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Posts posted by jdawgie.1835

  1. 11 hours ago, DoomNexus.5324 said:

    Imo GW2 should just in general have way more pvp modes - why not just make 2v2 and 3v3 permanent as an unranked queue and give unranked season rewards as well? Maybe directly get progress for season rewards (at a lower pace maybe?) or copy-paste the chests without ranked specific drops such as the ascended shards of glory if Anet really wants to keep the "good" stuff locked behind ranked.
    And FINALLY make GvG its own game mode... Poor guilds who have to set up their own fights in WvW.. Could be a generic 20v20 or 50v50 or whatever imo where you can sign up with your zerg, then also non-guilds can join or smaller guilds can team up with randoms to make fights slightly more even.

    Idgaf about longer queue times due to the split queue at all either. The game mode is dead so queue times are not great anyway and even if the queue pops quickly it's a kitten match because the mm couldn't even form proper teams.. And Stronghold also exists and is played, we already have a working split queue so this argument was non-sense from the very beginning.

    This is beautiful comment and its getting confused reacts. This post is literally just offering ideas to put life blood into the mode. in the game and people are confused by it... Just so were clear this is why our mode ate itself. 

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  2. 8 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    you know what?  fk it!  lets go!

    A meta balanced around Diffrent builds fighting eachother is alot more enjoyable for your average jimmy, compared to a balance that evolves around the ability of builds to hold tiny circles and rotate between them.

    You know... better player wins the 1v1 type of thingy... and not the  " are you sidenoder?   no?  then you cant beat this sidenoder! And now run to the next circle and decap that, you filthy thief enjoyer" type of thing we got going on right now.

    My brother - Amen. 5v5 is from an E-sports focused era that frankly isn't relevant. I would love to see deathmatch - and also with bigger maps. Death match only but in maps life temple. No Nodes. Would make for a wild experience. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

    brother come on lol
    more than like, raiding or CM strikes? yeah probably, WvW alone most likely beats them on a weekly basis

    but all PvE? surely you can't be serious

    Okay lol. Ill come on and admit when I over did it. I do agree that WvW even by itself beats out CM strikes and Raiding weekly. Thats all I am trying to say. I love pvp and got a bit carried away. 

    2 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

    i don't think it would truly kill it, but i do agree that it'd be a net loss, and i'm relatively confident GW3 will have some form of pvp in it
    i also think they really should have added extra modes, even if ranked stayed only conquest, for 10v10s, capture the flag, that kinda stuff. i think it's pretty disappointing they gave up on em years ago

    Right - I dont think we should champion the demise of this game. Selfishly because I havent found anything that even comes close to it combat wise. 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, bethekey.8314 said:

    That being said, PvP is a core part of any "living" game. It's a stopgap between content. It was literally "end game" for early GW2. Players evolve in ways NPCs (currently) don't and fights remain fresh longer. People naturally WANT to fight/compete against each other directly, not through PvE logs. I think it would be foolish to not include PvP in any new MMO.

    Amen brother - Top 10 favorite statements made on the forums right here. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    I feel like the good business decision for mmos going forward would not include attempting to tame the ever shifting demands of a competitive playerbase and just ship a game people enjoy coming home after their job to play. I highly doubt GW3, if it is a separate stand alone entity, would be as welcoming to competitive players. 

    So you think good business is to launch the game with no pvp? Want to make sure I understand this statement. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Duke Nukem.6783 said:

    so what? pvp isn't popular it isn't going to keep players. it is the worst part of the game

    This is literally a post about how people here just play pvp. Because you declare something doesnt make it true. WvW+sPvP (a lot of the same people) is a larger number than PvE I would guess. If you removed PvP all together from the game you would kill your own game. So what is your point?

  7. 11 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

    Anet definitely failed pvp, not the other way around. The potential was all there but they squandered it by not nurturing pvp and not iterating, and trying to force ESL to work before it was ready. Anet has this obsession with making things perfect or abandoning it all together. And because they gave up on pvp modes after HoT, the community shriveled up and moved on. 

    The pop is low because of anet, not because the game or community is inherently bad. If they make pvp in Gw3 (and I think they should) they need to fully commit to that mode and nurture it with features and customization, as well as balance. Not just throw the baby out with the bath water if it isn't working out.

    Amen Brother.

    I'll ask you though - how aware of this do you think they are? I think its not even the same dev team. Also regarding the other guys comments about the engine - this was a new engine for GW2 versus GW1 when it launched. I remember thinking how beautiful the game was in 2012. Truely amazing. However - they dont have all the proper access to the engine from the original devs - which is why "spaghetti code" is constantly referenced. So a new engine would be mandatory to upkeep with graphical expectations of the generation and be able to have full access to the game their developing. As I understand it they dont have that as it stands with GW2. I could be wrong - this was heresy I was told. So I have no factual basis for this. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, Nilkemia.8507 said:

    PvP is irredeemable, not Guild Wars 2. Making a sequel now would solve nothing. And, while this is my uninformed opinion, relying on another company's game engine is not a good idea in the long term. Example : Unity.

