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Posts posted by Lumikki.1725

  1. I'm crafting at the moment ascended armor, it's going slowly but fine. A few days and my first full armor set is ready. How ever my second armor seem to be more complicated issue. Also I have some question about Jewelry.

    1. I crafted a few Jewelry items, what was very expensive to craft, they are just Exotic stuff. I'm gonna asume that Jewel crafting what is just 400, that there is no ascended Jewel's?

    2. I'm also starting to craft my second armor for my Druid, but it seem that attributes (Zealot's) what I want, doesn't exist in the ascended armour sets base choises. So does this mean that I have to craft some other ascended armor with "wrong" stats (prefix) and use Mystic Frorce with Zealot's insignia to change armours stats?

  2. I did mean as balance more than if you look players builds as choise of gear and weapon used and classes. There are stats and weapons what aren't often used at all by any class, because they are so bad comparing to some other weapon or stat. Example how often you see in high levels someone use Shield as compare situation to Greatsword? Point been developers should go and play the game and compare the situations by them self. While players can give succestions where to look, it's developers job to fix it, by testing it. Just because design looks nice in statics, doesn't mean it's actually worth of using in the game.

  3. @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:The Holograms spawn in the same order in the same places each time. One need only park their character next to one.

    Just correcting this one.

    They do not allways spawn in same order and same place. They spawn very often in same area, but not allways in same place. Example I often go sertain point to wait the first spawn. I see three holograms spots, but it's random what spot will be as one of the first rounds holograms. Sometimes some hologram spot is not even any of the rounds. Sometimes same hologram spot can be in all the three round.

    I don't know how the reward works, but as far what I have seen. If you get succesfull message in all three round, you have change to get 3 chest from every round. Doesn't allways how ever happen. Also if you aren't making enough damage or healing or what ever in some spot, it may not count as anyting. But usually it doesn't take much of effort to get the succesfull message. Also in my opinion veterans mobs what exist in every spawn, you can sometimes get extra chest from them as loot. How ever, reward seem to vary so much that it's hard me to say how it works. I have got 0 to 13 chest from one event without mount. If everyting fails , you usually still get at least 3 chest, if you did at least hit something.

    1 chest value is about 20 silver. So getting them worth of 1-2 gold in every 15min is possible.

  4. If you are new player then don't use meta gears. Because they are more for experience players. Buy something cheap, like soldier/cleric gear for guardian. This make it easyer to survive for while and when you are more experince and know how to play your character and understand how important dodge and movement is in this game combat, then start thinking more class cannon gears. For elementalis, I think meta gear is fine, basicly go for to maximize your damage (berserker). You really don't have much option, because elementalist is class cannon by design. There are sometimes cheaper gears in TP, what has same stats than berserker gears.

    Power is the most important stat, it will define you damage. How ever, your both classes can heal, so little bit healing attribute can be fine too. Vitalty and toughness increase you survibilty in core lands as new player. Toughness becomes later useless, because condition damage will bypass that.

  5. If GW2 developers want to balance someting in this game, they should play they own game with all different classes in many different samekind of situations. Not just look some statics as what players have done. Then think, players don't use that how we where design or use something too much or too little. Game developers need to understand more deeply why players do what they do. Only way to do it, is actually play the game.

  6. I have done this event for while without mount. While I agree that I can get rewards just fine without mount. I move without mount by choise and I have played this game now about half year.

    There is few things that does affect me.

    First mounts gives players HUGE advance in this game related allmost every event. Everyone can NOT get mount, even if some people says other ways.

    I usually do this event in nights or early mornings, because there is alot less players that time. I mean, it become harder and harder to get rewards when there is more players. Now using waypoints and preposition character correct places before event even starts, is must for someone how does't have mount. How ever mounted players can do same.

    Sometimes using waypoints can mean very long loading time of game area, if there is alot of players there, so long that hologram spot is done even before you start running towards it. This has happen me only very a few rare cases. That's why I do this event certain time, so I have more time to get in places, if it's needed. It's not fun, when you are late of spots all the time, it can cause player quit doing it.

