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Everything posted by EtherProdigy.5726

  1. what is a projectile finisher in a smoke field?
  2. And we lose rating for a game we were winning, feels good anet, thanks for that.
  3. is there a reason when in 4 games i have 2 people dc i cant just ff the entire match and move on, ive had to play 1v2 for a total of 20+ minutes now?do things like this cross the minds of any of the devs? ive literally never had so much fun in my entire life...
  4. i literally dont care about emotes. purposefully afking my games i do though, especially when its something that should be punished and isnt.
  5. Hmmmmm Hmm. Nah 0/10, premades are busted soloq only On topic: This is literally opening an avenue to match manipulation. It's a bad idea. The fact that its just a roundabout way of making a premade is just icing. blocking bad players from being on your team instead of making a team is one of the funniest things I've seen on a forum in a long time. it's also one of the worst ideas I've ever seen. could be bronze and just block everyone who isn't plat and then only get plat players on your team and get perma carry, and so on. the match manipulation would be insane. you say you're not frustrated with teammate quality, but then go on to to complain about your teammates afking and throwing your games. uh, I think they are frustrating you dude. ya trying to ban bad players from your team, c'mon. teammate quality is obviously a concern. as for making a team being hard, its not. never has. just use basic social skills and whisper players you see play well in games, or msg your boys in discord. not hard. but then again, this community:i could see how you would think its a funny idea since u have this assumption that id be blocking "bad players" when if u spent even a minute reading my posts youd know it was because i have some one who specifically queues into me to throw/afk my games, and they make it known they are doing it.stop putting words in my mouth. its also hilarious that u even mention a bronze and a plat in the same game, as if thats some how supposed to happen or be normal.
  6. I'd be happy with a limit of 2, interesting how "this could never work" "no one does this" is proven wrong right here.I get along with most people, or am indifferent, but theres 2-3 people that id prefer never to have on my team again, not sure why thats such an issue for people.
  7. im not frustrated with teammate quality, im having games thrown and afkd by people who ive never even spoken to but have a personal vendetta against me, across multiple days.yeah its super easy to get good players to join u right? thats why the insular community of top players often plays with people they dont already know right, especially when they are already in duos?theres not really any mental gymnastics to be had, the soloq experience of this game is discouraging at best and further hindered by the lack of punishment for obviously toxic people who also match manipulate in any number of ways.i keep hearing about how "exploitable" this is but only 1 person has given any explanation for what those exploits could possibly look like. the best part is, its as if the vast majority of people in this thread believe that the game isnt already exploited to capacity.
  8. its literally no more exploitable than the current status quo, as u demonstrate urself.if you didnt want long queue times, then dont block lots of people, not seeing the issue.
  9. then explain it to me instead of just complaining about it.matches are already completely manipulated, you can queue into any one u want at any time, ranked begins at lvl20, syncqing into ur buddies who are duo'd already exists and is done regularly on stream.It’s been explained here by multiple people but you’re refusing to believe any of it. Learn when a bad idea is a bad idea and be a little more open and then you can have a meaningful debate. excuse me? i am being open, im literally asking you to explain it to me..........stop trying to assume some higher moral ground and actually have the conversation. Like I said, you're refusing and not open for discussion because you already have your mind made up. Just learn to accept that your idea is bad and highly manipulative. If you honestly cannot see past that then like I said, there's no conversation to be had. And once again, re-read the comments in this thread.instead of just talking AT me, do what zenix did and have a dialogue. you keep saying im closed off and have my mind made up, but if u actually read what ive said you would understand that ur actually wrong and just making assumptions. u explained nothing and are some how confused why im not just gonna change my mind to align with ur view? get a grip.
