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Everything posted by Reincarnated.1754

  1. Are there any know issues with the "API:2/wvw/matches"? Just started playing WvW again, my application to show the timers and owners of objectives taken is only getting data from the server intermittently. There are long periods when it is not able to update the state of objectives. Has any polling limiting or similar been added? Last time I did WvW was a few years ago.
  2. I made a little application. Tim's GW2 Fishing Companion [App.] - Community Creations - Guild Wars 2 Forums
  3. Could we have the daily fish from Taro Everclaw, added to the API:2/achievements/daily? Perhaps put it in the "special": []. Or if you make it a scheduled list, it looks random at the moment.
  4. Added a Time Tab. Helps find the Dawn/Dusk period. TimsGW2FishingCompanionTime.png (614×320) (timsnet.co.uk)
  5. Added two more tabs: Fishing Holes. Helps find places for a Fishing Hole. TimsGW2FishingCompanionFishhingHole.png (614×320) (timsnet.co.uk) and Bonus Power. Helps remember the extra power you get when fishing. TimsGW2FishingCompanionBonusPower.png (614×320) (timsnet.co.uk)
  6. I made a little application to help me when fishing. Tim's GW2 Fishing Companion Just un-zip into a folder then run the setup. Video: https://youtu.be/-D_Jw0GOHwc It has evolved since the video. Screenshots: TimsGW2FishingCompanionFish.png (614×320) (timsnet.co.uk) TimsGW2FishingCompanionBait.png (614×320) (timsnet.co.uk) It has two tabs: Fish and Bait. On the Fish Tab, you can chose a fish and it give details abut it. On the Bait Tab, you select the Bait you are looking for, then select for a choice of suppliers. It gives info on where the Supplier is, there is also a button to copy a link. Pressing the Copy Link button, copies the code to your Clipboard, you the paste the code into Chat in GW2, press enter and you will be able to click the link in Chat, which will show the location on the main Map.
  7. Update. The "Molten Furnace" did not fit. `code` var MapOffsetSouthWestN = -25600; // 100 Tiles. `code` var MapOffsetNorthEastN = -12800; // 50 Tiles.
  8. I don't know who dose the Tiles on Wiki but I have a quick fix if they are interested. There is two things to change just a few lines. This may be temporary (HA HA) so note your code to return back to normal when fixed by ArenaNet. (As If) Could do with a code format button, so I have numbered code lines `code` First is the unproject function. `code` function unproject(coord) { `code` if (Continent === 2) { `code` return map.unproject(coord, map.getMaxZoom()); `code` } else { `code` var newValueX = coord[0] - 32768; //128 tiles `code` var newValueY = coord[1] - 16384; //64 tiles `code` return map.unproject([newValueX, newValueY], map.getMaxZoom()); `code` } `code` } If you made some none API icons, that is, use pre-fixed coordinates, then you need to use the original unproject function. I made a separate unprojectX(coord). Second is the origin of the maps. This only matters if you intend to make some new Tiles. I keep dreaming that ArenaNet find someone who knows how how to make the Tiles. #wher's that pipe# `code` MapContinents = $.getJSON("https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/continents.json" Only gives overall size of map. I doubt that ArenaNet are going to move all the Tiles to a new Zero Origin. (This may have gone over some heads) Currently it assumed the Zero Origin = 0,0. They have increased the overall map size but also increased it Northwards and to the West. (Zero Origin moved East and South) I reckon: South 2304, 9 Tiles. East 19456, 76 Tiles. So. `code` var MapOffsetSouthWestN = -19456; // 76 Tiles. `code` var MapOffsetNorthEastN = -2304; // 9 Tiles. `code` // Get Map Continents----------------------- `code` var MapContinents = $.getJSON("https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/continents.json", { `code` }) `code` .fail(function () { `code` TyriaMapSizeNE = 81920; `code` TyriaMapSizeSW = 114688; `code` MistsMapSizeNE = 16384; `code` MistsMapSizeSW = 16384; `code` //======= `code` }) `code` .done(function (jsonData) { `code` Continents = jsonData.continents; `code` TyriaMapSize = Continents[1].continent_dims; `code` TyriaMapSizeNE = TyriaMapSize[0]; `code` TyriaMapSizeSW = TyriaMapSize[1]; `code` MistsMapSize = Continents[2].continent_dims; `code` MistsMapSizeNE = MistsMapSize[0]; `code` MistsMapSizeSW = MistsMapSize[1]; `code` //======= `code` }) `code` .always(function () { `code` if (Continent === 2) { `code` MapMinZoom = 3; `code` MapMaxZoom = 6; `code` southWest = map.unproject([0, MistsMapSizeSW], MapMaxZoom); `code` northEast = map.unproject([MistsMapSizeNE, 0], MapMaxZoom); `code` } `code` else { `code` MapMinZoom = 3; `code` MapMaxZoom = 7; `code` southWest = map.unproject([MapOffsetSouthWestN, TyriaMapSizeSW + MapOffsetSouthWestN], MapMaxZoom);//lat: -744, lng: -152 `code` northEast = map.unproject([TyriaMapSizeNE + MapOffsetNorthEastN, MapOffsetNorthEastN], MapMaxZoom);//lat: 18, lng: 622 `code` } `code` map.setZoom(MapMaxZoom); `code` map.options.maxZoom = MapMaxZoom; `code` map.options.minZoom = MapMinZoom; `code` map.setMaxBounds([southWest, northEast]); `code` //======= `code` }); `code` }
  9. Thank you, I didn't think to look there.🤔 Looks like the origin has moved west also, do you think they will move the the map tiles or is it possible to use negative numbers to move tiles. I think I need to wait on this one. EDIT Done some looking. I think the API values are a zoom out.
  10. Could you tell us what the world map dimensions are now?
  11. Making a clock tower on my 3D printer. My progress so far. voBLifg.jpeg (822×1073) (imgur.com) Need to work out how to get the puzzle suspended around it 🙂
  12. The Diver's Breather Veil does not show on my character with Toy-Shell Infusion Installed.The Toy-Shell Infusion is installed on Caithe's Blossom Accessory, allocated to the top right slot in the Hero Panel.
  13. It would be nice if one commander could merge with another commander, by clicking on the other commanders tag.(Instead of having to create an LFG.)Give this post a thumbs up if you think it is a good idea?
  14. I got fed up waiting, not being able to use my app. on the new maps.So I have made my own tiles for the missing maps. It would be nice if someone from Arena Net cold take a copy (contact me) and put them on there server so, every one else could benefit from them. Done floor 1, Zoom levels 3 to 7 for:Thunderhead Peaks, Dragonfall, Sandswept Isles, Fahranur, the First City, Domain of Istan, Jahai Bluffs, Domain of Kourna, The Key of Ahdashim, Bjora Marches, Grothmar Valley. Done Zoom Level7 for:Darkrime Delves, Forging Steel. They work fine for me.I took a screen shot of the areas I have donehttps://img.techpowerup.org/200425/capture636.jpghttps://img.techpowerup.org/200425/capture637.jpg
  15. I did a little web page to see emblems.http://www.timscloud.uk/GW2/Icons/API1_Files.html
  16. It would be nice to know, IF it is Going to Happen?
  17. I think the screenshot says it all. http://img.techpowerup.org/170923/capture242.jpg Sorry for my language in chat. but the twat was watching me do several attempts and planted it just as I was about to finish. I will spell it out.Cant interact with challenge when some one puts down a trading agent.
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