    Bro chill out on the pvp hate. 4 Posts in a row. We get it. You like to pve. Here's the thing though Andy - by asking for a 1/3 of the game to be forgotten you're ruining the same game you claim to love. Also FYI GW2 was designed as a PvP Centric game. 

    "pvP gEts wHAt it dEseRVes" 

    • Like 4
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  9. 23 hours ago, KingJake.6529 said:

    Here is the thing, just because you play pvp all day it doesn't mean most of the playerbase does. We are a tiny minority in arenanet's eyes. Sure we deserve more content, but to them it is not profitable or in their best interest for the game to provide major content drops for pvp

    PvE people for some reason are hard up on denying PvP is a thing. Like PvP deniers or something. PvP is the most active mode in video games. Especially PC. Spvp is definitely played. Its all I play too. Like him.  This forum is one of the more active forums on here as well. Also 2 out 3 game pillars involve some form of pvp in this game. WvW and Spvp make up 2/3s of the game. Pve being the other third. Removing PvP, ignoring it, or pretending like its somehow less important than PvE is a terrible business model. Its why GW2 has struggled some. They alienated 2/3 of their player base for awhile. 

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  10. 22 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

    Include all the weapons/specs that we already have, make the world truly open and not many boxed in feeling inst

    Bro this spoke to my soul - I have always HATED THIS about this game. It feels like were on a console. Its HORRIBLE. My Sky scale shouldnt hit an invisable wall where I am forced into a portal to change maps or use a WP. I want to be able to fly from 1 side of the map to other. Continents should be traveled too. Remove the way point system. Create a recall system like ESO if its needed. 

    22 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

    Edit: I just learned that GW3 is already greenlit by NCsoft so never mind lol. Continue to make that game and please make the PvP a core competitive feature. Not some tacked on mode like it was with GW2

    Is this real? 

    • Like 2
  11. On 12/20/2023 at 11:53 PM, Shagie.7612 said:

    But I don't think the audience that mmos garner now are or will ever be interested in PvP, the amount of people participating in it is a very low percentage of the playerbases.

    I have never understood this take. All the biggest games in the world are pvp based. And its not even close. MMOs are no different - its just not handled well long term. They tend to die off quickly as a result. FYI - Guild Wars 2 was launched an a Primary PvP Game. 

    • Like 2
  12. 19 hours ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

    I suggest playing the class you know the most in pvp. Don't learn a class threw pvp but test your knowledge and might you've gained in pve, to pvp.

    18 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    Look for low intensity builds

    18 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    It's more important you learn what rotations are, map mechanics, and the actual maps themselves.

    @RedMckenzie.8751 I clipped the best advice from this post. Do what they're saying here. Combine it. Play what you are used to playing and do it in unranked. Adjust your build to a low intensity pvp build instead of the PvE Build you're likely running. Focus on your rotations and map awareness - objectives in maps can swing matches instantly.  Watch this quick video as an intro - Blindside did a REALLY good job making this information short an informative. Apparently hes known as Shadowfall now. Either way heres the link ---> 

    Learn these things:

    1. Movement and Map
    2. Match ups and Engagements - Your team fights, whats favorable and whats not
    3. Almost more importantly - Learn when to disengage and what match ups not to take. I.E. Mesmer into Thief when you're new to pvp  for a 1v1. 
    4. DM me if u want more help. Good luck - Dont let the rage heads get you - they're just sad their favorite game gets ignored. 


    • Thanks 1
  13. 44 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

    Let's not also pretend that Anet didn't shoot themselves in the foot when it comes to adding anything new to PvP. Stronghold was the largest resource expenditure in PvP and it was meant to be the new flagship gamemode, but it failed horrifically. Followed by Courtyard and Spirit Watch maps that were made but not added to Ranked.

    At the end of the day Anet is a business. If they feel new additions doesn't retain players in pvp, they'll simply not do it. We're fortunate to even have balance patches at all lol.

    I agree Saiyan - Anet fumbled the opportunity to have THE PVP SCENE cornered. They combined MOBA and MMO combat and honestly they did it beautifully. I posted awhile a back a long breakdown of all their mistakes chronologically. In short though, yeah Anet messed up bad. Our community does NOT help themselves at all though. People would rather be comfortable than good and want their spec to be an answer for everything. It doesnt work that way. 

    • Like 2
  14. 4 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    It feels like they do care, but are terrified of sticking their neck out -too- far because we got a lot of hatchet wielding players here ready to critique.

    It took like 10 years for it to get this bad.  It might take a while to undo all the knots of dev philosophy, workplace politics, and player grievances before we get like a solid conversation cadence.

    I'm not saying I agree with their methods just that its reasonable to expect handling like this as a possibility.