    Now people who says everyone can get mount. First, you need PoF for it. Second you need to be someting else than REAL new player. Because real new player doesn't even understand how this game works "yet" or know that you need PoF for mount. You need to be level 80 and have some experience about gameplay or someone else helping you to do the first PoF story mission. Problem here is that veteran knows what to do and how to get someting, real new player doesn't. They don't even know that they should ask about it.

    As for enemies stoping you or more accurate slowing you down. For new player this does happen even in core land areas. Because they don't know how to avoid certain enemies what use long range attacks. Because you need time to learn everyting first. If you get attacked, you movement speed is slowed. Every second in this events count's, because when the big group of mounted players arrives, IT'S OVER, if you aren't there.

    My point here, it's easy to veteran say, do this or that. Real new player doesn't know anyting as how to do something or even know to ask about. If they do. LMAO: You don't have mount.

    This issue isn't players fault, they just play this game how it's design. This issue is GW2 game desiners fault, they just didn't take a count how huge affect mounts can have in this game. Not all affects are bad, because mounts are fun and very usefull, gives alot of joy for players, but they do have some side affects related to gameplay.

  7. @kharmin.7683 said:If Anet instituted new rules about unattended gameplay, then certainly I would support them just as I support the current rules as they exist.I agree. Botting like this is annoying to me, too, but well within the existing rules.

    Yes, changing the rules would be a great start.

    Now I did pick these sentences, because they are main point what you are saying. So listen up what I'm saying next.Anet changing rules, would NEVER fix the situation, because the problem is not in the rules but in the game design it self.Point been, fixing some classes game design can fix the issue.

  8. @"kharmin.7683" said:

    I have never defended this practice and challenge anyone to show that I have. I have only defended the official rules for unattended gameplay as set out by Anet.

    Then, when people here are saying that tools to deal with these afk farm players isn't working right and are talking new ways to make it better so that "official rules" can be followed without current tools, are you supporting it?

    I ask this because we seem to here spliting hairs, as what is AFK playing. It seem that some are says that AFK playing is not, when you response to GM. I mean, GW2 tools to testing "the AFK" is the response to GM. In my opinion while this is how Anet is doing it, it's not actually working as intended. Point been, AFK playing can be done also so that you do something else like watching anime and ones a while checking games chat, do you need to response to GM. I consider this still AFK playing, because you don't play the game as it's intented. AFK means you will not be at your keyboard for a while, or that you will not be online for a period of time. Basicly in games it means You aren't playing, but You leave you character standing in gameworld by it self. Rules how ever say while you can stand idle, but you can't perform actions, participate in content, or otherwise engage with the world "while you are away from your computer". Problem here is wording "while you are away from your computer", because you can even be AFK while you are using your computer to someting else. Example many of us are reading GW2 wiki while still in the game. How ever we should not leave our characters in that time to spawn spots.

    So we need to fix this because if player gonna be idle in game world they should move they character to spot where it doesn't perform actions, participate in content, or otherwise engage with the game world. So, if players leaves they character in spawn spots while not controlling character, they are basicly playing AFK farming. Only way to fix this is to make so that game design doesn't make it possible to players to do this. Because GM checking are players with you computer is not enough.

  9. @kharmin.7683 said:Still, you haven't shown how any of this affects your ability to play the game. Here's a hint: it doesn't.

    It has been show in this tread that boting hurts others. I give you examples. What is purpose of Boting in first place?Answer is gather resources for them self or/and make money by selling them in TP. So how is botting harmin others.

