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Posts posted by Jianyu.7065

  1. I was lucky enough to have only failed this once and was able to complete on my second try. What really sucks is that there are so many players failing at the same time when it does fail. When I failed, we only needed 5 more minutes and would have likely won. When I succeeded, we had about a minute to spare. 


    All in all it was very fun. Just keep in mind you're not the only one and be hopeful of the fact you will succeed at some point. 

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  2. On 3/21/2022 at 12:39 AM, Eliam.3716 said:

    So can one run Specter in Trailblazer OW just fine or still be squishy?


    I'm running TB with undead runes - honestly the easiest to survive thief imo. with good technical use of shroud you can stay up for a long time in large packs. I killed a champ with multiple adds which is something I wasnt able to manage with other thief builds. I like its survivability but I struggle to enjoy the combat...it feel too. . .heavy. I'm running sc/d by the way.

  3. I believe what you have to say and have said is valid, and it's obvious that many, many players are very frustrated by this meta. I for one, unfortunately, am in the camp of just moving on to something else to balance my attitude out when it comes to frustrating content. But in this case, it's not something that can ultimately be done alone or with just a few people. I have joined this meta several times and have not completed it successfully...yet. Completing this meta successfully definitely relies on many players coming together, so it's not like you can just show up when you're ready for another go and have your expectations met in terms of players numbers and experience.


    I agree heavily that devs are learning the wrong things. Challenging content is one thing, just plain unnecessary is another. 


    Count me in as a supporter of changing this, not so it can be easier, but so players can learn and have fun and be encouraged to join together for it.

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  4. 23 hours ago, Vidit.7108 said:

    In PvE it's just kinda pathetic.


    I'm definitely not someone who claims to know all the intricate and studied nuances of build mechanics, but all I can say is that after over 1k hours of playtime - the Specter is the only class I've been able to solo champs with. I main thief and I am building a Renegade. I really like Rens play style much more than Specter though.


    That said, the Specter has a lot going on. Moving in and out of shroud is cool but it just doesnt feel smooth. I use sc/d after trying sc/p, and sc/d 3 doesnt feel very fun to use compared to sc/p 3. 


    I never really liked the placement type skills either, so I'm not using wells, and shroud 2 and 3, while useful, are unnecessarily placement skills; these could perform just as well for me if they were just on target/shadow step to target. Same goes for wells in my opinion.


    Pve Specter isnt pathetic in how it performs, but in how its played...it just doesnt feel fun. I'm playing it though because I want to learn it, and maybe my perspective will change. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Pezz.4758 said:


    What is your point? You are right, obviously, no I am not entitled to dictate the vision of the game, I am but one individual in a system. But this isnt a staple, this isnt broccoli or clean drinking water, I dont NEED anything from Anet I cant find somewhere else, I just happened to enjoy Anets FLAVOUR of game, and if the recipe changes, and effects the flavour, I only have a few options, try Pepsi, or tell Coke the New Coke aint working out for me.


    As much as I have no entitlement to dictate what Anet does with the game, Anet has no entitlement to dictate what I do with my time , and my money.


    So an expansion releases, I make a few posts explaining my take on it, and I move on, Im not spamming, Ive got what? 10, 12 total posts? 


    So again, what is your point? Are you saying the customer should not be able to express their dissatisfaction with a new direction? How would that ever possibly be a good thing.


    Im a small business owner, critique is EVERYTHING to growing a business successfully, and at the end of the day I WANT things to go well for Anet, and for the hobby I was enjoying. 


    Heres the thing, this is all very very familiar to me. Rumours about NCsoft coming down and dictating directional changes in content delivery, hardcore and casual players fighting constantly about who mommy and daddy love more, a big content release with a TON riding on it releasing to no real fanfare at all, an upcoming steam release, lower and lower engagement on social media presences, twitch streamers diversifying away from exclusive content. 


    If there was a Chua with orange text this is the exact path Wildstar took minus the F2P switch Gw2 doesn't have a sub.


    So when you sit there, thinking "these guys are all so entitled, Im going to tell them how entitled they are and if they dont listen they can GTFO,"


    Ask yourself what if everyone posting these thoughts incongruous with yours simply did as you wished, and went away.

    Without a word, with no explanation as to why, how would that be better for anyone?






    As a small business owner - surely you understand that a reasonable effort can be made to please all of your customers, but in the end - ultimately pleasing all of your customers is impossible. 


