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Posts posted by Jilora.9524

  1. 2 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    So this is about semantics in the end and the commanders not putting specific instructions for what they are NOT looking for in the LFG and only in regards to 1 role (and the most easy to fill role at that).

    I don't care what you do because you do you, but save us from the "I am in the right and it's fine" thesis.

    If you are joining LFGs on roles which are not asked for, you are making life harder on commanders. Sometimes more, sometimes less, while always exploiting the fact that not everyone acts in such a selfish manner.

    Sometimes joining this way has repercussions and ends the way topic creator described and that is what others and myself have pointed out.

    Respect the LFG is not some idea some players should or get to act on when they see fit. It's a way to keep things civilised, organised and manage able for everyone involved. 

    Wow. Semantics. Stop pretending you know my mindset. I am joining early. I am not delisting your group. Someone joining your group is not making it harder. I told you the only thing I disagree with and you throw 4 non related things out to win. Put anything you want in lfg. No dps no players named Jilora can join. Don't pretend there's some unwritten rule. Stop living in fantasy land where the 1st 2 to join are the tank and healer or all support in GW2 then all DPS line uip in order and ea msg you may I join now plz?

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  2. 12 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    You haven't been booted because:

    A. The com wasn't to strict and at 2/10 he still has enough spots open for the LFG not to get delisted from supports joining

    B. You are the typical "I am inportant dps and rules don't apply to me" player. Suffice to say if everyone acted this way commanders would have an even harder time organizing and getting the supports in

    C. You've rarely run into a guild group which is filling up but doesn't have all members present.


    I don't see how this is even a discussion. A very simple exercise to do in such a case:

    Imagine how things would be if everyone acted the way I (you) do. Is the situation better or worse? The answer to that question is rather simple.

    It's not I am more important. It's oh cool theses a lfg for something that I also want to do. And no I def don't  want to argue with you cuz you will go back and forth for two hours and I don't have that time lol. You're looking for 1 thing there's 8 spots left please stop acting like people joining your group are selfish or doing something wrong. That is just so illogical. This is like every other game not letting anyone join until it has a Tank and Healer. You put a lfg up for people to join. If you seriously don't want dps till every support is filled, put no dps yet and kick every dps that joins but no one does that but you all on here reaming the op for the audacity of joining a strike as dps at 1/10 which is the only thing I don't agree with.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Cuks.8241 said:

    No it is not common sense. Common sense is respecting the lfg posting. Yes very often a few dps will join early (and they wont get kicked because its just a strike). But when you open squad for dps theres an avalanche of dps that were waiting for posting. Its quite clear most players wait for their spots to open.

    Ok, I'll just disagree. I've joined 100s of squads and you've probably listed 100 of groups. You think the polite dps are waiting. Except of course the few that join early every time like me you don't kick. I think it's cuz the group prob now 6/10 and people join those fast at the end because they know it'll start soon most don't want to join at 1/10 and risk waiting. There's a log and I have never seen or been booted myself just for joining as dps at 1/10. So we have very different experiences.

    • Confused 8
  4. 2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    It doesn't matter if you agree with it or not, commie tells you who  they're looking for and if you join the squad while not fitting the description, they're free to kick you. Wait or not wait, do whatever you want. Commie will still do whatever they want and are perfectly fine to do so. Not sure what you're trying to argue about here, if OP wanted to "try his luck" then maybe he should mention he's joining as dps when he joined and not when the squad filled and commie asked him specifically about it.

    Granted that if commie later thought OP's dps isn't enough then they could let them know and kick them instead of writing it and... still clear the strikes as the same group? At that point, what commie did seems kind of pointless to me. And yes, I'd see it differently if commie whispered op after the clears and gave him tips how to improve in some areas, but just "calling out lower dps" and then going on as if nothing happened is a bit weird 🤷‍♂️

    What are you trying to argue? Multiple times I said the comm can kick or post any req they they want. My argument is solely everyone acting like him joining a group at 1/10 as dps is somehow wrong. This comm had alac/qdps not no dps yet. He did nothing wrong joining. He did multiple things after and deserved to be kicked.

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

    There are 4 reasons why I am for kick in this scenario, even if its 1/10.

    - Its just easier to build a group if you fill supports first. Easier to track roles and make parties. Especially now when most specs can also fill boon support roles. In the most spec could only be DPS, it was easier. Now someone might say I am making a big deal about making groups. Its not really a big deal but other players also expect from commanders to not take forever to setup groups.

    - Sometimes group fill in literary seconds (at least daily strike, what I run most of the times) and you can overfill with dps. 

    - Players that can't read and follow the simplest LFG request can be liability. Maybe not in normal strikes but generally I expect players to read and write/talk when in groups and not join in bad faith and stay quiet.

    - Maybe most important. It is not fair to DPS players that actually wait for the DPS spots to open. Basically greedy selfish players get advantage if they are let in.

