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Posts posted by Lumikki.1725

  1. Yes, they should work. Other is attribute increase and other just % of more damage.Two Stacking bonus sigil doesn't work same time, like example Bloodlust and Perception.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigil

    Stacking bonus sigil's will lost they current bonus, when you go down, transfer zone or "move between land and water" or change to secondary gear. Meaning while it's pretty good, you need to stack it sometimes again. How ever you can swap weapon and still keep the stacking bonus.

  2. @Andswith.8149 said:Hey guys, is it possible to get all ascended items using only gold? Or at least full armors?

    I'm just crafting my first ascended armor and I notice there are materials what you can't buy and one material what can be buyed, but not with gold. But I'm still newbie, so I don't really know all the possibilities.

    • Augur's Stone I had to buy with Spirit Shards in Lion's Arch npc.
    • Empyreal Fragment you can get from many chests as loot and Living World Story 2 rewards, can't be buyed
    • Dragonite Ore you can get from loots or harvesting resources in some zones after done Living World Story 3.
    • Bloodstone Dust you get from loots, it's I think most common loot there is.
    • Thermocatalytic Reagent you can buy from master armorsmith npc with gold or even TP
    • Glob of Dark Matter you get by salvage exotic gear, of course you can buy exotic gear from TP with gold.
    • Glob of Ectoplasm you can get by salvage rare or exotic gears or buying it from npcs with many different ways, but not gold, example karma.

    I don't remember what else was needed, what was harder to get material. Others was just common stuff what you can buy with gold from TP.

  3. @Raknar.4735 said:Gameplay wise they do, but players that don‘t purchase stuff in the Blizzard Store don‘t have access to those items.No, they don't because if you can buy anyting from item shop with real life money that puts players in same game in different situation by providing any benefit, then it's not anymore mountly payment system game. It's item shop game with montly item shop payment plan system. Because item shops put always players in different situation, by players real life money.

  4. @Raknar.4735 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:WoW, FFXIV and ESO (optional sub) have both systems though. They each have a sub system combined with a shop.

    More and more games are using the cash shop + season pass (Basically a optional seasonal sub) system. It‘s pretty often both systems.No they don't really have both. Item shop is item shop, even if they sell mothly benefits. It's just basicly steady continues money use with item shop benefits. More like money spending plan system for item shop. You pay steady this amount and you get these benefits. Like I already sayed, they can't be in same game without destrying others positive side.

    But they do, though.Let‘s take WoW for example. You need to pay a sub, to play the game (ignoring the trial version).But it also has a cash shop with helmets, mounts, pets, toys, bundles and game services (char boosts, appearance change etc.)

    How does WoW not have both systems? A sub and a cash shop?

    Does EVERY player who playes same game pay exacly same amount of money and get same benefits. And I mean everyone.Montly payment system exists ONLY if every players pays same amount of money and they all get exactly same benefits.

    Only way company can have both is to have seperated servers.

  5. @Raknar.4735 said:WoW, FFXIV and ESO (optional sub) have both systems though. They each have a sub system combined with a shop.

    More and more games are using the cash shop + season pass (Basically a optional seasonal sub) system. It‘s pretty often both systems.No they don't really have both. Item shop is item shop, even if they sell mothly benefits. It's just basicly steady continues money use with item shop benefits. More like money spending plan system for item shop. You pay steady this amount and you get these benefits. Like I already sayed, they can't be in same game without destroying others positive side.

  6. To make this clear.

    Company has to always make a choise between monthly payment or item shop system. Both of them have they own positive and negative side. If they are both in the same game, then one system will destroy others positive side. What means it's one or other, but never both.

    Positive effect of item shops is that they can get bigger income, not limitation how much money player can put into game and can also provide F2P side.Positive effect of monthly payment is that everyting is always already inside the game world and players "wealth" in the real world doesn't affect the game world.

  7. @mistsim.2748 said:i dont think staff needs anything in pve. in pve, it's clearly a healing weapon. in pvp, it needs serious reworks. adding on some condis would go a long way.

    I don't understand this. What You mean condis? Also why does PvP need it, but PvE doesn't?

  8. @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:Because Necro Staff is very good in WvW and PvP.Only bad staff in my oppinion is Druid staff.

    Only my elementalist, mesmer and druid has staff. But I do agree, druid staff is so "lame". Only the (3) is actually very usefull (teleport with healing). Sometimes I think, does the staff's base attack do damage or is it healing the enemy. ;)

  9. Thanks.

    The Empyreal Fragment situation is solved allready. They where very easy to get in some chests in lower level human zones.

