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jozze.9532's Achievements

  1. I'm very happy to see raids comming back. What i'm interested in though is, why raids and strikes are so separated. Thinking about raids, each boss fight makes a great strike mission. So i kind of wished for this to be a move to add raids again and doubling the use cases by offering the single encounters as strike missions. I do like the move to opening raids up to bigger groups than 10 to make them more accessible to people who are not into the 10 people gameplay. Why are raid encounters not also accessible as strike encounters? Are the systems that different that they can't share the encounters? I always thought it would be a good idea so that people could fight those single encounters without doing the whole raid (for people with time contraints). Also you can justify doing more raids, because you can pretty much serve 3 different communities at once. Would really be interested in the behind the scenes there.
  2. Hello again. Pushing this again, since a few members can't always come, so we need more people to fill. Mostly dps players needed, but we can compensate if you only can fill another role.
  3. I just finished the story step with heitor on a necro and took a heal scourge to easily get the survival achievement. Since you port down with a rift to Heitor, your flesh golem is not moved with you. He just chills above you, while you fight them, which is kind of unfortunate for your CC. It happend to my while i only had the flesh golem, so i do not know if that also happens to all minions of a minion master build. Bone minions you could just recast, but all other minions would probably also be stuck above you. Can anyone confirm the issue with minions other than the flesh golem? I honestly just would love some basic minion control somehow.
  4. Let us zoom and move in the preview window allow effects on gear and infusions to be optional (toggle) add a collection that unlocks a teleport book that can hold other tomes and teleport items allow changing the order of template tabs (instead of ordering them with a 3-way copy, just let us move them or reassign numbers) maybe add shortcut NPCs for different types of content (from raid aerodrome to eye of the north to arborstone to wizards tower) ... or let us access alll of the content from all of those places. Going from one of the content tyspes to the next results in multiple loading screens and that should not be needed. Instead of /wiki opening the browser outside of the game, open it inside of the game. We have chromium already running in the game. It feels bad to tell other players to outside of the game to look things up. add a glossar/knowledge library that adds explainations to game mechanics, when you encounter them. First time being close to a "stack on green" mechanic, unlock a glossar entry that explains the mechanic allow us to disable popups with a checkbox or something "do not show again" allow us to at least customize the position and size of boons/buffs/debuffs (those icons are hard to see) fix the position of buffs in the buff bar. Ist is almost impossible to track what buffs you have at the time, because the position of the icons shifts around all the time if buffs or conditions run out show/hide effects should be split between player effects and enemy effects. Currently some mechanics are bound to that setting and are not shown anymore, if you turn down player effects. Suddenly you don't see the soulless horror walls anymore or something similar. Such a setting should never effect boss mechanics please finally fix the mount bug in wing 5. If you get frozen by the Broken King (icy boy) you are stuck in a state that you can now on no longer move with any mount anymore. It looks like the frozen state gets removed from the player, but not from the mount or something. The mount T-poses and doesn't let you move until you relog. This has been in the game forever and it is a pain in the .. you know what. I will stop here for now.
  5. For something to be a scam, you would need the perpetrator (the trainer) to get some kind of gain or benefit tried to the loss of the trainees. There is nothing like that. The trainer sacrifices their time and sometimes sanity, to teach others their knowledge to them, to later succeed on their own. The only way it could be a "scam" would be if the trainer doesn't actually know anything and uses the gathered people in the group to get raid clears for themselfes. This would be easily detectable, especially since usually veterans join trainings to help out and would spot something like this. The "inhumane" claim needs a definition on your part. You can have trainers that can be rude or inconsiderate, but nothing i can think of comes close to "inhumane". In fact the opposite is true, since trainers show off the very humanity and social aspect an MMO has to offer. They invest their time to help out others to build up a future generation of possible trainers and raiders/strikers and so on. This is one of the few social things left in an MMO, that allows you to do things mostly solo: Interacting with the community and put resources in to help them out.
  6. The KP they are asking for is not for raids. It's for the strike CM. It has it's own coffer. People collect the information they got it with killproof.me. People "gatekeep" their own groups, because they want to play with people who went through what you already went through. They already have experience with the strike and then don't want to go into progression mode again, because other people kitten up mechanics. They want to play with players on their own level, so the run goes smooth. What if you had already spend weeks playing this strike CM and you had like 2 weeks of that wiping in random groups. What would you like for your group? Finishing the strike quickly without wipes or wiping again over and over? You will probably want to do the thing that costs you less time. And that is more likely with people who have the same experience level as you. No one should force them, to potentially carry other players. You can still open those groups if you have the time for it. But not everybody does have the time. The issue is that a lot of players who do not have KP, are not opening groups themselfes. There are enough veterans out there who will still open groups for people without requirements. There is also communities out there offering those runs. They want an unproblematic run. To call this gatekeeping, while the game has thousands of other players that just don't open groups even though they could at any time, is rediculous.
  7. And by "push" we mean "small incentive of 250AA (8g value)". They already do that. It's in the weeklys to do 1 strike. CO can be seen as a beginner strike. ToF looks like a strike that has potential, to be more challanging. You are speaking really confidently for someone without any data on the issue. We know that the general endgame population is small. They said it multiple times. They also said, that they need to justify the effort put into new encounters. Using bosses from the story for strikes was one way to compensate. Most PvE players that never did strikes, will still not become an instanced endgame gamer. But i have seen a lot of people who wrote that they finally tried the strike CM after putting it off forever. They successfully gave those players their final push. I have heard from multiple veterans in my communities, that they open more and more beginner groups and how good the experiences are as long as people listen to the commanders. Even in this thread we have only seen a handfull of people, who see it not as a good idea. In the end it is an optional thing to do that is only worth additional 8g. interested players turn to veterans that open beginner groups, some people try it on their own without veteran help, PvX guilds are making it a guild activity to allow their members to finish the task if they are interested. It is not only a bonus for experienced players, but also a tool to enrich communities. The issue with raids are on a completely different level and i don't even want to spread out all the stuff about early gw2 players having bad memories of wow raids and therefore not wanting to try raids in the first place, or the sudden difficulty spike with HoT wich made even a lot of players leave. This is a topic for another thread.