    1. Where bots work, there is more difficult to other active players hunt, because bots will kill anyting that pops up. This reduce real players ability hunt in that same area and that way reduse active plyers loot. Bot seem to allways be in best easy spots for loots, what is little bit hiding from public eyes. Why would active player has to go somewhere else, when bot's are doing there what isn't even acceptable by GW2 rules.
    2. When bots sells they year after year 24/7 loots, it will lower the value of that loot in TP. That means any casual player who tries to make money by selling stuff in TP get less money because bots. Yes, I know it also lower for buyers, but all that money flows to botters. Even now GW2 economy has major issue as supplay is alot higher than demand. Boting just make situation alot worst, because 24/7 loot colleting does affect the games economy.
    3. People get upset when they see AFK botters and games reputation goes down. Because who would even wanna play game if there would be alot boting. I'm not saying that GW2 has, but boting has no positive affect for games future in customers eyes. Even these posts in here is evidence that players get upset by it. That means it's affecting GW2 customers happiness in this game.

    In general there is no reason to defend boting or very passive AFK gameplay in GW2. Even the official CoC says that as regards to unattended gameplay. Now what's wrong trying to figure what would be best way to reduse boting and passive AFK gameplay, without hurting the other active players.

  10. @"Tukaram.8256" said:Exactly. It really is that simple. AFK may be a problem - pets & minions are a game mechanic.Pet's & Minions are part of game, but how they work (are design) can be affect the AFK issue.

    There is many different way to fix situations. Only issue is that Rangers Pet can not allways be fixed same way than Minions and Turrents, because it's behavior is totally different.

    1. Disable pets loots

      • Doesn't solve the issue if player character can example use AoE autoattack. This isn't right way to do it. Pets/Minions/Turrents are part of class design as characters "Weapons".
    2. Remove autolooting feature

      • This has way to negative affect to hole game community as they gameplay. So I don't support this.
    3. End Minions and Turrents, if player character is example 5min AFK (doesn't move or player do some actions (not autoactions))

      • This is pretty harmless idea, but little annoying as need to recall the Minions, just because been AFK little time.
    4. Limit Minions and Turrent life spawn to general example in 5 min.

      • This does work, but it cause thet Minions and Turrent has to be recalled as they have life spawn. Of cause Elementalist Summoners is only 2min, so a lot easyer than that.
    5. Make so that if player character hasn't moved in 5min Pet/Minions/Turrents damage goes to Zero. If player moves then the damage returns back.

      • I'm supporting this, because it has very little affect the real active players actions and it does affect Bots or general passive gameplaying. Because Pets/Minions/Turrent doesn't anymore kill the enemies, even if they fight. It could/will cause player character to die, because too many enemies around in after certain time, because Pet/Minions/Turrents will die. Only issue what I see is long boss fights, where some range attack class can sometimes stay put in same spot for longer time. How ever GW2 is trying to go agaist this in it's active combat design as players would not be able to stand same spot as passive ways anyway.

    As for people saying that bots don't harm others. They do harm in many ways. Even this thread would not even exist if they would not. In general they harm games economy and player emotions (Community) towards this game. When I say emotion, I mean many players sees them and they don't like seeing bots. It makes game look like it's "better" played as AFK, than been activily part of gameworld. Also bots hug resources, when they keep killing in everyting in the area.

  11. Only thing what I want to say is that while many internet character class builds may be very helpfull. But in my opinion they are missing one important thing. What is that all players don't play classes same ways. I mean, you can example build elementalist for close combat, because player likes to play close combat. Other player likes to play more from distant, so many class build would reflect that. There is no correct build, just best for you own playing style, what can be totally different from some others.

    In some cases I have sen people saying that class sucks, because that and that. When you look situation from your own perspective, it sucks because that player did not know how to even play that class. They tried to play it like some other class. My point is that take succestion and some help advices what is offered, but in the end you need to build any class to way you self like it. If you choose to play class what doesn't fit you wanted playing style, the class will not feel good.

  12. If passive "AFK" boting would be okey by "everyone" and it would not hurt anyone, then these treats would not even exist. These bots as huging resource spots to them self. Redusing real active players ability get loot in that area. As for other affect, it will also affect games economy. Affect can good or bad related are you selling or buying, because boting lowers items and materials values in TP, when they sell them in TP. Everyting players do in this game will affect others one way or other.