    Noone sits all day in normal strikes groups waiting for players. Unless its CM or with some crazy requirements or its unpopular strike when not daily. Otherwise it fills very quickly. And in my experience most players do not just join. Most players respect LFG requests. And if you do join prematurely at least state your role and be polite.

    I don't buy it man. You aren't kicking every dps before you get your desired roles. And every dps aren't waiting till there's a listing where it already has all supports. Of course daily strikes fill fast but a do all ibs strikes won't or the harder ones. You keep saying kitten like greedy selfish players joining a strike early still looking for alac like give me a break. Noone is being greedy joining. It's common sense if its 2/10 asking for alac it's not asking for 8 alac so ppl can join. I see something in lfg I want to join I join as long as I'm not joining something 8/10 still looking for 2 things as dps. If I join as one of the last in those fast-filling group and the group is missing certain roles I'll leave. Np with these rules. The op sure he made mistakes and deserved to be kicked and doesn't seem to get that but joining as dps early wasn't one of them. 

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  6. I'm really interested to know when you start a group how many of you just kick every dps that joins at 2/10 3/10 because you want alac. The dude joined at 1/10 and yeah he didn't say his role but typically that means he's dps still should say something. You acting like you'll kicking every dps until you get the specialized roles filled and somehow any dps that joins early is in the wrong. You want to sit at 1/10 all day go ahead but groups with 6/10 8/10 are more attractive to join plus many times you get a bunch dps early and people see that and start offering to switch roles. And if you are kicking these rude dps who join early I hope the commander is a support and not a dps cuz whoa that would really screw up everything.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Omega.6801 said:

    I didn't say other dps players don't do that. I said they shouldn't. It's anoying and probably gave a bad first impresssion of OP, as it should, because again. A comm can ask for whatever thing they want to and they are free to kick when someone does not meet the criteria. If I open a group for raids and put "only sylvari mesmers using staff, ping exactly 37 eiterite ingots" I am free to do so and I am free to kick when someone joins on their human thief. It doesn't matter wether or not my requirements make sense or not.

    Ya no one is debating you can't set what reqs you want. No one is debating the comm can kick whoever he wants anytime. It's the illogical point that if some lfg is needing 2 things that we all got to wait till those are filled. If I see a group asking for 2 things and there's less then 8 ppl I'll join because I know kitten right other dps will too so if I wait till there's no reqs at all I'll be out of luck. Like again he joined at 1/10 so no a dps joining at 1/10 should not give a bad impression because it happens most times I bet because there's 1000's of us vs the few desired things in reqs. Maybe the comm didn't like his class maybe if he never responded back saying I'm doing fine when the comm has the proof in front of him he never would have been booted I have no idea.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, Omega.6801 said:

    The comm may ask for whatever they please, And if they ask for "qdps, alac" it is their right to do so. Usually they do so, because dps fills fast and they want other set before that. So in that regard, he was right and you probably made a bad impression from the get go. Then, if your dps actually was lower than that of a support class, you kinda didn't play your role, so I'd say they were right about kicking you from the group. It's not about "did we manage to clear the content" it's actually about principle and about "if everyone would do that", social contract kinda stuff.
    Next time, if the lfg says it wants a specific role, join as that role or don't join.

    Ya cuz no dps ever in the history of lfg has ever joined a group with a msg qdps alac. Everyone just waits till it says need 6dps then we all rush in. The dude joined at 1/10. Sure if dps low you gonna get kicked regardless. Some players think just because they stay alive and others get downed they automatically doing better.

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  9. It is better reward wise. Sure I'm all for more choices. Like today I am not doing that mini dungeon in echovald and I'm also not doing wkly retrospect runaround. The thing is we also have a choice of what to buy and don't log in 4 times a month to luck or other useless things and can save for what you want. That's the way I look at it I'm not forced to do anything I don't want and missing a day cuz some crap I don't want to do won't kill me.  I am all for more choices but not worried about it. 

  10. 8 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    Ive been stuck in combat for more than a minute after the last condi is cleared and all foes are dead in WvW. Meanwhile the foe that Ive killed can respawn, mount up, and run all of the way back to where I am slowly trudging along to restart the fight.

    The only thing I can think that causes that is you hit an ambient mob like a rabbit or something with a non dmg skill like an aoe pull. I used to always get stuck in combat at certain supply camps after killing everything until I realized my spectral grasp hit a rabbit or some other ambient but that rabbit wouldn't get pulled towards me but would count as in combat until I killed it or ran slowly far enough away.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    But what I said was true. I said if it continues, if this is what the game is to become, I would quit. And I would. Because those stories and those metas are part of my bread and butter and to this day, even though I've done all the old ones, I still don't like strikes. Why would I continue to play a game that forces me into content I don't want to play?  If you like that content it's not a problem.

