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Posts posted by xDumplinx.7983

  1. 4 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

    Atleast we trying to put up a fight, unlike some people or other servers that just take the Mag week off.

    Good on you for putting up a fight!  Me personally, I take MAG week off, I'm playing the game to have fun, and being spawn camped and rolled over 50 v 1 isn't my definition of fun.


    4 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

    Because as you say, at tactical times....there is no supply left cos players have wasted it by putting in the same wall thats being trebbed. 


    repairing walls is just as important as building siege, because all the defensive siege in the world won't stop the flood of players coming through the 5 broken walls that haven't been repaired.  Do you think players are wasting supplies because it means you have to run further to a camp to restock your own? Or are upset because these other players don't share your view of how WvW should be played, and will happily spend time repairing walls, earning rewards, while you are out swinging the pixel hammer round killing enemies? Or do you feel that you are unjustifiably being punished by earning less reward for doing the things you like in WvW?


    Not trying to be rude or anything, but maybe you need to worry about how you play the game, and what your contribution is to the team. Others will play how they want, even if some of it is questionable or just downright crap, but it is their right to play the game mode how they see fit, not how you deem they should.... sounds a bit elitist to me. Maybe you should transfer to MAG?

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  2. Repairing walls/gates is participating in WvW. The OP seems to see it as “if they aren’t doing it the way I’m doing it then they aren’t helping”


    I would rather people repair walls and keep the enemy out so I can concentrate on going about the map killing the other teams


    Take the rewards away and no-one will repair walls, and the fights will mainly end up at SMC every 5 minutes so the next team can flip it

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  3. Personally I find the rewards a great first step as I am still working on legendary armor, and the extra tickets shaves a pile of time off the whole drawn out process. I previously was full time PvE, and had only played WvW long enough to make one ring, then I thought armor would be cool - but was at the point of taking an extended break due to the excessive amount of time needed per week for Diamond (and decent rewards) - then this system came along, and the levels and tickets are rolling in, and, have given me a renewed view of WvW as a whole.


    I also do agree that a vendor/merchant should be put in for veteran players to spend their excess tickets/shards on - something exclusive to WvW.


    But please don't nerf the rewards, new players are coming in (at least to try WvW out) and the (start of) improved rewards may convert a few to full time WvWers - and more players means bigger, better fights  (hopefully)

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  4. 51 minutes ago, Asahi.1487 said:

    People like to stack servers and win with numbers. There is a rumor going around on our discord that some Indo commander going to stack MAG and kill off all the fights/ Anet should put in something to prevent that. No point in playing if its auto win

    How absolutely brain dead boring would that be for them?   It does seem pretty crap that the situation is evolving the way it is.   Is it Mag’s fault? Not really. They are playing the game - some of their tactics are pretty kitten though - and in this current matchup, winning.


    should ArenaNet step in and do something about it?  If it is going to kill the game mode beyond any salvation then yes.  If it is going to cause Mag (even though I can’t stand them) to be penalised unjustly for playing the game how it is intended by the Devs (by design) to be played, then no.

    If Mag want their beloved game mode to survive (and have opponents that bother to log in) they need to alter their approach.  Can’t hurt to let another team win some if it keeps the game mode alive right?


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  5. I think you will find part of the “problem” at this particular time of year is that a lot of Oceanic players are on holiday and out enjoying the summer weather.


    Who really cares if Mag are running the maps this week? Let them no-life it, while you take a break and enjoy the real world.

    Go out and get some fresh air, and turn the game off for a week.  Better out in the real world then stuck in the game world.

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  6. If your morals are that strong and you find armor in a fantasy themed game obscene or offending the easy answer is don’t play it.  No-one is forcing you to load the game and play it. The fact you keep playing it makes your comments null and void because if you truely were that upset about things like this you would not touch the product.

    Not trying to sound rude or anything, but maybe the real issue here is that you have some other problems in your life you need addressed instead of trying to force your own personal morality views into others.

    • Like 5
  7. Yeah nah. If you want the rewards (Conflux etc) you just need to suck it up and play the game mode.


    As much as you might not want to do WvW, it is the thing you have to do if you want those items.  Choice is yours.


    I don’t like raids and refuse to do them, so I miss out on the legendaries from there. My choice.


    If we changed every game mode to suit everyone who has a problem with it, we would have 83,916,254 different versions of the same game mode to choose from.

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  8. I don’t think AR needs to be changed, it serves its purpose to keep people progressing. If we start removing AR requirements from fractals, we might as well drop boss mechanics from raids, collections from legendary crafting, and level requirements from dungeons. 


    if you enjoy fractals as a game mode, just play and the AR, gold, rewards will come quickly.  Hell I only recently made Ad Infinitum and it took next to no time to complete.

    The problem in the game isn’t the systems that are in place, it’s the people who don’t want to invest the time/effort to get the rewards.

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  9. I really feel sorry for the OP if they ever try to get a legendary.  If a couple days time gating is too much the legendary collections and crafting will make them smash their computer


    i can imagine a pile more of these types of threads showing up once the game launches in Steam. Everyone wanting a handout or easy mode and complete removal of any time gating so they can have what others have worked for instantly

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  10. Why not just make an extremely basic mount available through a collection that has required achievements in episodes of the personal story. A few of the achievement items hidden in deep dark caves or at the end of an early jumping puzzle would encourage exploration. Maybe make the reward for finishing Claw Island the last part of the collection and the mount (albeit pretty much a horse on drugs or something) be the reward as a thank you for your efforts.


    Or possibly make a mount part of an achievement for completing an early dungeons multiple paths. 


    Either way new players will be encourage to explore, and within a short time get a mount that is faster then walking but requires paid expansions to “upgrade” to the full version


    just my thoughts

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