  10. and what would that reason be?as far as i can see, theres no negatives. well.... a) This would be an incredibly comfortable tool for wintrades b) Any one player being able to manipulate the Matchmaker is a bad idea, that c) could lead to complex chain-reactions since its NOT an exclusive right to just one player. Lets Just imagine for a second that we establish a culture, where every Legend + Plat player on one region decides to block the r1 player on the leaderboards.The R1 player, doesnt even necessarily have to be an unpleasant person (but his is the internet and everybody is salty literally all the time and no-one can have their ego bruised). So the rank 1 player gets punished cause they essentially will never have any good players in their team. Not because the r1 player blocked them, but because everybody else blocked the rank 1 player.....you know....for memes and luls. Also it's NOT just the blocklist of 1 player that has to be considered when the matchmaker forms teams. Obviously this "feature" cant be exclusive to just a select few players. If 1 player has somebody on their blocklist but the other 3 members of their to-be team don't, is it really fair to not include the blocked person in question in the Pool? Like personally I have about ~30 people on my blocklist....and thats not a lot.But if you think of the 5-man-dynamics of such a system....a HUGE number of possible team-building-scenarios for the Matchmaker just dont exist. tl;dr : not only is such a system abuseable but also would it inhibit the matchmaker from actually making fair games.And as much as it hurts me to say: Your personal feelings should not negatively affect the Matchmaker from making good (or as good as possible) games.Imagine that in 2020. That kind of manipulation already exists, you can already syncq into ur buddies at literally any time during the day. its done day in and day out, if ur in any of the major discords you see it plain as day. Yes, true....but should we make it even easier for those type of people? While that certainly is a thing, It's besides the point. The matchmaker tries to make good matches with what's available. And with a generally low population, a lot "unfun" matches are formed not because the matchmaker is broken, but simply because certain players where the "best at hand" to fit into that MMR range.Now if we introduce a system, where the matchmaker has to start cross-referencing multiple people's blocklist, you get an even more restricted matchmaking process with even more limitation. I can't really say what the average blocklist looks like ....but an estimation of ~50 is very generous lowball on this.So per team....a total of 250 people already fall out of matchmaking pool. And for the high-end Playerbase that is massive. No we shouldnt make it easier, they should be banned, like perma, especially when its well known who they are.Basically the matchmaking in this game has been reduced down to, "any game is better than no game." personally im not convinced this is a good thing. i appreciate u having the dialogue.so whats the best course of action? have people throw games, grief, be as toxic as they can be and go unpunished (the only thing that seems to get acknowledged is racist or hateful slurs typed in chat) or have a restrictive matchmaker?i can personally say that the last few days alone, there were games with the same person on my team (whom ive never even responded to) who afkd when on my team (specifically because i was on it) and tryhard against me and literally anything under the sun they could do to try to elicit a reaction from me. the matchmaker decided that this person should be on my team often enough that i went from plat2/3 to 1500. basically im either forced to not play at all when this person is on, or just deal with the losses? idk if i like those options, especially as a solo player who doesnt have the benefit of a duo/sync party to carry me. i barely play this game to begin with any more because of the incredible lack of dignity from the "top players" (just lol) and the total absence of integrity from the devs. however i would like the small amounts of time i do have to put toward this game to be in some way meaningful. its beyond words that players who were banned multiple times for abusing the systems put in place still have titles and those accounts arent perma'd. lol none of this behavior is tolerated in any successful game and the devs are proactive in its management unlike here, but then again those games have large enough communities (due to actual care and development of the game) that you arent grouped against the same players every single game unless you are literally at the top of the leaderboard (a leaderboard of thousands upon thousands upon thousands of players, not 150 players with multiple alt accounts). so im just kind of left with, "just deal" with toxic behavior or dont play? guess that makes the decision a little easier, oh well
  11. then explain it to me instead of just complaining about it.matches are already completely manipulated, you can queue into any one u want at any time, ranked begins at lvl20, syncqing into ur buddies who are duo'd already exists and is done regularly on stream.It’s been explained here by multiple people but you’re refusing to believe any of it. Learn when a bad idea is a bad idea and be a little more open and then you can have a meaningful debate.excuse me? i am being open, im literally asking you to explain it to me..........stop trying to assume some higher moral ground and actually have the conversation.
  12. and what would that reason be?as far as i can see, theres no negatives. well.... a) This would be an incredibly comfortable tool for wintrades b) Any one player being able to manipulate the Matchmaker is a bad idea, that c) could lead to complex chain-reactions since its NOT an exclusive right to just one player. Lets Just imagine for a second that we establish a culture, where every Legend + Plat player on one region decides to block the r1 player on the leaderboards.The R1 player, doesnt even necessarily have to be an unpleasant person (but his is the internet and everybody is salty literally all the time and no-one can have their ego bruised). So the rank 1 player gets punished cause they essentially will never have any good players in their team. Not because the r1 player blocked them, but because everybody else blocked the rank 1 player.....you know....for memes and luls. Also it's NOT just the blocklist of 1 player that has to be considered when the matchmaker forms teams. Obviously this "feature" cant be exclusive to just a select few players. If 1 player has somebody on their blocklist but the other 3 members of their to-be team don't, is it really fair to not include the blocked person in question in the Pool? Like personally I have about ~30 people on my blocklist....and thats not a lot.But if you think of the 5-man-dynamics of such a system....a HUGE number of possible team-building-scenarios for the Matchmaker just dont exist. tl;dr : not only is such a system abuseable but also would it inhibit the matchmaker from actually making fair games.And as much as it hurts me to say: Your personal feelings should not negatively affect the Matchmaker from making good (or as good as possible) games.Imagine that in 2020. That kind of manipulation already exists, you can already syncq into ur buddies at literally any time during the day. its done day in and day out, if ur in any of the major discords you see it plain as day. the matchmaker already fails in establishing worthwhile or "good" matches, specifically because people are constantly q dodging each other, the reason why (at least on NA) that the games are filled with ranges of players from mid gold to plat3+ is because there arent enough of like rated players to make a game out of it. funnily enough, when people start "sniping" (literally just queueing) into the popular streamers, the games get better and in some cases even resemble ATs. those streamers routinely immediately end those streams because no one is actually interested in competitive ranked matches, they want the easy wins where its a race to farm the other teams worst players. so as far as im concerned opting in to increasing my queue time and my queue time alone, to avoid the scenario at the end of the paragraph above (farming bad players who do not belong in the match to begin with) is a good option. I do see and agree with you about the r1 issue though.