    This community cannibalized itself. 

    • Like 4
  15. 11 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    Nobody but the forum cares what and who plays when...what matters is what is in the game

    I dont know if you know this but..... you're on the forums. Screeching I might add. The current META is irrelevant when it comes to CMC and what he MAINS.

    11 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    not what Timmy and Freddy said in some obscure discord, 4chat,reddit, twich, Instagram, facebook, LinkedIn.

    Its not obscure. That discord made the balancing decisions in this game for years. See my previous post about "you not knowing doesnt mean its not true." CMC the ele main was in that discord. 

    11 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    I go in game and see 4 necro, 3 guardians out of 10 players at that time I don't give a kitten even if the US president plays elementalist

    For someone who doesnt care - man you sure care. 

    11 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    Do you see 5-6 elementalist per game??...NO

    That hasn't happened since signet CATA - the entire point of my original post. Thank you for proving my point. CMC got a little carried away and we ended up with that. Also.......... setting the bar at 5-6 PER GAME is nonsensical. It could just be 4 per game, on average two per team. That would demonstrate a lopsided representation of the class/profession. It's hilarious to me though that your hyperbolic version of it actually happaned with Ele because of CMC though - while you continue to say CMC is not an ele main. 

    11 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    Do you see dozen and dozen of elementalists roaming 24/7 in WvW?...NO

    This is the sPvP forum - my posts here are in reference to sPvP

    11 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    Do you see RAID team made of 3-4 else? ...NO

    This is the sPvP forum - my posts here are in reference to sPvP

    11 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    Do you see fractals spammed to death with eles?...NO

    This is the sPvP forum - my posts here are in reference to sPvP

    11 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    Do you see any ele meta build in competitive?

    My original post was not referencing the current META my dude - it was your inaccurate assertion that CMC mains a guardian - and that you used that inaccurate assertion as the basis for your nonsense. 

    11 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    So who gives an actual kitten if CMC played ele when he was a toddler in the 18th century??? or during the roman empire times?..NOBODY GIVES AN ACTUAL KITTEN!

    Lot of hyperbole for someone who keeps insisting they dont care.

    11 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    Stop with this constant BS

    Take your own advice. 

    • Thanks 3
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  16. 15 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    Ele main? XDDDD... ele is no meta anywhere in the game, do you see any single ele being played during MATS or one of your ranked matches? Are you kittening blind or just blinded by bias? Do you see any pistol ele being played anywhere at all?...heck did you even bother to see how terrible pistol is? They have just botched another utility turning arcane wave to a melee power leap on the class with lowest HP,armor....ele main my kittening kitten...

    All the words you just typed dont change that CMC has been an Ele MAIN for a long time. Of course he likely plays other professions but if you've been anywhere near the top of the pvp spectrum in this game you will know that he is an ele main. Its common knowledge. Just because you dont know it - dosnt mean it isnt true. 

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  17. 41 minutes ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

    "Let's give more titles to the only players who are already able to get the titles."


    Yeah, thanks but no.

    @Deadmoose.6594 Welcome back Moosey - Good to see you buddy.

    @suffish.4150 Earning anything "of the Arena" is a show of skill and consistency during a three-month period. Especially if you know you did not win trade for it and you fought for it. Win Traders will try to farm down ur rank with cheese throughout the season espeially the last day before closing of the boards. So skill is definitely shown - now could people have bought them? Sure and a lot have. So is true for any title or anything in the game though tbh. True Dragon rank is in line with what dragon rank would have been if they hadn't reduced exp margins for spvp rank after vanilla. So it makes sense and I like it. Most of us would already have that though. 

    What I am trying to say is there are plenty of titles that already do what you asking and the new additions address some gaps from before - way to late but here we are. What I would like more time spent on is some actual stuff introduced to the mode. Even if its just Raid (not revenge) on Capricorn - the original beach map for unranked just for fun. Would be so cool to see that again. Its minimal effort too.  

    • Like 1
  18. 26 minutes ago, whooot.5784 said:

    If I may why are you asking people to give you confused react on your post everytime? Where is the point, I don't get it.

    Its a signature not a request I am making - Confused reacts are given out here like candy and often with no follow up. Its the forum DeFacto "I dont agree with this post" emote. However - with the disagreement rarely is there ever dialogue shared. I just assume that if all you can do is react with a confused emote and not say anything then you dont grasp the discussion material enough to contribute. I am making fun of people who behave this way.  Did you think I was manually typeing that out with every post? Your response suggests that may be the case  - I am asking genuinely. 

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  19. 11 minutes ago, EnderzShadow.2506 said:

    dont care about this part. But this part is golden....well, more like low bronze 1. 
    "All Confused Reacts without a reply will be assumed to be from Silver/Bronze players who cannot articulate a proper response to my post."

    If your replies are anything like your posts you shouldn't be surprised eithe

    Are you throwing shade at my posts? 

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