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Mone Abrahms.9718

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  1. I just jumped on my condi trapper ranger for WvW and....nothin' They took the time to change the rune but couldn't take the time to provide a rune? pfft. Just kill a build with no alternative. Maybe the Dragon Hunter would be OK, but the build wasn't made for that. I don't think the extra 10% on strike and condi durations works well with a shortbow trapper ranger. I admit I'm no expert but it WAS a fun build. Cross fingers they don't just forget about us that used the trapper rune.
  2. I think my biggest issue is that they can do it from a further distance than any other class and move (unlike the Deadshot). So sure they are glass but getting to them is much more difficult when they can start hitting you 25% sooner then you can hit or interrupt them. I feel you have to create a build specifically for them, which to me makes it seem busted.
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