    Queensdale -> Ojon's Lumbermill Waypoint -> other side of lake is bandid cave, there is chest.Kessex Hills -> Gap Waypoint -> near it is bandid cave too. Need to open door and fight, but they are easy enemies.Gendarran Fields-> Provernic Crypt, this has traps and some enemies, but it's not hard to do.-> Blood Hill Camps has chest in one building. One avarage enemy and two easy guarding.-> Not so secret puzzle jump area has underwater chest. There is somekind well looking place in very bottom of the inside area.

    With some classes I just fighted trough, very easy fights, but with one class I actually use invisibility get pass the enemies. No real point of even fighting.

    I got 2-4 material per chest, so with my five character I got 64 mats. Meaning I get Empyreal Fragments mats for one ascended armor part in four days. What is close to same than I can craft those armor parts. I still have some Dragonite Ores (200) so I can craft still two more armor parts. But for last two I have to get more Dragonite Ore materials. But that is likes a few weeks from now, because limitation how fast these armors can be crafted.

  10. I have played about five month and I'm at the moment crafing my first ascended armor set. I got one armor part done and second is comming. How ever I noticed that, I will run out of certain crafting materials what I think aren't sold anywhere. So my question is, where solo player could mine/gather/farm these two materials?

    1. Empyreal Fragment
    2. Dragonite Ore

    It seem to, that every armor parts needs 200 of each. Other materials, I did get, by salvage exotic armors or buying them from vendors.

    I haven't done yet all story quest, so it could be that my access in certain zones is at the moment limited. But if it's required, then I can allways continue the story line. At the moment I'm just done the core lands Personal Story and Scarlet's War. Next would be I think Living world 2?

  11. @AliamRationem.5172 said:

    @AliamRationem.5172 said:So, you're saying that active avoidance and having to deal with more than one damage type with unique means of countering them is not as good as passively tanking damage from all sources with a toughness stat? If so, I disagree.

    No, I'm saying that having two different way to get damage and one is totally ignoring touchness isn't good. In my opinion touchness should reduce both damage types. Notice, I don't mean that armor should reduce condition damage at all, but touchness should. Because touchness as attribute become less usefull if it doesn't do what it should do. This games has many small active defence options, condition removal is just one of many. Even if touchness would reduse condition damage, it doesn't remove it's affects, just adjust it's magnitude. That isn't tanking, because if it would be, then no condition damage based enemies could be tanked now in the game.

    Okay, so the "headless chicken dance" comment is not a sign of your contempt for active avoidance and your desire to "improve" toughness is not a sign that you would prefer passive facetanking in its place?

    No, Tanking leads often very passive gameplay. Where everone is basicly standing same position. I think active way is better. But when player choose attributes, they should be what they are ment to be. Because if touchness isn't meant to be what it should, then players don't choose that attribute at all, it leads less varient character builds.

    Headless chiken dance is what players do when the active defence isn't fully working. Meaning players has so few option to actully avoid been taken damage that only option is just run around and dodge. I don't think movement is bad thing, but if it's allmost only think what you can do, then it isn't good. Many active defence has very long recharde time, what cause situations where players don't have much other options to do than run around.

    I think toughness is fine. Disagree?


    If toughness is so lackluster, why is it necessary to place these kinds of restrictions on just this one stat? It's because if you don't, it leads to a bunker meta where players can't kill each other. Toughness is that powerful. Now, if you adjusted everything else about conditions and how we defend ourselves, then the conversation might change. But that would be reinventing the wheel and for what? The basic premise that toughness isn't good enough is simply wrong.

    I do agree that touchness should not lead tanking like gameplay. Hole point to have more active defence is that we use them and aren't just able to stand front of the enemy. But at the moment hole condition damage isn't anyting more than action to bypass totally the players defence. So if we do that, why we even need touchness or armours. Let every damage type to hit players and rely totally to active defence and health. I don't think that's any better idea, because we would just reduse players options.

    If condi is a problem, just run cleansing sigil. It's totally OP in PvE/WvW for situations where you need cleansing but don't want to use traits/utilities for it. 3 condi cleanse on swap every 9 seconds. What more do you need?

    This is not about can someone cleansing condition damage, it's allways players choise to choose what to do. This is about attributes that they would do what they are ment to do. Magnitude of damage can allways scaled, so adjusting magnitude isn't issue.

    One of problem what this gameplay style at the moment have, is that allmost all builds are notting put maximizing damage. Every attribute should be equal usefull for players, so players would actually have to make real choises about the build. Is the glass cannon better or should I have touchness and reduce little bit damage. Basicly hole touchness redusing condition damage system would not do anyting else than buy little more time to do something. But that's the choise player would have to make, is it worth.