    What I'm wondering, does GW2 developers EVER do anyting what is suggested in this forum? I mean if they don't, then hole discussions about allmost anyting as change for issues is for nothing. I'm just commenting this because I see sometimes comment like "it has been this for years and notting has be done".

  13. Been AFK very long time in middle of mobs spawn area is not normal gameplay. Why they don't just put minion in 2 (or 5) min timer like elementalist summoners? That way player needs to be active to keep the "Minions" live. Same can be done for engineers turrent and so on. Only issue would be rangers pet, but that's only one pet. Only classes I have seen doing AFK farming are mostly necromancers and a few engineers.

  14. @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:Mmoprgs require PC investment. That's all on you to do. It's not Anet's problem that you are too lazy and cheap to upgrade your PC.It's not about been "too lazy and cheap to upgrade" PC. It's more about choise as is it worth of doing. I don't consider mmorpgs, so important part of my life that I would spend a lot of money because of some games. I can very easyly be without some modern games and play old ones. I also agree, that it's not Anet's problem, but I don't understand why you are so "angry" by other peoples choises. Anet loose some customers, but that's just normal. Anet can't stay in old technology forever, they need to be able compete with they mmorpgs agaist other companies mmorpgs. Also, it's Anet's choise when they are ready to upgrade they games to DX12. I play GW2 because I can play it with this computer. There are DX12 mmorpgs what I can't play.

  15. In my opinion GW2 is one of the best PvE mmorpgs there is.

    Good: Good enough graphics, npc voices is nice to have, alot of content to explore, excellent event system, friendly community, classes are diverse, base gameplay is working nicely.

    Bad: Story gameplay/combat can sometimes be really bad (annoying as hell), combat sometimes too much offensive (every class use DPS gear), class balances isn't good, crafting usefullness is very limited, clider and mount available too high levels, rewards for effort isn't good (obsolite because economy change), item shop is allways bad choise.

  16. @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Regardless, if those that wish for more rewards aren't willing to obtain Mounts, then, like you, that is their choice. Purchase of Path of Fire is more than reasonable.

    I'm not so consern about people using mouth in this kind of event, that's they privilege. I'm consern about lack of empathy for those players who are suffereing by the situation.

    I do this by choise as I have PoF. Yesterday some new player (week old) was asking about the event and person did not have mouth yet. Chat situation was: LMAO you don't have mount.

  17. @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Not true. I have an account with no Mounts, no Gliding, and I can do the Hologram Stampede.

    It may not be as easy, but it is surely doable.

    True, it's doable, but you rewards will suffer by it.

    I mean it's very hard to get good amount rewards without mouth. I should know it, because I have run with +33% running speed and there are many times that I don't get in time the spots, even to hit one time. Mount is HUGE advance, not just in this event, but many other situations too. There are people who can't get mount at all and there are also so new players that they should not be forced to get mount too early, just that they can "compete" with those who already have mount(s).

    @Linken.6345 said:You dont need more then 1 spawn of mobs to get full rewards in a stampede.

    Not true. You will get reward, but it's not FULL reward.I have got rewards from 0 to 10 chest. Depending how well I did in tier rounds.

    PS: I don't complain, because I could get mount, but I choose to run by foots.

  18. Why can't RPers have they own chat area. That way it's more clean from the outsiders and RPers talking doesn't affect others. Also ability block someones talk can be usefull.

    I don't support making character so that others don't see them. This is mmorpg and everyone is part of this world. I mean how to I example heal or resurect anyone, who I can't even see.

    In general term, it's that social talk that starts the issues. Are they RPers or not, it's the same. Example how some players treats badly new players.

  19. In my opinion Druid isn't good on Open World solo. I mean mostly what you get is just healing and it's not even "good" healing, at least to your self. At the moment I run around with my Druid and mostly because it gives +33% more running speed, but I'm using bow as ranger. I think base ranger is alot better in Open World than Druid. Druids staff base attack what is allmost only attack Druid has, does 3 times less damage than longbows base attack. So basicly allmost only damage you as Druid do is trough your pet. To play solo you need damage to kill the enemy, druid doesn't have damage.

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