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  1. sea pancake surfing would be a win for me, and i'd totally buy a sea pancake skimmer it if it came out I actually found the original post I seen https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/hufnb3/i_need_this_as_a_skin/
  2. Giant Chicken for Raptor. I also seen on Reddit some one had done a mock-up of a "Sea Pancake" for the skimmer that was hilarious.
  3. It's to encourage you to play game content instead of just dumping gold into the TP and doing a soft pay to win. Why be upset about having to play content? I just finished my Tier 1 precursor (first one ever and I preordered the original game) and it felt rewarding to have to go out and earn the items to do so, and now I'm researching what else I need to do in order to get to Tier 2 PreCursor and finally the legendary. It's a good time.
  4. I'm a returning player, I bought Heart of Thorns as it came out but actually quit shortly after Scarlet's arc. I brought back a few friends into the mix as a result of me just talking on Discord about what I was doing and what there was to do now (holy crap this game is huge now). After about two or three weeks, some criticisms popped up and I just wanted to throw some of these thoughts on to the forums. Maybe some one higher up will see it, but at the very least I can get this out of my head. I don't see a problem with them doing micros for cosmetics, but stuff like mounts... Well, I think the most basic raptor should be available for all of the game, do a living event to justify it, but keep all of the others behind Path of Fire. One of the issues a few of my friends had was they weren't (one still isn't) completely sure if they wanted to commit to buying the expansions just yet, they feel "pay walled" by not even getting a starter mount. The world is huge, even the basic content, plus the raptor is just cool. Let us hunt for SOME of the skins for armors or weapons, that are otherwise cash shop-only, in some way. Is there a way to do this already and we're not aware as a returning group? Is this something that could be compromised on by making it per character or account? Hunting for gear, even skins, is fun for anyone. Go back and re-tweak and bug scrape the dungeons, optimize them for lower level play that they are advertised in game for being, as an example; Ascalonian Catacombs to be for level 35 players in yellow gear but add an option for a "max level" version with slightly higher rewards. Right now, most guides and discussions seem to expect you to be a moderately geared level 80, and it definitely feels like that at times. We managed to beat Path 1, Hodgins, but it took us a looong time at a range of levels between 44 to 60. We ended up needing to switch one of our characters out to something with an ability to pull stuff around to make use of a fight mechanic for the King Howler fight, which otherwise shouldn't have been needed if played as intended. Are there events besides the Bloodstone-crazed beasts and remnants that could be added to entice more population to play around in the lower level areas occasionally, the increased local population might provide some form of enticement to new players to keep pushing through the game. I'm curious if changes like these are made, would it effect the statistics of how long new players stick around on average? There's a bunch of other, smaller critiques that our play group has about the game that I feel like they should look at doing and the changes could pull in more players because it would make it more approachable, without sacrificing game integrity by "making it casual". Is this a drum beat to death or is this something we could have a discussion on? These are just some of our thoughts.
  5. Close thread, self resolved, your account creation system is busted. The work around was to gibberish the email and gmail self resolved it, so he has access
  6. A friend wants to play this game but cannot create an account. He's tried turning off ad-blockers and other such programs, but keeps getting "unspecified error", or "password is unavailable" no matter what password or username he picks. He would submit a ticket himself, but your system doesn't allow for him to submit one since he cannot make an account.
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