and no other bonuses" there would be outrage. Same with ESO, New world, FF, or any other MMO sub or not.
  5. The whole season definitely is not 150-200g, I have 387g on my account, after looking at the gem transfer rates I can get half of one living story season. Again, for people that keep skimming posts, the cost may be fair, but that is not the point. Also can we get a check on "1000s of hours of content for only another 50 bucks"...it is not 1000 hours of content, lets be real. No one is bashing your game, my friend got his game refunded immediately (shout out to ANet support for being cool about it) so in the end no harm no foul, I expressed displeasure that my friend got smacked by this hidden cost info and decided to 180 and nope the hell out so now I am stuck playing solo. It is unfortunate it was not said up front. If we want to really dig in to other MMO costs, WoW/FF has way way more replay value on the content it has, from the videos etc. a lot of the old GW stuff isn't even touched, dungeons are dead more or less because they give nothing of value etc. This is all from "should you play in 2021" videos etc. since I was advised to do this and get some knowledge, if you didn't already know, most of these videos say to NOT play this game now. I will say, besides the select few, this community seems nowhere near as toxic as other games. Further, I didn't even consider the cost of my friend now being able to choose my server because it is "full"...I logged in...it is defintely not. I let the few toxic people get to me and now im bashing aspects of the game, my apologies I still love this game.
  6. Yea im a little thrown back by the amount of "you should of just played when it was free" or "its your fault, you should of warned your friends"...I clearly put I stopped playing a bit after fractals released, so I was also not aware I would have to buy all this extra content. The difference is, I know I enjoy the game, I do not mind spending the extra money when it comes down to it, but not everyone is me. I am just very surprised that this kind of system is in place...almost completely walling off new players with a hidden cost. Regardless of how you can achieve it with gold/sales/etc. it is a hidden cost not clearly stated at the buy screen, or even shown when playing the base game for free. So the only way to really know prior to any money investment is to have someone explicitly explain to you how it works.
  7. I definitely think people are missing my friends point, having not played the game at all, and even if you count it from the latest expansion the game being 4 years old, its base price of the game is not a bad deal at all for what you get. I would also agree that it may be one of the best price point for content you can get from games these days. That being said, finding out that to really play the game to its core, you are paying well over that price. Almost 100 dollars worth (with the sale its less, without it its more). Unless you want to spend everything you have, and then some at 80 to transfer to gems just to have a taste of the living story. Is in fact, very punishing to new people. No game that is 4 years old should cost an upwards of 100 dollars. It would be very easy and reasonable to show up front the actual price you will pay for the game. I would gladly spend, say 80 dollars in a bundle, then spend 40 get hype, and find out I need to spend another 60 down the line. Imagine your favorite game, its refreshing, different, a good time...you are enjoying it...then boom you go to load in to the next area and it asks you for your CC and to pay 15.99 to access this level. You are enjoying it and you are willing to spend the money sure, but that initial reaction is a kitten feeling and I think we can all agree on that.
  8. Him and I would much rather have that to be honest. Him thinking he will try a new MMO at a fairly reasonable price given its age, then be slammed with 60+ more dollars once in game is what really killed it for him. If he had known he was committing almost 100 dollars he would of said no, or weighed that choice then and there if it was available with the game. Seems much more reasonable to have "60 dollars bundle with HoT and PoF a long with the living story! Catch up now before EoD release!" or something akin to that, rather we got 39.99 for 2 games plus another 60+ in hidden fees (which is how I see it). Or at least include that you will need to spend extra money.
  9. Was not aware of that, but unfortunately I do not think "spend everything you earned from 1 - 80 and 60 days of dailies to play the first part of the story" is a huge selling point. I guess I am just very confused and lost as to how it makes sense to paywall the story when we are already paying for the game...seems like a different way to run a sub service essentially.
  10. I have not played since fractals were introduced, and I fondly remember so many things about the game. I convinced my friend to buy all the stuff up to the new expansion and am severely disappointed with the living world. It seems for him JUST to play what is essentially the story of the game he has to spend upwards of 60+ dollars. With that and the base games he is spending 100+ dollars on the game...needless to say he bailed immediately and got a refund for the purchase approved. Is there something I am missing that makes this more reasonable? Very sad to see that returning players/new players are punished so severely.
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