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Everything posted by TalleFjanten.7159

  1. Trapper Rune for my pvp dragonhunter. durability Rune for Open World pve golemmancer runes
  2. I would be fine with that, but there would have to be some improvements, like pips being rewarded to bring people in. Now a whole match of 3 hours can pass and no structures being capped, its the definition of dead gamemode.
  3. definately keep it out of pvp but relax policy for wvw, wvw needs commanders and new blood. Let people have fun in a sandbox gamemode as long as it doesnt harm others.
  4. My main account is rank 10 000, ive done my fair share of world vs world. Each to their own but multiboxing is what challenges me and what i think is enjoyable. The challenge would be the threat of facing enemies, the risk. You dont get that in pve really. You make it sound like playing however many accounts is easy, you have to move them seperately, manouvre them. That is not an easy task, especially when theres enemies that will try to kill you. Thats more challenging than any telegraphed pve content out there.
  5. I dont know the state of anets monitoring capability but my proposed change to the policy would allow for legitimate multiboxers to enjoy the gamemode without worrying about being banned. Theoratically i could get banned killing a veteran vurm in desert borderland in the middle of the night because the policy says flat out NO, even if i dont engage with a single person or even give my team a single score. I just want them to relax the policy abit. If they changed the policy i would not be their target anyway since i would be actively playing trying to flip structures. The biggest problems are the afkers and general matchup manipulators.
  6. No place in pvp i agree wholeheartedly but wvw should be allowe,d its a sandbox gamemode with huge pve enviroments
  7. It would get enforced by whoever at anet already monitors and enforces the existing rules, if someone is multiboxing now in wvw anet surely will investigate, and they would continue to do so with my proposal. There are already people multiboxing in wvw right now, scouting enemies or afk farming rewards. These people will do this now, and will continue doing it even with the changes i put forward, my proposal just gives legitimate multiboxers who want to experience the wvw with multiple accounts a chance to do so.
  8. Forgot to put it in my original post but you would only be allowed to play in non queued maps. Multiboxing would only be allowed if they are on the same team. I understand the spots are limited and single players should get priority, playing on desert borderlands or one of the other borders if its not queued is not a problem. Now its just a flat out NO multiboxing allowed at all, so the things you mentioned are not allowed now, nor would they be allowed with the changes im proposing, if someone was to be found doing that they would get sanctioned of course. Nothing realistically stops me from going on the enemy side doing what you just mentioned but that would get me sanctioned.
  9. To be honest i gave that an thought, and you are completely fair and right, that would suck for the receiving part. Still, the deadeyes would be on an disadvantage open field, the player still would have to manouvre 1 more acc or however many more they would multibox, and they would have to target and hit the player. Dont think this "niche" gamestyle and "if" justifies not allowing multiboxing there, feels like getting hit by a deadeye even if it is more than 1 is part of the war experience, and surely if a player did do that with multiple deadeyes they would get a big fat X marker above their head from all roamers on the opposite team
  10. Hello Ive been multiboxing for a long time doing meta events, t4 fractals, strike missions, world exploring, but one thing that annoys me to bits is not being allowed to multibox in world vs world at all, under no circumstances. Multiboxing is the one thing in this game that i really enjoy doing, it had very little to do with rewards anymore, but a way for me to give myself an challenge, trying build combinations for 6 characters is the really fun part, and try to beat content. What bothers me as a multiboxer is im completely left out of world vs world, it has so much potential for a multiboxer in terms of giving yourself a challenge and enjoyment, you can try attack structures, and the threat of getting killed by opponents is always there, also i would like to complete conflux on all accounts, doing this seperately would take me 42~ weeks if i got 365 tickets per account. I understand multiboxing in world vs world would bring a potential problem, risk for wintrading, scouting for the opposite team, heck even trading kills. But i feel like people who do these type of things already do it, in the void, undetected. My proposal and recommendation is that they change the policy to allow it if: All accounts must be played actively All accounts must be on the same server Cant play on an queued border All accounts must be responsive A big part of world vs world is attacking structures, thats technichally pve, like it or not. I dont have to actively choose to interract with other players. Hope Anet considers these changes, thank you. 👍
  11. Anyone have encountered this bug and know how to fix it? I can log into the game but the game launcher got 27 000 files remaining and the remaining file count dont seem to go down.
  12. I'm seeing 2 revs in every game and dh once every 5 games, seems rev is op and needs deletion
  13. Anyone know if its possible to see rankings on gw2 efficiency from a couple days ago, especially before rollback. I am quite sure the top 23 had alot more people with just 1 infusion but after rollback there are none with 1 infusion on top 23. Developers you should look into this.
  14. Is this games pvp so dead the matchmaking is nonexistent?
  15. or stop changing them Or stop linking them with host servers that got the FULL status, the server is FULL because they got high population, if they really need to link servers they can link the lower pop ones.
  16. my elona themed engineerhttps://imgur.com/a/KgrWn
  17. So you are on a guest server, of course you are going to have a good time when you are the one that gets linked with servers that are full. But the people that u are against that may not have a link is in a disadvantage. What would u think if they removed some of the servers with lower population and let u transfer to some other server indefinately.
  18. I think the new forum dont allow to share pictures like old forums did, pretty stupid if u ask me
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