    But every month, if that had continued (and it didn't), I'd no longer be looking forward to completing the zone meta. It would become a chore when it had never become a chore before. 

    I said I would leave and I would have. You don't have to believe it. I know certain other guildies would have stopped playing too.  So I said that.  I didn't exaagerate it and say the game was over, but I did believe the game would lose some players over it.

    I believe you. I'm saying your beef was weaker then this one. Players have refunded and quit over this or at least say they have. This is way worse to the players that are more casual having to fail and lose 2h everytime and hope to get lucky or carried or a lil of both. The zone meta achieve vs the main mount in an expansion isn't even a comparison

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  12. 54 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    They changed it, and I didn't say the game would die. I said I would quit. And I would have. If you cant' see the difference between I'm uphappy with this and this doesn't work and I'll leave the game, and the game is doomed, I'm not sure what to tell you.

    One of the reasons that I'm sure something will happen is because after that meta in Bjora Anet never did it again.  No strike mission was required after that to finish a zone meta. I didn't quit because I was satisfied.

    You said you would quit. Guild members would quit and many would leave w/o that change so ya doom and gloom. All over some minor thing that a small portion completes and only awards achieve points. 

    Yet here you are arguing the opposite on something that locks the turtle mount behind. Many are stuck(not me) and then they get bagged again with a difficult strike mission to progress.

    So yeah these players have more legit doom and gloom then just I can't get achieve points.

    • Like 3
  13. On 3/5/2022 at 12:36 AM, Vayne.8563 said:

    Oh look another end of the world the sky is falling everyone is going to leave because of this meta post.  People complained about Tequatl, people complained about Tangled Depths, people complained about Orr and yet, somehow, amazingly, the game is still here.

    It'll either get done or get nerfed and people will have to have some patience. That's it.  No one talks today about how hard Tequatl was at launch, or how impossible the TD meta was at launch and soon no one will be talking about this.

    These do this or else posts are not what is going to make the game change. Data will. Anet has that data. We don't.

    From the guy who made end of the world saying you'd quit because strike mission achieves for bjora were included in the meta I find this comment funny af. That is all

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  14. Confused is dislike. No-one has to explain why they are confused to you because it is a dislike. No one explains why they click like either. Now if our names were listed like a public poll then yes a lot less would like/confuse us and also not log into alts to like their own comments or click confuse on every one of someone's post to troll them.

    If you give merit or get upset or need validation for your posts that is your issue. Just ignore them.

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  15. 9 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

    Seriously im so tired of the recent trend in all gaming communities over the recent years, not just gw, to just constantly kitten on everything and go out of their way to be overly pessimistic and complain about literally everything.

    So annoying watching the live stream and just seeing a handful of people in the live chat just  CONSTANTLY  complaining about stuff the entire time from start to finish, like there was a guy that would not SHUT UP about how bad catalyst was and just elementalist in general, like we get it dude, you dont like catalyst,  we dont need you ruining the vibe of the stream for the entirety of it whining about it, just shut up already. 

    And i swear 90% of these people "critiquing" the map dont have an original thought in their head, its just a hivemind of people regurgitating the same thing they saw someone else say just to be part of the hate parade, you can tell because a lot of their takes are just objectively false but are "word for word" copies of the same "review". Its just a bunch of pessimistic losers waiting to see what they see the other negative vocal minorities say so they can jump on the bandwagon and pretend their take is original and their own even when they probably didn't even play factions themselves to have such strong opinions on the "vibe" and "aesthetic" of a map they've probably only experienced in a YouTube video for a few minutes 


    Yeah you might want to just never read comments or forums or basically anything ever again since it seems to bring out your negative side as your complaint about them complaining is pretty kitten toxic.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Forgive Me.7803 said:

    that is exactly my point at this time there is no incentive to sell right away as you still pay the list fee even if you sell at buy price. and as i said the sugestion is to remove the fee in that case only , not when listing at sale price.



    Wait what? The incentive is it sells right away. You could list 1000 at 1g then a guy lists 1000 at .99 then 40000 get listed at .98 then 3000 get listed at 97 so because you listed it at 1g and paid the fee it now sits there buried and you don't have your gold now and it may be buried for years. But if there was a buy order for 90c you take less to get your gold now and avoid that risk.

    The listing fee has to be there no matter what. Now that extra 10 percent when it sells sure that's just a gold sink in every game which I don't like.

    And before you go but but I didn't list it you did. You listed it at the lowest price and someone bought it right away. Most games even if you undercut by 10c the risk was still there to be undercut.


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  17. On 11/4/2021 at 9:18 AM, Sobx.1758 said:

    The chests still aren't nodes and never were nodes. No matter how many times you'll try to pretend in your posts it's the same thing, it just isn't.

    You were given plenty of reasons, you're just dodging them.



    Yes, without a change, facts are very confusing to some people 🥱

    Here it is again. Totally about naming. So keep saying never was about naming.

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