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  1. Unfortunately that means that Wayfinder's table is lost until the fix, considering that you only get one recipe of it and whoever you consumed it on is the only person that can (or in this case can't) make it. In general I hope that it was not intended for recipes to be one character only as with more Black Lion furnishings I can imagine how annoying it would be to try to figure out which character can make what.
  2. The gemstore deluxe edition item is counted as being above that level and shows up in red, so I think it is actually bugged.
  3. UPDATE, MY ACCOUNT IS BOTH BUGGED AND UNBUGGED AT THE MOMENT. I can craft! I can craft everything so it seems! My level still displays as 300 out of 400! "Wayfinder's Versatile Table" is still red, BUT I can craft it! This is most peculiar, but I can actually play with this! Edit: I can't see recipes above 225, but at the same time I do not know if they even exist. Edit: wait, no, it took like 3 minutes and it bugged again. I could craft like 3 pieces of furniture and now I can't even craft those again.
  4. Yeah, this tanked my opinion on the expansion pretty low. It feels like we received half of an expansion, considering that raiding and legendary crafting and even finishing the story is gated behind updates, so all we had for endgame was decorating and one meta event. I thought "no biggie, I'll have the decorating to keep me busy" and now it's broken in a major way. It's to a point where people with expansion are telling people without it in the guild to not buy it yet, because the current experience is not very good.
  5. It's not. The Black Lion special edition item requires 400 to craft and is marked in red in my craft log. I could craft it on release. I don't think that they would be selling it in the deluxe version if it was only intended for people to have 1 of those, especially when they emphasized that crafting recipes for gem store items will be a thing and that you will be able to craft as much of it as you want.
  6. Same here. Maxed out mastery, shows as 300/400, can not craft anything. There's very little end game right now (one meta and homestead decoration), so I'm a bit peeved that the homestead decorating does not work. Correction, nothing above Journeyman decorations work, however there are a lot of Journeyman decorations, so don't mind me, found a way to keep myself entertained.
  7. Same error message upon trying to enter my homestead. New maps are also entirely unplayable due to global 4000 ping. Nearly crashed out being unable to log in by going to the SOTO hub too, but Lion's Arch is currently running very smoothly. However inability to open instances persists.
  8. Yeah, we tested from the underground level. I ran in and took a picture from inside the center of the labyrinth as my friend was wondering how to fix their client. If you can still see those maps, it would be helpful if you can report back.
  9. The inside maps for both Durmand Priory and the Tangled Labyrinth in Silverwastes are entirely gone. Both me and my guildie tested it - if you come into any of those locations, mini map shows the overmap. If you go into your full map and descend a level down, or go a level up, there's no change. image 1 image 2 This is the Silverwastes example from two different clients. Compare this to the wiki page that shows that we did not just dreamed up the inside map and that it was 100% something that existed: wiki image This does not effect everything - the towns seem to function fine still, for example, but it seems that certain locations entirely lost their inside maps. I am uncertain how many locations, because me and my guildie were only testing what they thought was an internal bug on their client. Turns out no, no it isn't.
  10. UNDERWATER WEAPONS ON LAND? LAND WEAPONS ON WATER? I don't care, either way it looks awesome so far and I'm so hyped! The water combat needed a rework for a very long time now so I'm hoping for good things!
  11. I want to know if we will be able to take our underwater weapons out and land weapons into water. It would trully be the feature of the decade. I'm so incredibly hyped!
  12. Well ever since we had first legendaries (so literally the start of the game) we had funny gag things that don't fit the vibe of the game. I don't know if you enjoy hearing all the Dreamers firing, or the Super Adventure Warhorn, or maybe you think that it is all fitting, but gem store things are not that far removed from that.
  13. I feel like there's a huge difference between the audiences that Tequatl released and that Eparch released to. Tequatl used to be something that you would attempt if you had time. It had cool loot, but it was not something that you would necessarily really really need. There were other ways of getting everything non cosmetic. Eparch released to a world where last rune bonuses were no longer on rune sets and where even having the legendary relic won't save you from needing to collect the relics in order to unlock them. They put 3 relics in there.
  14. What's your class, build, server and who are you playing with? In all of the attempts today with 10-15 players on portals, we still struggled to keep them at 1 open at a time, so whenever it would get disregulated even a little, there were easily 2-3 portals and boss started collecting buffs. In the parties that I tried it in, nobody could even go for DPS puddles due to the amount of AoEs and difficulty staying alive, so life-steal was in and recommended on map chat often in order to combat the mass deaths. NOBODY is out there just auto-attacking. People are hitting their skills, they are dodging, they are moving. But this is not a raid. So no-one shows up to a meta map with a raid set up. You'll have people on exotics, you likely won't really have healers around, you'll have people on builds that are not on snowcrows or hardstruck, because it is open world PVE content meant for the casual player.
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