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  1. I appreciate Guild Wars 2 a lot but theres no way it could compete with games like Elden Ring for best game. I adore MMORPG's because of their length, but the actual gameplay mechanics usually can't compete with Single and Multiplayer games. On top of that, i actually liked Guild Wars 1 better, It's just to outdated now to enjoy.
  2. I've been struggling for a week to decide what class to play, and through it all i think one of my favorite weapon set ups was axe/axe on warrior, I'm also really fond of the high base HP with heavy armor for high effective HP. I am somewhat worried about their ability to self sustain? It's between Warrior (Spec undecided), Dragonhunter, and some form of Necro right now. The reason warriors still in the running is because i reaaaally dislike reflect mechanics and DH and Necro would be much more heavily affected by those, i know i could Necro - Reaper for melee, but it doesn't feel as satisfying as Warriors Axe/Axe I also think Warrior would be a better way to "learn to play" ? since they seem more reliant on getting things like Dodging right which I'm currently pretty bad at, I'm struggling to read attack prompts from monsters compared to WoW and FFXIV especially when the area is crowded.
  3. And Mesmer just feels.. INCREDIBLY weak compared to everything else, is this normal? Are they in a bad place? Do they shine later? I do really like the theme of their skills, particularly staff and greatsword!
  4. Drama? I call it feedback. A game making you feel this way ( Mind you I've been playing MMOs a long long time ) is not good design.
  5. This quest just made me ragequit the game, after the 2 hour wait and going to the Sunspear place to find out i waited to be rewarded with.. Collecting more items. I just couldn't anymore, i got genuinely upset. This is not Gameplay. This is not fun. If this is the dev teams idea of content I'd rather just quit the game, FFXIV respects my time a lot more. Edit: had a bit of time to settle my temper tantrum, should've just stepped away when i got bored and continued later. We live and learn i guess. I'll still say It's not fun content, but I'll do it in tiny steps to get that skyscale. I'll leave the original post because i do genuinely think it is a bad thing to put something so desirable and highly quality of life behind content this poor and repetitive. Edit 2: I have now gotten my skyscale, and still stand by everything i said. I grinded it out with the help of CommonTate guide videos because i knew it would make my time in Guild Wars 2 so much better having a skyscale.. But my lord. This is some of the most insulting terrible quest design i have ever seen in 20 years of playing MMORPGs.
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