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Everything posted by Violetspawn.6421

  1. Specter as a CDPS is fine. Boring to play, but fine. The on ally target scepter skills hardly see any use, not useless but it's whatever. The ability to burst a big barrier/healing frequently is great. However as a support the class feels very finnicky and laborious to play. Why do some support generate quick/alac through instant cast abilities and others are tied to wells, and the specter's alac is tied to wells with a cast time and a forced movement? - Sure you can spam down your wells in place, but it FEELS terrible to do so. Wells in general are uninteresting game design, set and forget is a lazy and unimaginative in any game. The on ally scepter skills if you are trying to play as a heal/support actually isn't terrible (it's not great though) in small scale PvP but as soon as you compare it to what other heal/supports bring to the table it's flaws become evident. In large scale WvW it's a PITA and in 10man PvE, it's just not worth using them. I don't know what the intended use for them were outside of 2-3 player groups and even then other classes will do a better job. It's such an oddly designed spec that seems to try and fill a non-existent niche. I'd love to hear the discussions that led to it's creation. Some fixes I think would make the spec fun to play, dynamic and keep some of the flavor in tact. TETHER: Tether no longer requires you to be in Shadow Shroud but being in Shadow Shroud empowers tether. Siphon has a 10 second duration and retains its 18 sec CD. If no target is selected on Siphon use and you are in combat, tether to Ally in range with lowest HP. You can no longer siphon enemy targets. Scepter skills generate more Shadow power to compensate. WHILST TETHERED TO AN ALLY - When using scepter skills 1-3 on an Ally target that you are NOT tethered to, you pulse conditions/dmg from that ally in an AOE radius around them - 5 Target cap. - When using scepter skills 1-3 on an Ally target that you are ARE tethered to, you pulse healing and boon application from that Ally in an AOE radius around them - 5 Target cap. WELLS: Get rid of Well of Tears. It's the most dull of a dull set of utilities. New Ability - Shadow Scepter. "Increases the damage and healing of your scepter abilities for x duration and increase the range of these abilities to 1500 during this period" Get rid of Shadowfall Ult. New Ability. Shadows Embrace: If Ally is targeted: "Tether to the target and 4 other Ally's with the lowest HP, be forced into Shadow Shroud and generate maximum Shadow power. A % of all damage received by tethered allies is redirected to the Specter at a reduced value so long as they remain in Shroud. Lasts X duration. Ends early if shroud breaks. Direct damage (non AoE) received from any other source deals twice as much Shadow Power damage to you" If Enemy is targeted: "Tether to the enemy target and 4 other enemies in range dragging them into the Shadow Realm with you, be forced into Shadow Shroud and generate maximum Shadow power. Pulse x damage and periodically apply conditions. Exit shroud to sever the tethers dealing more damage the more Shadow Power you have. Shadow Power drains steadily whilst this ability is active and direct damage received deals twice as much Shadow Power damage to you." Consume Shadows Get RID of Consume Shadows. It's too powerful for an adept trait and it shapes the spec far too much for such a low level trait. The above changes would allow far more consistent healing to be applied similar to other heal support classes. I don't care what this trait is changed to but it has to go in order for the spec to feel interesting in any way. Either that or reduce its power substantially. Alacrity As I said, the current way Specter generates alac is annoying and not enjoyable. Change Traversing Darkness to interact with tether. "Apply alacrity to your tethered target and 4 others around them." This way, tether becomes a foundational part of how the spec plays. It makes Alac less annoying to apply - boons should never be annoying to apply and it also means you will WANT to use siphon off CD in order to provide AoE healing or AoE damage, and also apply Alac. Instead of the current use of just spamming siphon off CD to generate shadow power 90% of the time. Suddenly it becomes far more interesting when your siphon comes off CD. Do I want to use this tether window to churn out heals and boons or do I want to use it for damage output. Your ultimate likewise becomes a choice of, do we need help soaking a big incoming dmg spike or are we in an add phase where the AoE damage will help. Do I stay in shadows embrace to generate more condi damage or do I sever as quickly as possible to burst out a big chunk of power damage to phase the encounter. TARGETTING This is so easy it hurts. Whilst tethered and Siphon is on CD, pressing Siphon again will target your currently tethered Ally... Boom. Sorted. Thank you. Tether is such a cool mechanic, let it be what makes the spec interesting to play. Have it as the cornerstone mechanic the rest of the spec dances around. Anyway, I doubt most will read all this so. Just my 2 cents.
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