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Posts posted by Jianyu.7065

  1. I often find these discussions to be demanding and self-entitled. As if in general a person knows better than the developer and the developer simply must comply.

    I dont agree with the OP. GW2 has arguably the most compelling MMO open world environment ever created. The game is always pulling the player toward exploring the world, and the player is given a variety of means by which to traverse the world. 

    I frequently tell players who are looking for something that, by their preference, isnt there - to go find it in another game.

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  2. Good day,


    I am a somewhat returning player. I was here in beta and release for about 300 hours, and then quit playing in early 2013 until about August 2020 when my memories of how much fun I had playing this game were too overwhelming to ignore. I am extremely casual spending 90%+ of my time playing solo. The majority of my playtime is done typically when I have time off from work, however, I do try and squeeze in a couple hours throughout the week depending on what I have going on in my personal life. I have a wide range of interests, and if one of them grabs my attention, I can be absent from this game for weeks at a time. I enjoy everything from NFL football to comic books, and from astrology to astronomy. I have been playing RPGs my entire life and have logged over 1000 hours in Guild Wars 1. I am a 43 year old man with a romantic partner of 9 years (been trying to get her to play since I have been back. She is a gamer but for some reason she doesnt see the PC as a satisfying gaming platform - go figure). I am an ally to equality and inclusiveness, and my main foundation for integrity is patience and being helpful and kind to others. I love animals - I have a furry family member who will be 13 in Feb '22. I laugh at dad jokes and farts - but I appreciate sharp wit with grounded intelligence. 


    I am not very social - unfortunately, however - I do have some goals that I believe would be better fulfilled with the help of a guild. Most are selfish and personal - the other is quite simply friendship. I have a demanding work and personal life, so I figure for the time I spend here, it would be nice to get to know some people. I am going out on a limb here because I cherish my solo time, and I will likely not engage much because I dont like the "zerg" or following other people around. I like to experience things on my own terms because thats how I learn best, and I hope to extend the same freedoms to others. 


    If anyone would be so kind, please message me and we can chat it out. Oh, my server is Tarnished Coast.


    Thank you for your consideration.

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