    ANet does have the right to dictate how their game is played and the limits and boundaries within it - They created the game. Period. Surely, YOU, decide the rules, policies, procedures of how your business is run...do you not?


    My point is, since it isnt obvious, is WHAT are you complaining about here....9 silver. NINE SILVER. In a game. For the rest of us - surely you have some data to articulate how deep the rabbit hole goes when it comes to the waypoint money-sink. If not, please, for the love of something that is a much bigger deal, complain about something that does in fact substantially effect the direction of the game. 


    If not - then complaining about the waypoint money-sink is just filing a complaint to file a complaint about...nothing. About your perception that there IS a problem somewhere where no problem exists just because you are personally in disagreement. 


    My reply isnt meant to tell people to shut up and go away, its meant to hope players "maybe" take a genuine, and truthful look at what they're complaining about...because the only way any of you will ever truly get what YOU want from the games you play - is if you do it yourself and, god forbid, make your own game. If not, then I suggest a change of perspective so you can enjoy the amazing world these devs have created for us.

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  6. 15 hours ago, Pezz.4758 said:


    all i hear is this


    maybe learn to dodge


    maybe get over torment runes


    maybe dont WP 


    maybe dont expect enough people to be in the maps to do events


    maybe 10 player content is the future

    maybe get over fractal CM nerfs

    maybe try a new class if yours was nerfed

    maybe maybe maybe


    MAYBE thats why no one cares about this expansion and the coverage is already day back to pre release levels

    and no one seems to give 2 cents that this could be the last bit of major content EVER if it doesnt go well


    MAYBE people wanted to "play how they want" and just had the rug pulled completely out from them by a company that hid patch notes until the LAST possible second




    Nothing you ever do is truly how YOU want it to be unless YOU do it yourself. So sick of this entitled and privileged way of thought. You expect ANet to just modify their vision based on YOU not being able to play how YOU want. 


    Yall act like that just because this game can be played solo and you do play it solo that somehow you deserve to be magically catered to. I play solo too - heck, I'm not even in a guild, but these changes dont bother me, but rather help me become a better player - challenge me to find new ways. 


    You complain because you're wanting and you're not getting what you want. 


    9 silver to port across the entire map? Poop. As soon as you port and fight a couple mobs you make that back in trophies or salvage. 9 silver is ridiculously unnoticeable the way it comes and goes in this game and I only play 2 days a week.


    When I see such a large group of people complaining about not being able to get their way in a virtual world that has explicit boundaries and limits - it makes me rather sad and feel sorry for all of you. This is your life, this is how you're spending it. I hope you can see how silly this complaining is and find a way to heal yourself of these self imposed burdens.

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  7. Sorry, but I highly disagree. As a returning player myself, I just got my skyscale about 3 weeks ago, and it took me about 3 weeks to get it and I didnt obsess about getting it. I spent my time in game doing other things if I didnt feel like grinding for the mount. In the end, there were some frustrations, BUT it wasn't,  and isnt nearly as terrible as you and others are making it out to be. Your perspective is your perspective, and it isnt fair to other players that you feel the need to be negative about something they may have a lot of fun doing. I would feel differently if this was criticism rather than complaint. Maybe if you just gave it an honest effort, you would see things differently. I can only play this game one or two days a week, and in this case, while I loathe the saying - if I can do it, you can do it.

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  8. Honestly thought this post was going to be more constructive consider how long it is, but you just kinda complained the whole time while not offering any real solutions.


    It more so seems you're frustrated because you have to do anything at all. God forbid you actually have to work for something. Considering your claim that the Skyscale is the best mount, "everybody wants one" - honestly, anything other than the current questline would be just giving it away, wouldn't it?


    And why would ANet just.......give it away.


    With roughly 1k hours prior to, I just recently acquired my Skyscale. Looking on the wiki at the long list of achievements and time gates, I thought it was going to be a pain, but as I played through, I planned that I would do other things in game to occupy time in between and if I didnt feel up to completing any of the achievements that day, then I did something else I felt I would enjoy more at the time. It took me maybe two weeks to get my Skyscale, and none of it seemed like too big of a chore. A couple things were frustrating, but that was mostly because I was lacking in patience at the time - which seems to be the primary cause of your troubles; lacking in patience. 


    I suggest changing your perspective, because the game will never be built in a way that specifically accommodates your personality traits.


    Less stress, more joy.



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