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  1. I never said 'realistic', those are your words. Again, a strawman. However in order to be immersed, things do have to react in a logical, consistent manner.
  2. Exactly. And I think you're right, the PvP isn't satisfying. I think the animations in this game should be MORE telling so that they are more readable for one. Much of why people don't get into PvP also is because the gap is just so massive between PvE, it's a totally different ball game. And I think it would be better for the games health if these things were more similar and BOTH accessible also to casual players. I am not advocating for anything to become too hard for casuals, just teach them the game through interactive PvE mobs and a tutorial that supports it as well as more sensible default keybindings.
  3. Why would you expect someone to keep standing in a burning field of lava? How is that immersive? That just means AOE fields are not meant to be a direct damage tool, only a tool to deny area to an enemy, force them to move elsewhere. A bit like artillery. Would you expect people to just stand their and take an artillery barrage? No, they hide or move and then try to counter that battery to bring it down. I'd much prefer if they bring that AI back.
  4. These and many strawman arguments in this thread are really unhelpful. I'm simply looking for interaction with the NPCs enemies in the game, they should feel like a threat in order to feel alive. They don't have to murder you in one shot OBVIOUSLY! And hard hitting attacks should be somewhat slow so even casuals can notice and move or dodge. And you would find this fun to if you only would try instead of despair and fear. And like I said in the comment before, bind your dodge key under your thumb for immediate access!
  5. In fact Heart of Thorns still features the best mob design and balance to this date. I have a real respect for those Frogs, Wyverns AND the dangerous environment, they feel real to me BECAUSE when they attack you, they are a threat, not an overgrown lawn that needs mowing. Heart of Thorns also featured very fun raids in which you would co-operate with people to overcome a threat. It's hard for me to believe you all don't want such fun, the games combat is built for this. And to the casuals that fear such content, it really doesn't take much to 'get good' at the game. Just auto attack, heal and get your dodge keybind right under your thumb (space or alt) and look at the enemy when you fight. Otherwise CCing helps a lot also. (And obviously bring sensible gear).
  6. And they SHOULD die if they don't interact with the opponent. Ignoring the obviously telegraphed hard burst skills and CCs. You then respawn, come back with the knowledge of how those attacks look like, and easily defeat it and feel like you achieved something in this game as well as immersing you. And for the rest of your playtime, you will every time feel a master of these enemies by outwitting and outplaying them. This is FUN!
  7. I was on my way to the Valdhertz Crypts in Echovald Wilds. On my way there, there were a handful of Brotherhood enemies, I suppose guarding the place from our entry? Anyways, I hadn't played the game for some time and one of these guys started attacking me. I decided to test their strength, I am a guardian on a glass cannon build. So I just stood there, taking the hits. I waited... And waited... And waited. And after 1.5 minutes he finally managed to down me. In turn I got up and killed him in 3 seconds. What this does is trivialize their presence, and in turn trivialize the world you're in. Part of the immersion in a world is that if someone attacks you, you may just die. And when that's the case you start noticing their burst attacks, you try to avoid them. And in turn you start appreciating and respecting this foe, try to find ways to go around them, or make smart pulls like in GW1. Immersing you into the world through its dangers. You may say, "but in groups they will pose a threat to you!". But really there would have to be 9 of them to bring it down to 10 seconds, and then I'd still burst down this swarm of annoying flies and make it even more inconsequential, I just killed 9 people on my own. Furthermore I don't see their attacks anymore, I cannot react to anything, only 'counterfight', aka burst them as fast as possible. You may also say, "but it's so annoying if I walk around and get killed!". In that case, why do you play an adventure game? But furthermore I have better solutions: 1. Only make enemies that feel alive and threatening, they should be able to kill you on their own in just a couple of seconds if you don't put up a fight. Apart from auto attack, give them at least a burst, CC, heal and the ability to dodge. If they are humans, take their attacks from the player abilities so it feels like fighting real people. Give Veterans and Elites more skills, not more health/damage. 2. Readjust their number down so we don't get overwhelmed by these stronger enemies and are able to read their attacks. 3. Put them in sensible places. Why are these enemies here? If they are fighters then surely they are protecting something? Is it their hideout or city or fortress, or maybe an important road between two places they occupy. Maybe they are protecting the entire land. Let them patrol, let them set up chokepoints, watchtowers. 4. Lastly the AI on many of them really needs to improve, some kind of interaction or movement on them is important as to make them feel alive. Make them smart enough to coordinate, like if they see a group of players that is too large for them to deal, let them call on reinforcements with a horn from another place in the map. In conclusion (TLDR). Make fewer but much stronger enemies with better AI and player moves that make you feel as though they are a worthy opponent. No more auto attacking trash mobs that try to pet me to death. Why? For the sake of immersion and a fun challenge!
  8. Blood to Blood: When you steal/siphon life, transfer it to nearby allies. As an effect I thought a red tether towards nearby allies should appear when transferring blood, like Druids Celestial Glyph of Unity, but then red. Furthermore skills like "Life Siphon" should then get their old form back. It's more fun to have active skills that interact with this trait, rather than something like the 'Vampiric' and 'Vampiric Presence' trait. So this may have to be look into. And the amount of health transferred is up to the balance team as well as which trait it should replace. But having it scale with healing power would obviously be preferred.
  9. Rifle may seem logical. But really rifle is just a modern longbow. This is why no class has both of them. I've wished for a shapeshifter class and I'll do it again. Shield would go well with this, as animals fight in melee. Somewhere on this forum should be a post I made that elaborates.
  10. I was rather thinking in the other direction, that they could draw some assets from Ascalon or whatnot and make a Charr vs Human in Ascalon map for WvW. Plus, they already have made WvW inspired maps like Drizzlewood Coast and the Silver Wastes.
  11. Right now when switching between Untamed and other ranger specs "Attack My Target" and "Return To Me" will find themselves on different keybindings. As, on Untamed it's 'F6 and F7' and on all the others it's 'F1 and F3'. Instead, as advised in the title, "Attack My Target" and "Return To Me" should get its own keybindings, just like "Ranger Pet Combat Toggle". This way there will be consistency throughout.
  12. New armors usually have perfect dye channels. All the materials, metal, cloth and leather, get their own dye channels. Whereas older armors such as Commanders armor have the chainmail of the legs and the cloth of the legs in one dye channel. Meaning you either end up with cloth in the color of steel, or chainmail in vibrant colors. It would be great for style if such older armors were brought up to standard.
  13. I don't have any disdain for casual players at all. I think better interaction with NPCs will be more fun for everyone. A lot of you assume that interactive NPCs means challenging NPCs, that doesn't have to be the case whatsoever. They can be interactive but bad at the game. As I have written before.
  14. That's very prejudiced of you, and it's totally wrong. I just want the game to be fun, that is all.
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