  12. @AliamRationem.5172 said:So, you're saying that active avoidance and having to deal with more than one damage type with unique means of countering them is not as good as passively tanking damage from all sources with a toughness stat? If so, I disagree.

    No, I'm saying that having two different way to get damage and one is totally ignoring touchness isn't good. In my opinion touchness should reduce magnitude of both damage types. Notice, I don't mean that armor should reduce condition damage at all, but touchness should. Because touchness as attribute become less usefull if it doesn't do what it should do. This games has many small active defence options, condition removal is just one of many. Even if touchness would reduse condition damage, it doesn't remove it's affects, just adjust it's magnitude. That isn't tanking, because if it would be, then no condition damage based enemies could be tanked now in the game.

  13. Just play and try them.

    I played many classes to level 30 before even desided to I keep it or not. I'm still very newbie, but I would say. Most of classes aren't really that complicated. Example Warriors and rangers are very simple and easy, as elementalist and engineer are more complex.

    In my opinion, best, efficient and so on, are nice, but most important is that players self likes to play the character (any class).

  14. @"KrHome.1920" said:

    It ignores that condi damage ignores armor and it ignores that toughness is an indirect healing effect buff (less incoming damage = more value of your heals) which vitality (that also increases your "effective health") is not. You can not calculate "effective health" out of toughness. Toughness is not the same as vitality. It's better against direct damage and worse against condi damage. And against hybrid damage it is a mix of both.

    One thing, could also afffect decission making. What enemies does direct damage and what condi damage. Because if "all" dangerous enemies does condi damage, then vitalty is better than toughness. I mean why to reduce damage from something what isn't even dangerous. Basicly asking question, what damage type does usually kill my character.

  15. I was talking Open world PvE.

    Normaly I just use longbow when I do solo content or event's. But in some event's there are alot of players, so I often switch to staff, because so many are running glass cannon gear. This allows me to heal them as much I can. How ever, I do want to do damage too with staff, not just be healer bot with actually very limited healing possibilities. Don't get wrong, any heal in this game is worth of something, but no healer can keep others alive if they don't protect them self. Many stronger mobs can 2 hit to dead and weaker characters even one hit. With slow small heals means allmost notting in these situations.

    In my opinion every class and weapon combination in this game should be good enough to solo basic content. If some weapon does so little damage that it takes like 10-20 times longer to kill content than other weapons, that's not so good. Just because staff can be used healing, it should also be able to do decent damage.

    So, I think Druid staff should be made more usefull. Druid is healer, but it's also one of elite class. This games gameplay is all about DPS, healing and defence is in this game very limited. Every class should be so that they can solo content without it to be painfully slow experience. I don't mean every class should do it as quicly, but when the differences are so huge that players don't even use weapon or class in certain normal mob killing situation, that's not good.

  16. I add one more question here, why doesn't toughness reduse condition damage affect. I do understand why armor doesn't, but while this game treats toughness and armor as same, they really should not be.

    In general, they want to handicap our ability defend our self, so that gameplay would not become too much like holy trinity. To make gameplay more challenging they try to invent more ways to kill us. Ignore armor, limit our defence abilties, prevent our ability to do defencive actions and so on. This all because the headless chiken dance has become the only real defence in this kind of gameplay. Headless chiken dance meaning moving and dodging as avoiding totally to enemies damage.

  17. @"InsaneQR.7412" said:Druid in general could use a good rework tbh. Not just staff.

    I have druid and I agree. How ever, it's not just Druid.

    Range weapons (longbow) in Ranger/Druilds are well design but weak, so that I use at the moment traps to make damage, because both my main weapon (staff and longbow) are pretty useless. In general ways why is that everyting works fine for heavy armoured classes that use range weapons. But light and medium armored "range" classes are allmost forced to use melee weapons, because they don't do enough damage otherways. Maybe Elementalist with staff is little exception for that. Why classes what are design to be long range combat classes are weaker than heavy armored classes in sama range combat?

    In general I find Druids very weak and I don't mean just damage wise. In Druid staff only action (3) is really usefull, because basicly it's teleport with healing. As for Druids astral form, I find it also very disapointing. While you can heal, it's like drops in the rain, I ques it's because avoiding the holy trinity gameplay.

    Of cause in general ways hole defence situation in GW2 is pretty weak. I think it's only ways GW2 development are able to support gameplay what aren't holy trinity.

