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Paladine.6082's Achievements

  1. Having returned after 4 years away there is a glaringly obvious issue for returning players: Mystic CoinsMystic CloverSpirit ShardsLaurelsIt is much more difficult for returning players to catch up because of lack of availability of these items (and yes I know you can buy mystic coins on TP but the price is high especially when you need 350+) It would be nice to have them available on the Gem Store - perhaps as a limited number purchase (like 5 stacks max of 250 coins, 5 stacks max of 75 clovers) or maybe even some RNG box - just something better than the ridiculously slow trickle we currently have. Even account bound would be acceptable as it would still allow people to obtain their legendaries without having to wait 12 months for them to trickle in. It is a bad enough grind gathering all the HoT Gifts without the eons it takes to get the clovers, coins and shards. Laurels not such an issue but would be nice to have a way to catch up on recipes and such. Waiting a month to be able to get a set of Ascended Armor recipes is not really a good situation to be in.
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