  13. then explain it to me instead of just complaining about it.matches are already completely manipulated, you can queue into any one u want at any time, ranked begins at lvl20, syncqing into ur buddies who are duo'd already exists and is done regularly on stream.
  14. and what would that reason be?as far as i can see, theres no negatives. Well yes, bc you dont think far enough still waiting to hear the reason.... What if you block people not because they're toxic but just because they're bad players?They wouldn't be on your team anymore but you could have them as enemy team, giving you (and your team of "pros") an unfair advantage. i dont see a problem with that. if thats actually an issue, then the matchmaker should be addressed and bad players SHOULD NOT be put in games with good ones.block enough "bad players" and now u get to wait through long queues, the trade off is there, i dont see a problem.
  15. and what would that reason be?as far as i can see, theres no negatives. Well yes, bc you dont think far enough still waiting to hear the reason.... It's way to easy to exploit (players banning Bad players permanently from their ranked qs) and would lead to endless q times. Compared to what? Your ego beeing hurt?whats the exploit? potentially, waiting longer for a game without some one who has a personal vendetta against you who is going to throw your game just because you are in it? doesnt seem like much of an exploit. identifying wintrade/throw accounts and removing them from the pool of players you can be grouped with? doesnt seem like an exploit to me. why does it sound like you think playing with bad players or players entire divisions below you is SUPPOSED to be the way the game works, especially at higher tiers? its not. take a look at any other game and check the ratings/divisions of the players. not playing with bad or toxic players, doesnt seem like a negative thing in my opinion, ESPECIALLY because the more people i blocked the longer my queue time would get as my own decision, long queue times would be self inflicted, i AGAIN dont see the problem. it is a choice a person could make for themself or not.
  16. and what would that reason be?as far as i can see, theres no negatives. Well yes, bc you dont think far enoughstill waiting to hear the reason....
  17. and you would never get them ON YOUR TEAM, you would be forcing yourself to play against them, if that's your choice so be it....
  18. if you block people better than you, then you would only go against them, or did you not read the title of the thread?if people OPT IN for longer queue times for themselves, whats the problem?
  19. yes, i dont think any one genuinely enjoys playing with people in gold or below when they are in plat or above (unless you actually do enjoy completely lopsided matches and not competitive ones). i'm not sure why all of a sudden the opposite would be true, how many countless times have we heard about how bad it is? the trade off would be long queue times for people who do this, as there would be a very small pool of players for this person to be grouped with and theyd have to all be online at the same time. again, im not seeing a downside, are you sure you thought that through before you posted? ah yes ill block everyone under legend, ill never get a qpop. cu!whats wrong with that? uve effectively eliminated urself, at no cost to any one else, because of arguably toxic behavior. its a win/win.you OPT IN for something like that.
  20. not sure what you mean, blocking a few notoriously toxic players wouldnt affect the matchmaker in any visible way.
  21. yes, i dont think any one genuinely enjoys playing with people in gold or below when they are in plat or above (unless you actually do enjoy completely lopsided matches and not competitive ones). i'm not sure why all of a sudden the opposite would be true, how many countless times have we heard about how bad it is? the trade off would be long queue times for people who do this, as there would be a very small pool of players for this person to be grouped with and theyd have to all be online at the same time. again, im not seeing a downside, are you sure you thought that through before you posted?
  22. it would only never pop for people who block every person, im not seeing a downside
  23. and what would that reason be?as far as i can see, theres no negatives.
  24. It'd solve a lot of toxicity in the game since it can be months before some one is banned for their behavior or chat, and even then certain people are exempt from it all together it seems.
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