    So the real situation now in GW2 is. Allmost all active defences are situational or weak or long recharge time or so short effect time that they aren't worth using. Only few classes has good active defence skills. Also range damage is alot weaker than melee. In this gameplay design only thing what does matter is DPS and so most classes use melee weapons, even if they are design to be someting else. The real defence, over 50%, in this game is dodge and running around target (headless chiken dance). Any of my heavy armored characters can kill any enemy or multibe enemies alot faster than my ranger/druid. Some of then can also do it alot safer than druid with all the "illusion" of healing.

    I like playing druid/ranger, but it feels so weak. You can notice it, when you play same content with some other classes. Don't get me wrong, Druid isn't the only class what has issues, example mesmer is on other. Only way to keep GW2 developers idea of combat in Druids, is just increase damage. This means single target damage skills, not aoe damage. Because in this gameplay design every class is DPS class. Single target damage should be alot stronger than aoe, like twize as strong. This is because it has to kill enemies one by one. Aoe damage can kill all enemies in one action.

    I don't really understand why they keep destroing good fun classes to play with nerfing then to ground. Why not improve those classes what has issues. Is it because PvP side had issues?

    As for classes been in balance, that's biggest joke there is in GW2.

    @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:Staff seems to be a subpar utility weapon compare to Revenant and Ele Staff. Not enough healing, weak damage, no condi options. Needs some kind of rework the same way the Guardian Staff had.

    1. Solar Beam - make it a splash healing with radius of 180. Keep target to 3.

    This needs to be stonger damage skill, because it's only one Druids have. Also it's only single target damage anyway. It doesn't even need to heal at all.

    1. Astral Wisp: Rework to ground target. Send a wisp that heals allies and damage enemy upon impact. Can be detonated to cause blind and vulnerability
    2. Ancestral Grace - keep. (only useful thing in the kit TBH)
    3. Vine Surge - reduce casting time to 1/4s. Remove cleansing. Now applies immobilize, bleeding, and poison.

    These I agree. But in my opinion they need only minor adjusting to be little more usefull. Also 3 is fine as it's.

    1. Oasis - create a ring of oasis around you. Allies within the oasis are cleansed of conditions (3) and gain regeneration. Heal allies for each condition cleansed.

    I agree, this need to be redesign, current form is not good. It has to be somekind of ring effect. I think game developers where just lazy and keeped same format "all" staff have, but changed the effect, without understanding how hard it is to use so that it's usefull.

    I don't get it, don't game developers play they own game?

  18. @"Atomos.7593" said:All of the mounts in this game really do make the PvE experience much more fun.

    That is really important point.

    If we would not take account any of the possible issues without been mouth. I mean "only" reason why others seem to say no, is because "It's not needed" in core lands.

    In my opinion there isn't really reasons to deny new players, who have buyed PoF, to have somekind mount early. My point is, if it's fun for others, why would we deny same fun from new players. In many other mmorpgs, where you get mount, you get it like between level 5 - 15. Also it would make this game better for new players and they would not have to do "painfull" story stuff in wrong order. Also the other issues what some deny to even exist, would be also solved same time. We are play this game to have fun. Better experience new players get, more fun it is for them, more active players we get. It also promote new players to get PoF.

    In some mmo, what I don't name here, there you get mount and cliders by doing simple fun quest. I finded the mount quest actully pretty nice and funny. You got this little baby mount and had to carry it in backbag to in sertain area. There you got little plant seed what you growed in gound and harvest. Then you put baby mount in gound, gived it to this growing seed, water and entertained it by dancing. It took like minute and then you got full grown mount.

    My point is that someting what is so fun, usefull and actully make game better, why in here GW2 the situation has to be so bad. We all here love this game, why can't we make it better and more fun for everyone?

  19. In my opinion legendary stuff will have no affect to economy. In my opinion legendary items has bigger affect to gameplay balance, than economy.

    As for ruin economy, it's allready done. I mean ability sell and buy stuff doesn't mean economy is healthty. At the moment in GW2 supplay could be like 10 to 100 times bigger than demand for those items that can be sold in TP. Some items in TP has only supplay and no demand at all. Some items are 100% useless from start, so there has never been demand for them. Hole crafting side is totally useless, except account bound item crafting. Material for crafting in general are more valuable than items made from those materials. Because supplay in GW2 is so huge compared to demand, it's cheaper just buy everyting from TP. Actually we starts to be in situation that people could start buying items from TP, just to salvage them for crafting materials.

    So, legendaries have no affect economy situation.

    I'm still newbie, but I'm crafting at the moment my first ascended armor. It's actually first crafted item that could have actually any usefullness for my characters. Everyting else in crafting has been just to level crafting. I don't mean I haven't benefit items crafted, but it has been more costly than just buy from TP. Because economy situation is so bad.

    My point is that you can't ruin something what's allready ruined.

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