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Everything posted by chicos.7165

  1. Guys can you link a rifle + gs build for wvw ? Is it working well ?
  2. chicos.7165

    Wvw build

    What's your favorite wvw build and equipment ?
  3. Yes, I did it.... Sorry for my English and thank you :)
  4. Can be engineer a ranged dps on wvw ?
  5. You need to unlock the third mastery skill (Canyon Jumping) for Raptor, then you will be able complete the appropriate heart and purchase the Springer. I don't remember if you get enough progress just by playing the story, so it's advisable to keep the overall goal in mind while you work on other stuff. (Springer's third mastery skill will be similarly required for the fourth mount, so once you unlock the Springer, I'd start working on it.) I will !!! Thank you !!!
  6. Thank you very much !!!!I have just realized that for now the mount I need is the " up jumping mount " will i get it keeping doing the path of fire story like the raptor ?
  7. And ehm.... Why I can't use my mount on wvw and someone else can ? :(
  8. Hi guys, could you give me an advice for a build before get the elite spec ? I need to farm hero point but in world pve I die a lot of time !!!
  9. Only way to get it is by Gems ?And is it enough or need any achievement to fly with it ?
  10. Guys can you also give me an advice about questing and farming hero point build ? I'm not finish the elite spec yet so I can't equip sword or hammer.I'm only using my firethrow, but I think I could do something more...Thank you very much :)
  11. At last best engi spec is it a meele ?
  12. How is engineer in wvw and what is your favorite build ?Could you also show me a build for a right now 80 player ? To quest and do the expansions stories.Thank you very much
  13. Mmmmm and I like heal too, is druid a good profession in pvp and wvw ?
  14. I'm starting to play gw2, I have bought the expansions and I have an 80 level boost, but I don't know the professions, I don't like to play full melee so no warrior and company.What's the funniest ranged dps to do pvp and wvw ? Please let me know your opinion to help me to choose
  15. Ciao a tutti,tornato su GW2 dopo una vita, fate conto che non c'erano nemmeno le espansioni e si doveva ancora pagare il canone mensile :open_mouth: .Ora mi trovo con uno warrior 80 su un server che credo sia francese ( ma mi pare di capire che ci si possa trasferire ) e non ricordo quasi nulla del game :tired_face: .Per iniziare cerco una gilda in un server con italiani, probabilmente inizierò un pg da zero per riprendere le meccaniche di gioco e poi con l'acquisto delle espansioni boosterò una classe a 80.Se qualcuno cerca niubbi ma con potenziale batta un colpo
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