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c u again.3267

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Posts posted by c u again.3267

  1. "the big patch" made all of my friends quit, the top250 is now what 1500 rating? since february even through people sitting in home due to corona we've been hard bleeding players. it's about time you revert that garbage. your experimant is an utter failure, the biggest one in this game's history, CMC. You are not the saviour, you're a failure.

  2. It ruined the build variety, beforehand you could have played almost anything and in a certain variatin it has worked. Now you have 4 buidls that dominate the game. The classes that devs forgot to nerf are just so much superior. Two of those builds being scrapper and holo meanwhile mesmer,warrior are unplayable. The power discrepanncy between certain skills is astonishing. Grav well pulsing for 8 damage but holo can spam crate which baits dodges with stow does insane dmg and has insane utility. Certain skills have been nerfed to oblivion while others were untouched. Classes with the most untouched skills reign superme in a way that has never been seen before. Every single matchup these days is like thief v mesmer used to be. Theres no class identity. The matchups are just impossible. You have to reroll or be irrelevant. The balance patch was a failure and a quite big downgrade compared to what we have had before. Not to mention that after people being used to fast paced meta for years, with the game slowing down many people have lost interest. Before i quit the game there were always people playing prime time ATs and you were guaranteed 2-3 good matches every tournament , these days every AT is dead. I've done 6 prime time tournaments this month and had a single good game. There isn't even a way to practice. Meanwhile soloq is filled with holos ( funnilty i had 6 holos 3 games in a row yesterday) and obnoxious easy to play bunkers (scourge, core guardian, scrapper). There is just NOTHING appealing about this game mode anymore. The devs have also lied to the community saying we'll get faster balance cadence but the balance is slower than ever when the game mode is the most unbalanced it has ever been. Good luck to anyone still standing, meanwhile i'll be enjoying world of warcraft.

  3. It's not just 3v3 though, teapot hosted a 5v5 tourny today and a triple rev team went undefeated. triple rev team. which consists of core rev, renegade and herald. rev is ruining every gamemode rn with its sustainability and cc/boon spam. the class itself is the biggest issue when it comes to balance currently.

  4. All kinds of rev rn tbh. I've been playing 3v3s lately in top5 rating area and every team basically runs 2 or 3 revs. The permanent stability from core rev Jalis put together with the cc of Mallyx and Jalis from other revenants is an extermely obnoxious combo with no counterplay whatsoever. All of the teams in top10 are basically playing double or even triple rev. The cds on CCs are obviously overtuned and they should cost more energy or have a high cooldown since both of these seplls (jalis taunt and mallyx leap) are hard CCs. Mallyx being a spammable AoE pull. It's gamebreaking.

  5. Ranger is already the weakest class in the game, the worst one you can pick in ATs and competitive games yet they are getting the hardest nerf out of all the specs in the game?Can someone explain this?Ranger is already not a class and now you're absolutely shredding their remnants out of the dumpster into nothingnessDoes anyone else sees the problem here?Why can't ranger do damage?Why can't druid heal?Why can't we have A SINGLE GOOD PET?There literally won't be a single good pet left after the changesWhat's anets issue with ranger?

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