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Posts posted by Nilkemia.8507

  1. A poor attempt to cure a symptom, not the problem.

    Sure, let's punish discouraged players even harder.

    They'll either find a work around if they're determined enough, or just see the mode for the cesspit it is and leave altogether. And while I'm sure most of you will see the latter as a victory, PvP seems to have a problem retaining players, at least from what I've read around here.

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  2. They also break stuns (so allowing you to get out of being knocked down faster), which the small potions do not do. But yes, the cost of them is annoying, along with being limited to no more than nine of them.

    Possible solutions :

    - Reducing the cost from 25 baubles to 15. (Simplest one)

    - Making them rechargeable like the Mega-Bombs and Bow. (I'd be wary of them giving it an annoyingly long cooldown, however...plus one could argue that the potions don't require as much effort to get as the Mega-Bombs and Bow did.)

    - Giving back the option for small potions to carry as well, and having the potion key open up a bundle like the Bow and Mega Bombs do to choose which potion you use. (This might make it cumbersome to use, however)

  3. They're likely referring to her "Deadly Attraction" skill, which hits very hard(1), inflicts taunt and confusion(2), and has only one telegraph : a glowing eye symbol floating above her head (which you may not see initially, or I didn't due to having my camera more angled towards the ground to watch for her other AoEs).

    The other major annoyances with this skill is that it has no AoE indicator for its range, and line of sight seems to not be effective either, if your character is facing her when this is about to hit, it will hit you if you are close enough. I've had at least two instances fighting her when she teleported to the elevated platform, was climbing up the edge on my skyscale only to have this skill hit me around the corner and knock me off.

    (1) - From the few combat log readings I've gotten, this skill hits in the 15 -17K range, possibly higher if it can crit. While it should be noted that this was against characters using  Viper and Valk-Berserker gear, that is still ridiculous for one skill, and I doubt tankier sets would mitigate that by much.

    (2) - The taunt and confusion by themselves don't hurt much, but last long enough to recommend a stunbreak just for them. Moreover, the taunt can potentially make your character run into her her other primary AoE, the intertwined lines of burning rocks, which also hit hard and CC (launch/pushback)

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  4. Twitch has muted several portions of the stream, including most if not all of the match you intended to show. This seems to have had the side effect of breaking the video, causing it to freeze after a few seconds of playing in any muted section (while the timer still keeps going.)

    Also, this comeback, while probably impressive, is more likely an exception, not the rule. In most matches, the fight would be decided simply by a 100 point lead, with the behind team unable to do much if anything to catch up.

    • Haha 1
  5. This again. Sigh...


    Even if it was reasonably possible, the time for it has come and gone. It would cost ArenaNet extra time/money/resources for every version they have to keep tabs on, it means their patches would have to go through Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo/etc for approval, slowing down updates at the very least if not adversely affecting them in other ways, and for a nebulous return on investment that will eventually die off and require renewing upon newer consoles to keep it going.

    And this is before any potential technical issues, bugs, glitches, or things like crossplay (whether or not to even do that), or the interests/demands of the console community (or lack thereof).

    Admittedly, much of this is just my opinion, but, if ArenaNet was going to do this, they'd have done it long ago. It took them years to even get onto Steam, and that had problems of its own.

    TLDR : No. Not worth it, don't know anyone who'd go for it. The horse has been eaten by raptors already.

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  6. On 9/18/2023 at 5:58 PM, Linken.6345 said:

    Winters day food is not hidden by rng its removed and the only way to get it now is crafting it.

    Yes, but the recipes were a random chance reward from Wintersday presents, with no guaranteed means of acquiring them. If they're not going to bring back the food into the gift boxes, the least they can do is make the food recipes directly available from the festival merchants, which they do for every other festival that I am aware of. There was no reason for this sudden inconsistency, just like there was no reason to remove the food in the first place when they can make food items that can't be turned into research notes.

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