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  1. I know there has been a lot of pointless discussions over this thread , but a man has to keep trying.1. If you are not planning to release the rest 2 worlds can you sum it up in 1 world so we can find some closure?2. Even if we cant get that new World , could we at least get new achievements/rewards or maybe like super armor collection? Adding gemstore items only to annual events isnt content and it wont keep this community alive for long .There are so many people that love SAB out there , myself included. At this point, though, i dont find a reason to do World 1 and 2 again since i have finished up all collections and achievements from normal and tribulation mode alike. I hate to see this event get burried like the other annual events with meaningless annual rewards and updates.Please show some love to SAB again.
  2. Strike missions - Raid comparison is nonsense. They offer nothing for upcoming raiders since they will still end up unexperienced , undergeared and lacking of killproof. People need a reason to do things other than just the fun that will last 10 wipes on vg. Raids arent empty cause of the lack of new people, the real issue with RAIDS is that , you get to make 3 legendary armors (that for me at least are harder to craft than to get the collection done in raids), get some skins (most people will just ignore them). There is a huge lack of rewards there. Noone wants to repeat content over time and end up with some gold and grind that LI. Most raiders will just stop very quickly. Adding appealing rewards like mounts (-remember Warclaw that filled WvW with people?) , mountskins or unique skins for that matter, new collections, maybe new Challenge Modes (or setting the difficulty scale - makes more sense than strike missions), or maybe add guildquests for raids and new rewards for the whole guild, for me at least would be the reason for a comeback.
  3. Well we all know the strugle of putting decorations on guildhall , space is to limited . That restricts you to actually make stuff as you prolly pictured and kinda ruins the design. So what id like to suggest is to either remove or increase the limit of decorations that you can place .
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