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  1. Warrior should be able to hit hard with its telegraphed skills and also be able to be killed. Let them hit like a truck and also die if misplayed. Anet needs to stop listening to people QQing over warrior damage. Warrior bunker is WAY worse. People have QQ'd about warrior since 100 blades/Eviscerate. You know brain dead you have to be to die to 100 blades? God almighty.
  2. So if you double tap 2 upon using cluster bomb it actually is not telegraphed it becomes and instant exlposion. When your next to sum1 (like when u port to someone off steal) you press 2 in rapid succession 4 times get instant hits. Dunno if you knew that but I assumed you did because I know you are a vet, and I know you know what your doing. Literally nothing is telegraphed from what I understand - if there information for me to learn here please share it (said with genuine intentions my brother) Much love back to you brother - no apologies needed. I didnt think you meant it bad but I wanted air on the side of extending some good vibes to keep the good vibes. Appreciate you. So I totally agree - honestly I don't know what the solution is. You are right here tho 100 percent.
  3. Before we have a discourse in good faith please know - I agree with you. Both classes have a problem here. Also want to be specific I am not asking for nerfs. I am asking for what I always ask for - for Anet to Balance there game with effort and tune the skills not just shift numbers and cast times around. Kinda like how they just copy and pasted an already existing weapon made an expac out of it - and then didnt adjust the animations. I digress Right so I agree - which is why I always defended Chrono "1 shot" for example because chronomancers are setting that "1 shot" up for 5 skills before they are ready to execute. If your that asleep at the wheel you deserve to die, or if they ganked you while you were engaging another enemy you got, got. Thats part of the fun you know? (see my long post history about engis) Theres no build up for Ele and no counter play for theif - which was i suspect the orignal point of @Saiyan.1704 post. Also you can trait for blindness on steal while stealthed which prevents literally any risk of the attack. Now for example right - instead of that I would rather you be reveal on damage from your target the game isnt set up this way however that is my balance suggestion. So for example if the thief is aiming to cluster bomb a guardian and the guardian puts off damage they get revealed. Allowing counter play. No one said this The theif is in stealth - you and I saw nothing example them exit stealth and your dead from a 19K hit. Before we go here - lets make sure we actually completely disagree first. I have literally always advocated for this. I agree. Id rather people (including myself) get rolled for mistakes then have a bunker meta. Better delete or be deleted then we all die of old age on the point.
  4. This made me laugh out loud - God dang that CD is crazy af. I dont play engi but watching it systematically get destroyed by this community during 2023 was terrible. This forum is responsible for what happened to engi. The constant complaints around a few strong versions of engi that had PLENTY and I mean PLENTY of counterplay was so awful. Engi every patch slowly gutted into obscurity. Now here we are - down a profession all together where there was a time we had at least something to represent every profession for a little while. I support giving engi some buffs to allow it to have a place in the game mode. Its terrible right now.
  5. You answered your own question here perfectly. Thats a huge difference.
  6. 19K Cluster bombs is something thats crept up before. The combo is Stealth off steal, Cluster (Bow 2 x2) leave and return. Followed by HS or Sword 3. Its cheese AF. I dont think its a skill issue. @Saiyan.1704
  7. Read through the post - Man this is true af.
  8. We are very, very close to a bunker meta if we're not careful.
  9. @Trevor Boyer.6524 Why did you write me an off topic wall of text and then act like you didnt get my reply? Are you good homie?
  10. I dont know if you know this but that is the entire point of my post...........................? Out of curiosity did you miss that and give me the confused react? The "except" part suggests to me you are picking a bone with my statement otherwise the word is out of context and the entire reason I said what I said was because focusing down the professions I listed and burning them down is the way to go. Which is what you said, so why did you write this? This is very obviously me saying people should not be ignoring these professions while they free cast DPS. What was the point you're trying to convey to me Trevor.
  11. @Sahne.6950 @Gotejjeken.1267 Its WILD during a match the amount of tunneling that happens. People letting Revs, WBs, Thieves and Mez, free cast DPS. While they chase the warrior or support gaurdian and then come here and cry for nerfs. I had a few games like this yesterday. My favorite is everyone getting rolled by a DE or Rev and no ones responds to it like hes not really there. But then all of mid folds. Then here come the typers and the targeting of their own teammates and trash talk -but these fools killed them selves. 💀
  12. I was given something of the sort - from Anet. Ascended shards, tourney vouchers (although I spent those to enter) a mini lama box, a few other things. It wasnt anything but an acknowledgment of the mistakes which is good. If anything im hoping the massive turnout just reinforces that 3v3 and 2v2 permanent would likely see more players attending it than even 5v5. There were 32 teams that showed up for the event man. Thats a lot.
  13. Solo queing in a team based game is a choice. Solo quers dont seem to understand the game mode was not made for you. Your not wrong but Flowkis response is the answer to this Also like I have said 100 times before every1 is made about the wrong thing. Spvp was not made for solo ques, it was not made for duos. It was made for full 5 man premades and meant to be interacted with on an e sport level. I dont understand solo quers wanting to be alone in a game mode that was literally designed for the opsiite - but I wont pretend like its not being asked for. REMOVE UNRANKED, add PERMA 2V2 AND 3V3 QUES FOR TEAM TWO LEADER BOARDS. 1 FOR SOLO QUES AND 1 FOR DUOS AND TRIOS. Make the titles the same and call it a day.
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