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Everything posted by TOM.9712

  1. Hello, here are the thoughts of a main power chrono in plat 2.•first, it's a build that requires a lot of skill : when i started playing power chrono (instead of power mirage, wich means that i was an experienced power mes) i lost 200 points of rating, and it took me more than a month to go back in plat 2, indeed this kind of build is not permissive at all.•the burst of power mes is based around stuns, wich means that simply having stab is a -50% dmg lets see if the classes that duel(wich means the classes susceptible to get +1ed) atm have a decent access to stab:-holo/scrapper 75% stab uptime-weaver 50% stab uptime-condi mirage no stab so it's a good one but who plays condi mirage atm? Noone-sb with the elite stance nerf we see more and more the shout elite, wich means a rly good stab uptime(+the stance)-war no stab vey good matchup, even in duelEvery other class have nothing to do in duels and deserve every os they will get by trying to duel.•having stab or prot or aegis means no os for the mes, wich means that in nearly any case a mes can os in a teamfight situation(if the target is already pressured every +1 can get the kill, it has nothing to do with power mes)•if u have a bit of map awarness u should see th mesmer coming and this even b4 the 3 sec of prestige. If no stealth the burst is super obvious, if stealth u have to count to 2,5 sec and dodge. If u do''t see a +1 coming then u misplayed. It's a fair trade : if u misplay u die, if a power chrono misplays he is pretty much dead•i think that mantra mes benefits from one thing : since it's bad, it's only played by some rare ppl so a lot of players have no idea about the animations and counterplays of this build•i think that a lot of mantra mes will agree : most of the players of this build(except the ppl that play that once a month or just because they got os and think it's an op and ez build, thoose get farmed) are ppl that have played a lot in pvp and are bored of that permissive meta(from passives and huge defensive capabilities) and who want to play something that feels like pre-hot gw2 which is not braindead. Thoose ppl are nearly always confirmed players who are above the average pvp player and is able to deal with a non permissive buildTo conclude it's a build that requires skills, that is not that hard to counterplay if u know what your playing against.
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