  8. Well yeah, that is exactly what the goal is. To get those players to try the content that would maybe eventually do the content. Duh. What they do with this is give incentives to do it so bring them there faster. You want to build a bigger community in multiple ways: by activating those people that are currently not trying aout the content or by slowly bringing people to that point of the previous group by trying to bridge the gap (pretty much what the goal of strikes and easy strike CMs is) The same way i can argue that people who will move away from the content because of the experience created by that incentive would have never joined that content regularly anyways.
  9. Then it is time for people to organise. Start joining communities in an MMO and interact with the playerbase. Get the additional information the game doesn't teach you. Find those groups that can help you complete the content instead of struggling with the LFG system, that was already way behind industry standards when it released. These things should spawn communities and bring the overall community together to solve struggles.
  10. Yep, i have not sold any stacks since the huge price drop. Now that the price rises back to old levels again, it makes sense to sell again. With the big influx of gold from the WV people should be able to easily compensate for rising prices.
  11. Stats are not explained, but let's go with what makes sense: Players figured out on release that if you want to do the most dps, that you: crit cap your build increase your crit dmg increase your power dmg That was way back in the day. Nowaday a player interested in doing more dmg only has to google: "dmg build gw2" and instantly find metabattle raid builds as well as snowcrows builds and hardstuck builds. If an encounter fails, because the time runs out, since the dmg is to low... that should trigger players to start googling. All the resources are at their finger tips. If they don't even put that little effort into the game, then the content is not for them. If at no point in time, they ever even think about how to improve or ask players how to improve or google how to improve, than they never will find their way into that content and no one should force them to. But players who will have that little push from their gaming experience will start engaging with resources more. I agree that all that information would be better in game, but let's not pretend that getting that information with only a basic google seach is in any way a big barrier. EDIT: One mayor caveat: people might not get told by the game that they are doing bad, but if i want to join endgame content i should always start with myself first. If the content fails i will look at my own performance first. I will look if my build makes sense by looking at existing dps builds, just to make sure, that it was not my fault. You can still perform bad even with a dps build, but then you actively have to not attack and really ignore the information you got with the build you might have looked up. And if you fail a mechanic in the encounter, that should push you towards looking up the encounter and making sure, that you have at least a basic understanding. And after that it's just trying again and again. Also this might spark players to look into PvX communities, that run that content all the time.
  12. This is exactly why stuff like this should appear in the WV more regularly. Players will not engage in content that seems hard or structured to them, when there is no incentive to do so. For a lot of people in the past this was raid legendary armor for raids. Now the reward is AA, something people really like to get for the shiny rewards. So the incentive is there to succeed in the content. This can push players into researching how to win there. It's not too many steps away from players looking up mechanics on websites like hardstuck or snowcrows to look at guides, then maybe look at builds, then maybe trying to work on their build and damage numbers... it has to start somewhere. And those small incentives can be the right push those plkayers need.
  13. Send you a message in game. You can also check under if you are interested.
  14. Are you looking for a dedicated, experienced, and chill raiding group in Guild Wars 2? Look no further! We are a raid static group that values versatility and efficiency without the pressure of speedclears. What we're looking for: Players who can fill multiple roles. Experience in W1-7 (CMs as well, excluding Dhuum, Q1/Q2) A chill and friendly attitude. A general commitment to our raid schedule. Raid Schedule (GMT+2): Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM Language Preference: German is preferred, but we are also comfortable with English. Clear Time: We clear raids in about 3-3.5 hours combined over both raid days. If you meet these criteria and are interested in joining our raid static group, don't hesitate to reach out! If you are not very experienced, but are still able to pull your weight and work on improving, then that is also fine with us. Feel free to contact me in-game (jozze.9532) or send me a message on Discord (jozze) for more information or to express your interest. ---- German version: Suchst du eine engagierte, erfahrene und entspannte Raidgruppe in Guild Wars 2? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! Wir sind eine Raid-Static-Gruppe, die Vielseitigkeit und Effizienz schätzt, ohne den Druck von Speedclears. Wonach wir suchen: Spieler, die verschiedene Rollen übernehmen können. Erfahrung in W1-7 (auch CMs, ohne Dhuum, Q1/Q2) Eine entspannte und freundliche Einstellung. Generelles Engagement für unseren Raid-Zeitplan. Raid-Zeitplan (GMT+2): Dienstags und Donnerstags 20:00 bis 22:00 Uhr Sprachpräferenz: Deutsch wird bevorzugt, aber wir sind auch mit Englisch vertraut. Clear Time: Wir clearen die Raids an beiden Raidtagen in etwa 3-3,5 Stunden (2h pro Tag eingeplant). Wenn du diese Kriterien erfüllst und Interesse daran hast, unserer Raid-Static-Gruppe beizutreten, zögere nicht, dich bei uns zu melden! Solange du uns zeigen kannst, dass du deine Rolle kompetent erfüllen kannst oder daran erfolgreich arbeitest, ist das für uns ok. Kontaktiere mich im Spiel (jozze.9532) oder sende mir eine Nachricht über Discord (jozze) für weitere Informationen oder um dein Interesse zu bekunden.
  15. Looks good. Spiral works again and also the updraft doesn't slow you down anymore. Much thanks and appretiation to the team.
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