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Posts posted by MasterDeere.3417

  1. Today I fought a catalyst in a lord room and me and my friends couldn't do any damage to him at all... looked at combat log and all we see is the damage he did to us, no damage on him during all the fight. I repeat: NO ONE DID NO DAMMAGE to him during the 2-3 min fights.

    I guess its time to stop playing and wait for Anet to wake up and fix their stuff.

    • Thanks 2
  2. On 9/12/2023 at 3:17 AM, Jitters.9401 said:

    It always looks like the damage follows that cascading wall that does a 360 degree circle. So technically if you stayed under that waterfall effect the entire time, you will take 5 ticks of damage....  

    Edit I just saw your other post of 5 ticks of damage between 2 ticks of something else. It really looks like you were preoccupied and somehow stayed under the waterfall effect.  That would be your fault not the relics'. 


    There are worse damaging skills out there, for sure 



    Still I dont think any relic should to 15k dammage in 1 sec

    • Haha 1
  3. On 9/10/2023 at 8:59 PM, Aravind.9610 said:

    Were you standing at the origin point of the wall? If so then what you say could be possible, but you could have just moved.

    I was between 2 columns in the lord room

  4. Thieves.... they have been very active on the forum to make sure they never get nerfed (just look how many confused face OP post have, all from thieves). Even when 1 thief can troll 30 peoples forever they will still have reasons and excuses. That coupled with the fact that Anet devs don't play their game mean thief will NEVER be balanced. This kind of post have been  popping since the beginning of GW 2 and they never did anything about it. Kind of like how thief can glitch in SWT in WVW since the beginning and that have never been fixed. 


    • Like 4
    • Confused 1
  5. Fought an ele in WVW, I tried to one shot it but he reflected my projectile. What the point of removing the earth anti crit trait if you leave the ability to reflect. A balanced ele should never be able to kill me and should die in 1 shot vs me all the time. Ele need to be nerfed. Also, telling me to use anti block skill to go through the reflect is not a good option because I dont want to use that skill in my skill bar.

    • Like 3
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  6. On 5/23/2023 at 2:20 PM, Khalisto.5780 said:

    Some blast their fields others don't, simple as that

    Still dude is complaining about survivability in ele weapons, when it's prolly the class with most utility/survivability in its weapon kits

    YES, and there is no inflation, the price of gaz is reallly low and economy is going well.

    • Haha 1
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